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Arena Fix; Success? Not so much...

Arena Fix; Success? Not so much...

21 май 2021, 17:2721.05.21

Arena Fix; Success? Not so much...

Dear Plarium,

   I hope you can read this as it would really mean a lot to me. Normally, I don't write formal posts like this but I really want to share my feedback. So, is the new arena a success? 

   I definitely agree that the average player power has lowered and I am able to win most matches. Most matches are easy wins, which I like, but there is one con. For the teams that I am not able to beat, there is a huge difference. They are full of Arbiters and Visix. So for a future update, I would like to see that the power levels of both these teams are lowered and increased until they meet in the middle; Instead of 4 four stars and 4 6 stars maybe 4 5 stars. I also disagree that some pages are even worse than before, basically an end-game comp (Madame, Arbiter, Misc (Oh god he is so annoying), and Skullcrusher. This was one of the many unbeatable teams (at least for my power) to beat on the page. After a simple 5 gems, the new page was full of easy wins. You basically have to get lucky to win. 

