How I counter Swift Parry and Reaction Accessories
As we all know, Swift Parry set and Reaction accessories are very annoying in arena. I can turn the match from winning to losing with these.
To all who don't know, Swift Parry set put unkillable to the wearer with a 50% chance when about to die. And Reaction accessories prevents enemies from doing critical hits if the wearer were attack before the wearer gets a turn.
I don't know if there are videos in youtube that showcase this team so I will post it here anyway.
I was theory crafting how to counter these for quite some time now and I finally build a team after the release of a specific champion Genbo the Dishonored! Because of him, I have a team that can counter both Swift Parry and Reaction accessories at the same time.
Disclaimer. This is a very specific team. There could be other champions that can put block buffs to prevent swift parry like Uugo, but it can do weak hits to force affinity champions like Chandraphon which I don't like.
My team consist of Arbiter, Kymar, Serris and Genbo.
Kymar can be replace by Gurgoh, but I like Kymar more as his reset also has turnmeter boost.
While anyone can say you can just go 2nd to bypass Reaction accessories but I feel this is risky.
The turn oder:
Arbiter uses A3 for turnmeter boost and attack buff
Kymar Sleeps everyone. The key move here in order to stop reaction from procing by letting them get a turn.
Serris decrease def. Any other non hitting decrease defense debuffer like Spider is good too. Unfortunately here I miss decrease def on Kymar. But it does not matter as Genbo can still 1 shot this guy. Arbiter uses A4 here in order to push turnmeter of Genbo.
Everyone wakes up, waste a turn. Thus, if they have Reaction accessories, they will not work anymore. Then Kymar uses A3 which also pushes turnmeter to prevent their Arbiter from cutting in. Kymar reset / turnmeter boost
Genbo Buffs and nukes
The stats:
These stats are not the best you can find :D But I really like this team set up as I can go on full damage on my nuker by not requiring it to have speed stats. I can concentrate on giving him damage.
I just build this today and I am still testing it. If I am wrong on some aspect or I miss anything just let me know :)