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Pivoting point.  Elhain vs Kael advice.

Pivoting point. Elhain vs Kael advice.

16 май 2021, 23:4416.05.21

Pivoting point. Elhain vs Kael advice.

Elhain  has  been  my  main  carry,  farmer  do  it  all.  She  is  my  only  level  60.

I  pulled  kael  recently  and  leveled  him  to  50.

I’m  in  the  unique  position where  I am about  to  rank my  second  level  60  While  also  buying  my first  set  of  masteries  for  one  character.

I  have  really  enjoyed  Elhain  even  though  the  general  consensus  is  that  Kael’s  better.

Do  I  pivot  into  Kael  now  or  stick  with  my  first  love.  

16 май 2021, 23:4916.05.21

My  general  rule  of  thumb  is  to  only  have  1  starter  lvl  60.

It  is  because all  the  starters  get  replaced.

Kael  is  very  good  becuase  he  does  Poison.

I  guess  the  question  I  have  for  you  is  do  you  have  another  hero  who  does  poison?

16 май 2021, 23:5816.05.21

I  do  not  have  another poisen  hero.  That’s  one  of  the  reasons  I  leveled  him.

Have  been  trying  to  clear  dragon  13  for  my  first  6  star  gear  and  Kael  keeps  getting  tapped  on  wave  2.  

17 май 2021, 00:3517.05.21

like anything else in this game, don't count on 6* gear from Dragon 13.  It is a fantasy they put out there and the u-tube hawkers bark it out at you that all you gotta do is....blah blah blah.  If it was so easy why would they push you to do Dragon 20?

My first account I also carried my whole game with Elhain L60, did not get a Kael until much later, had a Galek first but threw him away. Nothing magic about Kael, just like anything else got to gear him up and push the right artifacts. 

2nd time around been using Athel. Even without poison Athel has higher ratings than Kael.

17 май 2021, 01:2917.05.21
End Is Near

like anything else in this game, don't count on 6* gear from Dragon 13.  It is a fantasy they put out there and the u-tube hawkers bark it out at you that all you gotta do is....blah blah blah.  If it was so easy why would they push you to do Dragon 20?

My first account I also carried my whole game with Elhain L60, did not get a Kael until much later, had a Galek first but threw him away. Nothing magic about Kael, just like anything else got to gear him up and push the right artifacts. 

2nd time around been using Athel. Even without poison Athel has higher ratings than Kael.

What  do  you  suggest  for  6*  gear  set?  Campain  nightmare?  

17 май 2021, 02:1317.05.21

I could never stomach the idea of all that energy being used for nightmare, so I could not tell you. Now that they have the forge I have gotten a few 6 star artifacts, and some came my way via prizes, but generally most of my stuff is 3-5 star artifacts. If you feel you have gone as far as you can with 3 to 5 star, then go for 6, but bear in mind leveling them up is very costly in silver when you go 20k+ per turn, and it takes 30+ turns.

This game tries to make you think you never have or can never do enough, like feeding a hippo.

17 май 2021, 07:4717.05.21
Sigma 27

What  do  you  suggest  for  6*  gear  set?  Campain  nightmare?  

5* gear should be more than enough for your current needs by the sounds of it. But yes, there is nothing wrong with 6* gear from campaign to get you going. Especially with gloves, chest and boots.

17 май 2021, 09:0417.05.21

Probably a 5* epic with good substats from dungeons can be much better than 6* uncommen gear from nightmare campaign. A lvl 12 epic can have a 3-times roll on one substat, uncommen gear can not have a 3-times roll at all, as it gets new substats at 8, 12 and 16. 

17 май 2021, 10:3317.05.21
Sigma 27

I  do  not  have  another poisen  hero.  That’s  one  of  the  reasons  I  leveled  him.

Have  been  trying  to  clear  dragon  13  for  my  first  6  star  gear  and  Kael  keeps  getting  tapped  on  wave  2.  

Who else do you have? Can you post your roster? I generally agree with J on not taking a second starter to 6*, but I suppose exceptions could be made depending on who your other options are. 

And as others have said, don't obsess too much over 6* gear. For months to come, you'll still primarily be using 4* and 5* gear, which is fine. 6* gear is better but not radically better, it's not a huge gap like there is between a level 60 champion and a 5* level 50 champion. It's perfectly possible to get to stage 20 dungeons with entirely 5* gear, as long as you have the right combo of level 60 champions with the right masteries.  

17 май 2021, 11:5017.05.21

Yeah. I consider myself endgame, and I still use the occasional 5* piece. At your point in progression don't stress too much over 6*. That being said, I would probably avoid upgrading 5* gear to 16 unless it's got very good substats and rolls.

17 май 2021, 12:1717.05.21

Problem with Kael is he ONLY has a 2.5% poison and he will get replaced ...

I despise my Kael , he is a Glass Canon ...

I get way better usage out of my ATHEL and Elhain

and as for Poisoners , well there are 5% Poisoners that have way better kits then Kael ..

You dont ** NEED ** a Poisoner to do Dragon 13  or Kael for that matter ...

See no Kael 



17 май 2021, 14:0817.05.21
17 май 2021, 16:25(отредактировано)

Kael: Won't be your poisner for endgame, only has one aoe that hits one time. Tyrn meter boosts need kills.

Elhain: double aoe, single target nuke +aoe with better crit rate which is easy to get thanks to the multipliers, which goes along with a1. Elhain tankier than Kael. To me, Kael is worse than elhain

17 май 2021, 14:2217.05.21

Kael: Won't be your poisner for endgame, only has one aoe that hits one time. Tyrn meter boosts need kills.

Elhain: double aoe, single target nuke +aoe with better crit rate which is easy to get thanks to the multipliers, which goes along with a1. Elhain tankier than Kael. To me, Kael is worse than elhain

If by JUNK you mean 'still better than all but five or so other rares', sure. Neither Kael nor Elhain are endgame champs - but Kael's combination of poison and a solid AOE makes him worth considering even at higher levels for the dragon dungeon, Elhain not so much. 

17 май 2021, 15:1417.05.21

Kael still keeps my alt in G4 lol. But that is irrelevant. For early to Midgame kael is hands down best starter. Rest suck, lol 

But agree with J, only 1 starter to 60. 

17 май 2021, 20:4617.05.21

Of  course,  I  disagree  with  few  people on  this  thread.

You  should  care  about  6  star  gear.

Dragon  13  is  HUGE!

This  is  your  first  step  to  getting  6  star  gear.

Even  if  the 6  star drop  rates  are  low,  You  can  still  get  good  5  star  pieces  along  the  way.

The  6  star  gear  you  get stage 13  can  be  same  quality as  6  star  gear  I  get  at  stage  25.

You  put  yourself in  a  strong  position.

Obviously,  I  don't  like  the  idea  of  2  starters  lvl  60  because  they  will  be  put  in  vault.

The  starters  dont  last  forever  and  get  replaced  by  other  rares,  epics,  or  leggos.

I  would  look  at  every  hero  you  own  just  to  double  check.

You  might  have over  look  an  alternative poison  hero  by  mistske.

If  you  don't have  another  poison  hero,  Than  you  are  forced  to  use  Kael.

Its  not  ideal,  but  you  have  to  do  what  you  have  to  do  to  get  the  job  done.

Kael  to  lvl  60  would  be  your  last  resort  option.

In  other  related  news,  FluffyPudding  comment  on  this  forum  is  ridiculous.

Just  take  what  he  says  with  a  grain  of  salt.

The  Dragon is  vulnerable to  poison.

Its  the  entire  reason  we  are  having  this  poison  discussion.

FluffyPudding  is  just  a  beginner.

He  doesnt  know  what  he  is  talking  about.

His  Frozen  Bashee,  Tayrel,  &  Miscreated  Monster  are  still  lvl  40.

His  words  &  his  actions  are  what  you  would  expect from  inexperienced player.

Its  fine  to  be  a  beginner  -  we  were  all  beginner once.

Just  don't  take  anything  he  says  serious.

17 май 2021, 21:2217.05.21

I think kael is fantastic, i relied on him for ages although i would say it depends on your roster whether to six star him

On the topic of dragon importance for gear vs campaign, no doubt ill get roasted by the experts but- while epic  gear from dragon etc is undoubtedly better than campaign gear there are absoloutely situations to farm campaign for gear rather than dragon- especiallly in midgame

A prime example would be speed boots. If you dont have any good speed boots in the right set, i would always recommend farming them from campaign then picking up better from dragon at a later stage

Oh and poisoners are the best bet for dragon in my opinion, i run 2 poisoners for dragon 20 and it blows up in seconds once past the waves.

17 май 2021, 21:4217.05.21

Problem with Kael is he ONLY has a 2.5% poison and he will get replaced ...

I despise my Kael , he is a Glass Canon ...

I get way better usage out of my ATHEL and Elhain

and as for Poisoners , well there are 5% Poisoners that have way better kits then Kael ..

You dont ** NEED ** a Poisoner to do Dragon 13  or Kael for that matter ...

See no Kael 



Just a friendly suggestion, i see you have scyl so presumeably you are past 180 days and at a similar stage to me.

I think you might benefit from less level 40's and more level 60's? unless there are more in the vault that i cant see?

17 май 2021, 22:1717.05.21

Kael is prety amazing.  He not only has the hard-hitting AOE that all the starters has, he also has the 4-hitter poison which is at 5%.  It took me a while before I moved him off my clan boss team and into a straight arena-nuker.  If you get frozen banshee, she'll be better than any of the starters on the dragon itself and on clan boss although she obviously won't help much with the waves.  If you are looking specifically for gloves, chest, and boots, you can farm campaign to get some 5* %defensive or %hp pieces.  Obviously they'll be replaced long-term but you will not regret the small amount of farming since you can hand those pieces off to other characters when you do eventually get better pieces from the dragon.

17 май 2021, 22:3117.05.21

I think if you are farming gear in campaign it is a mistake and you are probably forcing sets over stats. Getting to as high as you can in dragon is important not necessarily for 6star gear but better 4/5 star gear. I would say minimum 5star rare on bottom, 4star epic on top. The wasted silver on common gear u will never get back. The patience to conserve silver and only upgrade top gear is difficult even in late game for me. Every artifact event passes and I still look back and wonder how little progress I made, lol.

17 май 2021, 23:0117.05.21

I think if you are farming gear in campaign it is a mistake and you are probably forcing sets over stats. Getting to as high as you can in dragon is important not necessarily for 6star gear but better 4/5 star gear. I would say minimum 5star rare on bottom, 4star epic on top. The wasted silver on common gear u will never get back. The patience to conserve silver and only upgrade top gear is difficult even in late game for me. Every artifact event passes and I still look back and wonder how little progress I made, lol.

Generally i only upgrade gear past 8 during events, ill roll to 8 to see if i am going to hit the speed roll or whatever. But i agree on the cost of upgrading, it drives me potty when i lose 2+ million upgrading one piece. So the point on wasted silver is a good one

But for speed boots it just takes so long to get a good pair from dragon that yes ill spend an hour farming nightmare to get some 6 star commons, then replace them later... i usually try to level food at the same time to be efficient.

18 май 2021, 03:1018.05.21

Who else do you have? Can you post your roster? I generally agree with J on not taking a second starter to 6*, but I suppose exceptions could be made depending on who your other options are. 

And as others have said, don't obsess too much over 6* gear. For months to come, you'll still primarily be using 4* and 5* gear, which is fine. 6* gear is better but not radically better, it's not a huge gap like there is between a level 60 champion and a 5* level 50 champion. It's perfectly possible to get to stage 20 dungeons with entirely 5* gear, as long as you have the right combo of level 60 champions with the right masteries.  

Thanks  for  all  the  support  guys.

I  bit  the  bullet  and  maxed  out  Elhain  on  all  masteries.  I  managed  to  auto  stage  13  dragon  which  is  insane.

My  lineup  up.

warmaiden  50

dibolist  50

elhain  60

nazana  50

kael  50

coffin  smasher  50  (clan  boss)

any  recommendation  appreciate  on  who  to  6  star.  I  kinda  wanna  go  Nazana  cause  i’m  loving  her  here  but  i  dont  see  anyone  talking  about  her  later  in  game  and  maybe  she ‘s  not  as  good  as  i  think.