Plarum, dident you guys say you would fix Arena first half of may?
Well we are now over halfway throu may, and still the issue about arena have not been fix.
And I cant seem to find any anouncment from you guys that tell me when its gonna happen, are you actualy fixing it, or are you just hoping that the problem will solve itself when all players leve the game in furstration, and its only whales back to pay to win?
the fustrating part of this is not only that we are stuck in bronze figting whales, but right now during the Arena turnament, its practaly impossible to get the fusion fragments, because we are fighting players way harder than we are suposed to, and when we only get a few arena point there is a really lonw way to get 280 points when we cant win any fights. at least give us more points for a win so we have a fighting chance.