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Plarum, dident you guys say you would fix Arena first half of may?

Plarum, dident you guys say you would fix Arena first half of may?

16 май 2021, 17:5716.05.21

Plarum, dident you guys say you would fix Arena first half of may?

Well we are now over halfway throu may, and still the issue about arena have not been fix. 

And I cant seem to find any anouncment from you guys that tell me when its gonna happen, are you actualy fixing it, or are you just hoping that the problem will solve itself when all players leve the game in furstration, and its only whales back to pay to win?

the fustrating part of this is not only that we are stuck in bronze figting whales, but right now during the Arena turnament, its practaly impossible to get the fusion fragments, because we are fighting players way harder than we are suposed to, and when we only get a few arena point there is a really lonw way to get 280 points when we cant win any fights. at least give us more points for a win so we have a fighting chance.

16 май 2021, 18:3416.05.21

I believe they are doing it next week.

Not convinced it will help to be honest, i think they need to expand the number of tiers and remove deflationary measures such as removing excess points. But they did announce the 'fix' is next week.

16 май 2021, 18:5416.05.21


I took this SS this morning , posted it somewhere else as well, but good luck fixing this trash.

16 май 2021, 19:0416.05.21

Agree, that is aslo some of the teams I run in to in Bronze III, and I will never get the arbiter, this way, And the pain in lvl great hall is a joke. 

Really hope that they have a complete rework of arena in mind, and fix the core issues, and not just a small bandage on a pulsating wound. The hole system were fine maybe a year ago, but there game have evolved alot i think, and what were a great idea back then, maybe dont work today.

16 май 2021, 19:2416.05.21

It has gotten worse each week as teams get forced down

This was a month ago, low gold 1- fairly easy fights to be honest 


Then 2 weeks later the arbiter leads started appearing in G1



And now, those same teams are flooding upper silver as well.

At the rate we are going? silver 1 will look like this in a month or two.

16 май 2021, 19:4516.05.21


This is what im facing tonight, I know that it doesnt matter with legoes, and I can also sometimes get lucky and take down a team with a lego or prehaps 2, but then its more luck that anything. And Scyl im still 60 days away from getting her, maybe that should be some kind of parameter in theier way of matching up teams, that you dont face up with ppl that have played the game more than a month of you in bronze, 2 month in silver, then maybe 4 month in gold. that way new playsers dont get to face oponents that have played a year or 2 more than them and have alot more time to get good gear and better heroes.

16 май 2021, 21:1216.05.21

Welcome to Bronze II were the average team power is over 100k, I don;t care what anyone at Plarium says, this is so broken!!!!


16 май 2021, 21:5616.05.21
16 май 2021, 21:57(отредактировано)

yeah the battles up here get really fucking stupid. i may or may not be able to beat most teams so i guess i can't complain about the difficulty of the actual battles (in gold 4 specifically), but what i can complain about is the fact that it'd take at least 10 years for me to max my great hall at this point.


16 май 2021, 22:2316.05.21

yeah the battles up here get really fucking stupid. i may or may not be able to beat most teams so i guess i can't complain about the difficulty of the actual battles (in gold 4 specifically), but what i can complain about is the fact that it'd take at least 10 years for me to max my great hall at this point.


I have the same amount of arbiter teams in my refresh in S4 as you do on yours in G4, one difference I see is you at least have a free win team in the mix. An entire rank below a d it's no different than the top? Arena is 100% broken.

17 май 2021, 01:0617.05.21

Please make it possible again for mere mortals to progress the arena missions and hence the great hall. Wall-to-wall Arbiters in Silver IV need to go NOW! 


17 май 2021, 08:1317.05.21


17 май 2021, 08:1417.05.21

I also saw an Arbiter Team in Bronze ihre 

(As many peeps know I dort habe a Single 6 star)

17 май 2021, 09:5017.05.21

I have the same amount of arbiter teams in my refresh in S4 as you do on yours in G4, one difference I see is you at least have a free win team in the mix. An entire rank below a d it's no different than the top? Arena is 100% broken.

some of the champs may be the same, but gold 4 is a different beast entirely.

most speed teams up here have over 280 speed on their fastest champ. my speed is well over 300 and i still lost the speed battle to a few of these people.

that krisk pretty much solo'd my entire team. after the rest of his team went down i couldn't even get his hp bar to budge. and the player is lvl 59. it doesn't make any sense.

the "free win" you are so jealous of, won the speed battle against me. even though their arbiter was faster, i cut in after and got decrease attack on their skullcrown. even then, she still hit over 50% of my team's hp when she countered.

don't even get me started on the tripple reviver team.

and the team at the bottom had almost 300k player power.

17 май 2021, 10:0117.05.21

some of the champs may be the same, but gold 4 is a different beast entirely.

most speed teams up here have over 280 speed on their fastest champ. my speed is well over 300 and i still lost the speed battle to a few of these people.

that krisk pretty much solo'd my entire team. after the rest of his team went down i couldn't even get his hp bar to budge. and the player is lvl 59. it doesn't make any sense.

the "free win" you are so jealous of, won the speed battle against me. even though their arbiter was faster, i cut in after and got decrease attack on their skullcrown. even then, she still hit over 50% of my team's hp when she countered.

don't even get me started on the tripple reviver team.

and the team at the bottom had almost 300k player power.

My speed lead is 290+ (sheet speed) and i frequently lose the speed race in S4

When i was G2 a month or so ago i won about the same number of speed races. I think you would be surprised at how little things get easier as you drop tiers. And- its getting worse.

17 май 2021, 10:4817.05.21
17 май 2021, 10:50(отредактировано)

I'm fairly sure at this point that defense teams in arena have a better chance to succeed in their debuff etc rolls (like the supposed 40%-50% chance of true fear from Serris for example) than the human player. It's getting a bit annoying really.

Some clarity from Plarium on if and what parameters are being artificially boosted by them to prevent attacking players from winning would be only fair.

17 май 2021, 11:1017.05.21

some of the champs may be the same, but gold 4 is a different beast entirely.

most speed teams up here have over 280 speed on their fastest champ. my speed is well over 300 and i still lost the speed battle to a few of these people.

that krisk pretty much solo'd my entire team. after the rest of his team went down i couldn't even get his hp bar to budge. and the player is lvl 59. it doesn't make any sense.

the "free win" you are so jealous of, won the speed battle against me. even though their arbiter was faster, i cut in after and got decrease attack on their skullcrown. even then, she still hit over 50% of my team's hp when she countered.

don't even get me started on the tripple reviver team.

and the team at the bottom had almost 300k player power.

I'm 286 sheet speed with my follow up 231 speed, and lose the speed battles and get cut in on in S4.

17 май 2021, 12:2117.05.21
17 май 2021, 12:24(отредактировано)


I took this SS this morning , posted it somewhere else as well, but good luck fixing this trash.

Whats wrong with THAT in SILVER .......................


well not the Arbiters ,, BUt I Do See Arbiters in Bronze one ......

17 май 2021, 12:4717.05.21

I'm 286 sheet speed with my follow up 231 speed, and lose the speed battles and get cut in on in S4.

then i suppose i was making my claims based off of old info. about a month ago i was in gold 4 arena with about 270 speed lead. i improved my team to over 300 speed at that time and have been doing better. over the past week i haven't played too many arena battles.

so let's change when i said "most speed teams up here have over 280 speed on their fastest champ" to be over 300 speed instead; to account for 280+ speed teams dropping down, or even stronger teams becoming semi-inactive and dropping down.

17 май 2021, 13:4717.05.21

To be fair it was dramatically different a month or two ago- it just seems to be getting worse in the lower tiers every week.

17 май 2021, 13:5017.05.21

They know no amount of matchmaking tweaks will ever work.

Arena needs a whole points system rework, nothing short of that will ever fix arena.

Another point is that arena is bleeding players since doom tower, not because doom tower is not fun, but because now there's just too many things to be kept up to stay "competitive" in the game. The more player being less active in arena the harder it is to actually climb the arena ladder because there's just not enough point to go around 

Plarium have backed themselves into a corner... Arena cannot be fix, it needs to be remake.

OracleCommunity Manager
17 май 2021, 15:2817.05.21

Hi! Indeed there were some delays in the rebalancing of the Arena.

However, we are going to release promised changes to the Arena this week if all things go well