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Looking for help building an arena team out of my current available champs.

Looking for help building an arena team out of my current available champs.

15 май 2021, 23:0015.05.21

Looking for help building an arena team out of my current available champs.

Hi all.

Could you guys help me set up my arena team? I'm just getting into it and not sure what's best to use. I have been using Duchess, Dhukk, Skullcrusher/Deacon and Kael which are not bad, but I feel like i could probably set it up a bit better. Also I have the food to 6 star one champ at this time. So if there's a champ in there that I haven't leveled yet but I should be using, it's no problem.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Below is my champroster.


15 май 2021, 23:0815.05.21

High katun. No doubt

15 май 2021, 23:0915.05.21

kurzard is awesome too

15 май 2021, 23:2515.05.21

Thanks man, will definetely take those into consideration.

15 май 2021, 23:3915.05.21

It depends on the type of team you are building.

If you are going for a speed nukker team, I would look at Countess Lix. 

Her A2 will attack all enemies three times and when booked, land speed reduction and turn meter down?

The issue is your Dutchess is really slow.

So if you want a go second team, then maybe look at Vogoth.

15 май 2021, 23:5715.05.21

I suggest High Khatun, Ghostborn, Kael, Umbral. 

Khatun for speed, Ghostborn A3 atk buff + deff debuff that can't be resisted (so you can build him with 0 acc, more damage for your team), Kael damage, Umbral unkillable + provoke if somebody survived Kael's hit. They hit back and only attack unkillable Umbral. Your second turn: Ghostborn has another AoE attack for them.

16 май 2021, 10:0116.05.21

Wow, you have a super strong roster... people already suggested several viable teams and still there are great options that haven't been discussed.

Actually your current team is quite good, it just needs to be built right, with Deacon as the fastest (and high accuracy) - your Duchess isn't that fast but doesn't need to be, with Deacon around, she's there to provide the aura and keep everyone alive. And Dhukk isn't really needed anymore then, should be replaced by either Lix, Angar or Umbral Enchantress. Or Lix replaces Kael and Angar/Umbral replaces Dhukk, also possible. 

Then you still have Godseeker, Ghostborn, Seeker, Tayrel, Psylar,... so many good options. 

16 май 2021, 13:1116.05.21

It depends on the type of team you are building.

If you are going for a speed nukker team, I would look at Countess Lix. 

Her A2 will attack all enemies three times and when booked, land speed reduction and turn meter down?

The issue is your Dutchess is really slow.

So if you want a go second team, then maybe look at Vogoth.

Yea I only recently got my Duchess, so gear wise she could still get a lot better.

I've been farming Dragon a lot lately to try and get a good speed artifacts. Not been very lucky tho so that may take a bit.

16 май 2021, 13:1916.05.21

Wow, you have a super strong roster... people already suggested several viable teams and still there are great options that haven't been discussed.

Actually your current team is quite good, it just needs to be built right, with Deacon as the fastest (and high accuracy) - your Duchess isn't that fast but doesn't need to be, with Deacon around, she's there to provide the aura and keep everyone alive. And Dhukk isn't really needed anymore then, should be replaced by either Lix, Angar or Umbral Enchantress. Or Lix replaces Kael and Angar/Umbral replaces Dhukk, also possible. 

Then you still have Godseeker, Ghostborn, Seeker, Tayrel, Psylar,... so many good options. 

Yea i've been really lucky with my pulls. Especially since i've barely spent any money.

Anyway thanks for the tips. 

I will work on Making Deacon faster. He is around 10 speed slower than Duchess atm.

Dhukk decreases DEF aswell as ATK, + decreases ACC on his A1. Could you elaborate why Dhukk wouldn't be needed anymore? He seemed very good and 'unmissable' to me. Still fairly new to the game so appreciate all the tips and tricks I can get. 

16 май 2021, 13:2016.05.21

I suggest High Khatun, Ghostborn, Kael, Umbral. 

Khatun for speed, Ghostborn A3 atk buff + deff debuff that can't be resisted (so you can build him with 0 acc, more damage for your team), Kael damage, Umbral unkillable + provoke if somebody survived Kael's hit. They hit back and only attack unkillable Umbral. Your second turn: Ghostborn has another AoE attack for them.

Didn't realise Khatun and Umbral were that good. I haven't built them yet. Will definetely build them in the future, thanks.

16 май 2021, 14:0016.05.21

Yea i've been really lucky with my pulls. Especially since i've barely spent any money.

Anyway thanks for the tips. 

I will work on Making Deacon faster. He is around 10 speed slower than Duchess atm.

Dhukk decreases DEF aswell as ATK, + decreases ACC on his A1. Could you elaborate why Dhukk wouldn't be needed anymore? He seemed very good and 'unmissable' to me. Still fairly new to the game so appreciate all the tips and tricks I can get. 

Dhukk is not needed anymore in arena - certainly a very useful champion in general. But in arena, you already have Deacon to bring the decrease defense and since he also has the turn meter manipulation, it makes more sense to use him than Dhukk. Yes, Dhukk offers decrease attack on the same ability, but if you're doing things right, you won't really need that since you'll do enough damage to cripple the enemy before their nuker even takes a turn. And in any case you still have Duchess, who should be built very tanky as I see you're already doing, to revive the team as needed. 

If you have Duchess, Deacon, Lix/Kael (Lix would be better, but Kael will do for now) and Angar/Umbral (Umbral is more reliable and 2 turn provoke, but only once; Angar could hit harder and keep provoking in a longer fight), it means you have TM boost, debuffing, damage, survivability and CC through the provokes, all in one team - that's pretty excellent for arena. 

Dhukk will be more important in dungeons, where the combination of decrease defense and attack on the same ability is more needed than in arena. 

17 май 2021, 13:2217.05.21

Dhukk is not needed anymore in arena - certainly a very useful champion in general. But in arena, you already have Deacon to bring the decrease defense and since he also has the turn meter manipulation, it makes more sense to use him than Dhukk. Yes, Dhukk offers decrease attack on the same ability, but if you're doing things right, you won't really need that since you'll do enough damage to cripple the enemy before their nuker even takes a turn. And in any case you still have Duchess, who should be built very tanky as I see you're already doing, to revive the team as needed. 

If you have Duchess, Deacon, Lix/Kael (Lix would be better, but Kael will do for now) and Angar/Umbral (Umbral is more reliable and 2 turn provoke, but only once; Angar could hit harder and keep provoking in a longer fight), it means you have TM boost, debuffing, damage, survivability and CC through the provokes, all in one team - that's pretty excellent for arena. 

Dhukk will be more important in dungeons, where the combination of decrease defense and attack on the same ability is more needed than in arena. 

Got it, thanks for the detailed information. 

I've made Angar 6 star. And replaced Skullcrusher with him.

Lix will definetely be my next one =)