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I would like everyone to read

I would like everyone to read

10 май 2021, 10:3910.05.21

I would like everyone to read

I wanted to inform the game staff that being a game now popular and quite liked by users, the rewards method is ridiculous. I play games like save the world, that of fortnite and I can assure you that with 10 euros a month you will have many satisfactions and free rewards, like vbuks to buy skins in fortnite. take foam from epic because it is absurd that with your game to bring out a legendary character you have to spend hundreds of euros every 2x and it is not even sure to take it. all this is absurd. it's a criticism and don't tell me, go away don't play anymore because I like this game. change the system please

10 май 2021, 11:3310.05.21

Hello, Thank you for your feedback . Do you have any suggestions to improve the game ? 

10 май 2021, 11:4510.05.21
Rufus Shinra

Hello, Thank you for your feedback . Do you have any suggestions to improve the game ? 

yes then as a suggestion I can't say what to say to ascertain good rewards in the gold 4 arena, in practice every week I take things that are not needed. then for the boss of the clan taking the last nightmare chest it is a fortune if in a week of collecting me some books come out, not to mention these unknown splinters unfortunately. if you want to grow more bets for more substantial rewards that stimulate playing.

10 май 2021, 16:4210.05.21

They want you to struggle. So you buy the ridiculous overpriced packs. The game is designed for Whale spenders. If you are not that it is fine ofcourse and you can still play. Just on a way lower level. Dont think you get showered by free stuff and good deals :)

10 май 2021, 17:0910.05.21

I think you misunderstand the financial model.

Games like fortnite, wow, gw2 etc provide lots of content and their goal is to retain players who will spend moderate amounts regularly to support the game.

Mobile games such as gacha games try to get as many people to download as possible by sponsering everyone on youtube and massively advertising. The goal is not retention, the goal is that when people inevitebly hit the paywall a percentage will respond by spending a fortune. Some will do that and some wont quit even when they are no longer having fun....google 'sunk cost fallacy' to understand why people keep playing even when not enjoying..