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I'll tell you whats harder than arena bronze III ...

I'll tell you whats harder than arena bronze III ...

9 май 2021, 12:2509.05.21

I'll tell you whats harder than arena bronze III ...

... Palrium getting any more of my money until I am past the stage I need arena to progress.

I don't have much interst in or desire to put all my game time into PvP. To all the appologists for the game - Arena is one facet of this game, there are lots of other and often more engaging challenges, but it is Arena that is causing so many of us grief.  It is broken and elite players telling me to "man up" and bring my team up to gold level just to beat bronze only adds to my frustration and resentment.

Heeding advice on this forum I got rid of most of my rares to lower my player power which has, as a poster elsewhere said "fubared" me especially in faction wars and with fusion. I don't know of any other game which requires you to delete progress (in the form of champions collected) in order to progress? how insane is that?

While the Arena cock-up has been in place those stuck are ramping up their player power by enhancing there artifacts and getting new champs, which they are forced to do in order to complete daily/weekly tasks, so when the magic arena fix does happen I do hope player power is not a consideration in match making. What does the number of champions I own have to do with my current arena team?

I'm a gamer through and through and love to play for enjoyment and to relive stress and boredom - I don't enjoy getting one-shot buy a team I should not be facing and it is oh so boring constantly getting my ass kicked.

Seperate PvP and PvE elements of the game, put player power in the dustbin and while I am ranting - cut the cost of everything in terms of finances and time spent.

I enjoy the game, why else would I take the time and bother of posting, when it is running smoothly I hope to stick around.  

9 май 2021, 12:4709.05.21

"... Palrium getting any more of my money until I am past the stage I need arena to progress. "

Got a good chuckle out of this.  

9 май 2021, 15:3509.05.21

Let the record show, you didn't get such horrible forum advice from me.

I don't believe in such utter nonsense.

Lowering player power to get easier fights is a cowards way to advance in arena.

All they are doing is running away from their problems.

It doesn't solve anything.

It only makes the situation worse.

I could care less about player power or team power.

The only power I care about is WILL POWER.

You need to dig deep and improve yourself.

Theodore Roosevelt said it best:


9 май 2021, 15:4909.05.21

And then he thinks its all over if he gets out bronze :D:D:D

You get the same hurdels in Silver my friend :D:D

9 май 2021, 16:3209.05.21

Every veteran player on this forum has repeatedly said that purging your roster is a terrible idea.

You have to look at each individual champion and decide if they are of value to your account. Where would you use them? Do you already have a champion that fills that role better? There are rare champions worth keeping and others that are best used as food, but you have to look at them one at a time and decide for your account, which is which.

9 май 2021, 17:3109.05.21

Heeding advice on this forum I got rid of most of my rares to lower my player power which has, as a poster elsewhere said "fubared" me especially in faction wars >>>  and with fusion  <<<. 

You deleted your fusion champs? That's... well, a strange way of improving your account.


You know that this blue symbol in the portrait indicates a fusion champ? So it would have been very easy to keep at least them while feeding the rest.

9 май 2021, 18:1509.05.21

Lol. Yes, the people advising to purge your roster are the ones stuck in bronze. The people telling you to farm 12.3 and dragon20, and change your team are in gold.

9 май 2021, 18:2609.05.21

I'm in gold...

9 май 2021, 19:0909.05.21
9 май 2021, 19:13(отредактировано)

Lol. Yes, the people advising to purge your roster are the ones stuck in bronze. The people telling you to farm 12.3 and dragon20, and change your team are in gold.

Still in gold and i see no point in people hoarding worthless rares that are not part of a fusion. It goes without saying of course that grinding dragon and spider until your eyes bleed and being lucky in the casino that is 'raid' when pulling is the key to success. To get through gold if you are still rocking a HK speed lead you are at a huge disadvantage for instance.

The truth is though you can argue about when a player should 'git gud'... but new players are more likely to get arbiter from a shard than ever get her from missions, due to the huge numbers of people who have already done the quest that they are expected to fight past.

9 май 2021, 19:1109.05.21

Still in gold and i see no point in people hoarding worthless rares that are not part of a fusion. It goes without saying of course that grinding dragon and spider until your eyes bleed and being lucky in the casino that is 'raid' when pulling is the key to success. To get through gold if you are still rocking a HK speed lead you are at a huge disadvantage for instance.

The truth is though you can argue about when a player should 'git gud'... but new players are more likely to get arbiter from a shard than ever get her from missions, due to the huge numbers of people who have already done the quest that they are expected to fight past.

Exactly. You should use worthless rares as food.

The advice given isn't to purge worthless rares, it's to purge ALL rares. That's a terrible idea.

9 май 2021, 19:2309.05.21

Still in gold and i see no point in people hoarding worthless rares that are not part of a fusion. It goes without saying of course that grinding dragon and spider until your eyes bleed and being lucky in the casino that is 'raid' when pulling is the key to success. To get through gold if you are still rocking a HK speed lead you are at a huge disadvantage for instance.

The truth is though you can argue about when a player should 'git gud'... but new players are more likely to get arbiter from a shard than ever get her from missions, due to the huge numbers of people who have already done the quest that they are expected to fight past.

Yup.  If you're starting this game today, you're expected to beat everyone that started 2 years ago.  Arena teams aren't based on champs as much as they are on gear, and you'll never make up that 2 years of gear farming deficet.

Shard pulls is a much easier/better/more likely way to get Arbiter.

Until they introduce multiple arena's that you have to hit bench marks to get into (ie: once you beat arbiter quest, you go into a new league), this will never change.  New players will alway's be at a massive disadvantage, and that great hall will always be a pipe dream.

9 май 2021, 20:0209.05.21

Yup.  If you're starting this game today, you're expected to beat everyone that started 2 years ago.  Arena teams aren't based on champs as much as they are on gear, and you'll never make up that 2 years of gear farming deficet.

Shard pulls is a much easier/better/more likely way to get Arbiter.

Until they introduce multiple arena's that you have to hit bench marks to get into (ie: once you beat arbiter quest, you go into a new league), this will never change.  New players will alway's be at a massive disadvantage, and that great hall will always be a pipe dream.

Well champs play a part (some are just much better than others) but yes its a game of insane amounts of grinding, with rng upon rng making it extremely long winded to get the pieces you want.

Ive spent 3 days doing nothing but spider, endless runs to try and get an accuracy banner for barbs, no luck and could probably do another few hundred runs with no luck as there are so many variables.

That is why old players as you say have a huge advantage that new people are somehow supposed to overcome.