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Newbie looking for help in arena

Newbie looking for help in arena

9 май 2021, 10:0609.05.21

Newbie looking for help in arena

Hi everyone,

newbie player here, 6 weeks into the game, started playing without really having a clue, than started reading here and watching some videos from yt'ers like Hell Hades or Ash.

So far I am doing OK, progressing both in campaign as well as in dungeons. The only area where I am struggling right now is arena 😉. I am stuck at bronze III (with an occasional trip to bronze II).

I am going with my "best" aka most  powerful heroes: Rotos, Atlan, Martyr and Skullcrown. They wear the same gear as in dungeons, so no speed and no specific synergies. Therefore I am rightfully where I belong to. Nothing  to complain.

I know I have to change my approach and probably my team if I want advance in arena at least to silver. More speed, putting heroes in the right order, a debuffer and so on.

I recently got High Katun and had some real luck when I pulled Hegemon after spending some money, so that might be the start for a new arena team. Or maybe not 😆

This is where you guys come into play and help me out please. How to setup my arena team? Is Hegemon also great for a newbie like me? Skullcrown as nuker? 

Speed might be the main problem,  I can't get anyone above 180, so I probably have to farm more before progressing 

I really appreciate any advice for improving my arena team.


9 май 2021, 10:5109.05.21

Your champs are good enough for Gold, not only Silver. If you say you can't get anybody above 180 speed, your problem is gear, not champions. Dragon 20+ will solve your arena problems.

Hegemon is, as his name indicates, the ruler of the arena. He allways goes first (unless your opponent has a faster Hegemon), even with his base speed he will move before an Arbiter with 350 speed. In Bronze and Silver you probably use him best for control. Put him in as many accuracy gear as you can get and use his A2 as starting move. He will place an atk debuff on everybody and has a 50% chance to block cooldown skills, so they can use only their A1.

You could go on with speed after Hegemon made his opening, you have great champions for that, Deacon Armstrong, Gorgorab, Skullcrown.

9 май 2021, 11:1609.05.21
9 май 2021, 11:59(отредактировано)

Thx a lot for your input

Unfortunately in the past I didn't focus too much on farming Dragon's Lair. So my gear might be average at best.

Floor 20+ isn't in reach yet (at 16 right now), so I have to keep farming to get better gear then progress in dungeons and finally progress in arena.

Anyway at least it looks like a path 😀

9 май 2021, 11:1809.05.21

For someone who is 6 weeks into the game, you're doing very well in terms of champion roster.  You essentially have pretty much every champion needed to excel at most areas of the game, including Rotos, Martyr (x2 it seems), Deacon, Skullcrown, Mordecai, Seeker, Psylar, Royal Guard, Seer and Hegemon.  

My suggestion is to start to separate some champions into dedicated Arena ones, and dedicated Dungeon, as you will want to build some differently.

That said, if you can only get 180 speed then yes, you will need to farm dragon some more.  Hegemon is a good alternative for now, but otherwise you will want some proper speed gear

9 май 2021, 12:5009.05.21

Better team than me and I've been playing six months.  lol

9 май 2021, 14:1009.05.21

Better team than me and I've been playing six months.  lol

I got myself a jump-start and bought some shards... while I am far from being a whale, I am also far from being f2p 

9 май 2021, 14:1209.05.21
9 май 2021, 14:13(отредактировано)

@ RoseRoyal

You might be right about that...the game tends to require more and more specialists now than in the early stages... spider den, fire Knight or scarab king comes to my mind 

9 май 2021, 15:0509.05.21

The team I would run would be the following:

Leader: Skullcrown - Speed Aura

1st move: Hegemon --------------------------------------------> AOE Decrease Attack + Block Cooldowns

2nd move: Seeker -----------------------------------------------> Turn Meter Fill 30% + Increase Attack

3rd move: Deacon ----------------------------------------------> AOE Def Down

4th move: Skullcrown -------------------------------------------> AOE Nuke

I would Gear the team the following way:

Hegemon -----> 4 Piece Stun Set + 2 Piece Offense/Cruel Set

Seeker ---------> 6 Piece Speed or Divine Speed 

(You want Crazy High SPD)

Deacon --------> 6 Piece Perception or any Combination of Accuracy/Speed 

(You want High ACC + High SPD)

Skullcrown ----> 4 Piece Savage + 2 Piece Cruel or any Combination of Attack/C.Rate/C.Damage

(You want High ATK + 100% C.Rate + High C.Damage) 

9 май 2021, 19:4909.05.21
9 май 2021, 19:50(отредактировано)

👍thx player J 

9 май 2021, 20:0409.05.21

Six months in here and you have a dramatically better roster than me

As mentioned you just nee to grind gear.

9 май 2021, 21:5509.05.21

No joke, Hegemon can literally solo teams at your rank. He also has the advantage that nobody will ever fight you.

10 май 2021, 00:0710.05.21

Hegemon  is  the  king  of  Arena.

Bad-El  is  the  king  of  Dragon  20.

Maneater  is  the  king  of  Clan  Boss.

If  you  get  anyone  of  those  people,  that  area  of  the  game  is  a  joke  lol.