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CvC wars are kind of a joke....

CvC wars are kind of a joke....

9 май 2021, 07:5909.05.21

CvC wars are kind of a joke....

I can understand why this may not change. I imagine it's a great revenue generator...

However.. the #1 way to boost stats in Clan vs Clan wars is by using Books. 

How does buying something show your clan is stronger?

The #2 way is the forge.... merely collect the resoures and you can genrate clan pts rapidly... for doing almost nothing.

Again, how is the ability to click a single button with no effort showing a clan is better than another?

The use of books and the forge should be removed from Clan wars in my opinion. Without these two factors wars would more accurately reflect which clan can may be better - capable of grinding more, defeating higher levels, improving champions (without books) etc. 

As things currently stand, all one needs is a clan of members willing to spend a few hundred dollars on book packs.. and that clan will most likely win the war. So it all becomes a spending war.. not a clan war.

... just sayin....

9 май 2021, 08:4909.05.21

You can use green shards as poor mans version of skill books. 100 points for "booked" commen, 200 per uncommen.

10 май 2021, 23:0210.05.21

Or you can recognize CvC as just another temptation to spend real money for little gain and ignore it, just doing what you always did before CvC appeared.  

11 май 2021, 02:5911.05.21

I agree on the book part, this is just spending resources with the option to buy additional ones, so pay to win.

I definitely disagree on the forge though, this is actually one of the parts that DOES show which Clan has the stronger players. Not by clicking the forge button of course (by the way, Plarium, please can we have a create 10 or create x at once function instead of the mindless click orgy, pretty please), but by being able to accumulate high quality resources for crafting during the downtime between CvC tournaments, which directly correlates to how well a player can perform within faction crypts and doom tower!

12 май 2021, 13:0712.05.21

The thing that bothers me about CvC, other than it encouraging a game of who has the biggest wallet, is that it kinda forces you not to do anything in the game of any significance until the next CvC. I have champs to accend, books to use etc... do I do it now to make use and enjoy my champ or wait for the next CvC to get mad points? It almost feels selfish for me to do it now as it doesn't just affect me, but also my whole clan. 

12 май 2021, 13:1512.05.21

From what point make you think CvC is a war ? Nope, there is no war, it simply compare how rich your clan vs. other clan. All you guys doing is scoring points as many as you can ... offline. 

OracleCommunity Manager
12 май 2021, 14:4112.05.21

Thank you for the feedback, folks! CvC is a relatively new feature, and we have to collect more data and analytics before making any certain decisions about rebalancing the value of different activities. However, such rebalancing is possible, so we will communicate your opinion to our game designers to make their decision-making process in that regard better informed

12 май 2021, 15:1912.05.21
12 май 2021, 15:20(отредактировано)

Thank you for the feedback, folks! CvC is a relatively new feature, and we have to collect more data and analytics before making any certain decisions about rebalancing the value of different activities. However, such rebalancing is possible, so we will communicate your opinion to our game designers to make their decision-making process in that regard better informed

We are looking into tome sales before changing this.

13 май 2021, 01:4413.05.21

Arena should give way more points. 80 for a win? Seriously? 1000 sounds better, but make it cap at like 50 per day so huge whales don't have too much of an advantage. 

But all these people complaining how CvC is all about spending are dead wrong. Please at least watch a video or two by one of the content creators on the subject and see that most points can be earned completely free. Books are supplementory points and only the top 0.0001% of whales will truly benefit from them, the rest of us have already used up ours and are just saving for CvC. 

13 май 2021, 02:1913.05.21

the free rewards are handy for minimal outlay 

yes the books are way too high point return - we have a clan mate sitting on 197 odd lego books imagine the point return there lol but in its current form you would be silly not to make the most of the points there 

using commons and uncommons as books sneaky too and easy points another option we use lol 

i do like the concept but our clan solely hitting c v c  ftp not, we are not using gems etc ]where ever we finish we finish - we were blown away the first couple with clans who were keen to get win ptp and most likely book hoarding also but at least its new content 

25 май 2021, 22:1225.05.21

Note.. I'm NOT opposed to using duplicate characters to book a champ.. It's the ACTUAL books which can be directly purchased that I feel is a bit much.

All the other tasks, save shard purchases for summoning, are a measure of a clans resources. but buying books for 1000-2000 pts each is just a "pay to win" strategy.