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why did they end up ruining RSL again after making it so so much better than it was?

why did they end up ruining RSL again after making it so so much better than it was?

5 май 2021, 10:4005.05.21

why did they end up ruining RSL again after making it so so much better than it was?

Given most of the end game players will probably disagree and i might be the only one or one of the very few with this opinion i'm quite curious on how and why Plarium ruined RSL again after they made it so so much better during late 2020/early 2021. These months were most likely one of the best months this game has ever seen. New champs that are actually worth the grind, several QoL improvements and of cource doom tower. all those things helped boosting the value of this game especially on the long term.

but starting roughly february/march i feel like the game made a complete turn. first of all we got one fusion event after another. and yes, as for this topic i consider fragment summons a fusion as well. therefore we're almost lured into spending all our ressources over and over again just to be thinking we might have a chance to get a new champ. as for Underpriest Brogni being a prime example of a fusion event that was unforgiving and mainly doable for endgame players. basically you couldn't even miss one day of playing RSL to be sure to have at least a chance to get him. As for me, i'm playing for almost two years now and i wasn't even able to complete my Arbiter mission due to not being able to deal enough cb damage (stuck at 75kk dmg mission; so i'm almost there at least). and given the fact that despite covid-19 i still have to leave my house to actually go to work i wasn't able to spend all day farming for those events.

and as far as we are informed now there is already the next event coming with Ruel the Huntmaster as a pretty much useless legendary unless you already own the as equally useless Thea the Tomb Angel (she's at least useless for now). so we can count on it that we are lured into wasting ressources again and again. Those of us who are already wasting spending on packs and other offers Ruel might not be that much of a problem to summon/fuse/whatever. but for those of us who don't want to spend i'm pretty sure it'll be a really, really tough challenge. one could argue Plarium won't make it too hard given the fact Ruel ain't that universal useful as Brogni was but i'm confident that in fact they'll do it quite hard. mainly because that's how Plarium rolls and that's how they can increase the need for more ressources they can sell via packs and other offers.

but all those ongoing fusion events are not the only issue i see with the current state RSL is in. As far as i know from many of the german playerbase, which i belong to as well, Arena became a lot harder recently, literally without knowing the exact reason. While about two months ago i could stay in Gold IV with a reasonable amount of effort i can now barely stay in Gold III at all.

And what's bothering me probably the most is the newest/baddest addition to the game Plarium invented recently: Clan vs Clan tournaments. As of now my clan is pretty much set to lose the current one since our opponnent literally went ahead of us with ten of thousands of points. and given the way CvC is constructed we're litereally set to waste ressources to get absolutely NOTHING valuable in return. Sure, we can still claim the milestone rewards, but given the broken jewelry sets one can achieve as a reward the milestone rewards can't really compete with those. thanks for that Plarium.

But since i don't want to complain without providing even the tiniest amount of actually suggestions let me get to that right now.

- pre-divide the clans into regions/continents before letting them compete in CvC. Even though a vast majority might disagree on it i'm pretty sure that different countries of even different continents have a different moral when it comes to mobile games. while i'd like to claim that Asia for example is more....willing to spend money for mobile game than Europe (at least for most parts) is, it would be pretty obvious that a generic europe clan would not have that much of a chance against a generic asian clan. but's that's mainly an assumption of mine which i can't prove at all. it's basically based on the mobiles games i played over the years and the top players i saw, which mostly came from either asian countries (which i consider Russian to be an asian country as well) or america. in that point i can speak mainly for me, myself and the people i know, but as for germany the willingness to waste spend money isn't nearly as high as it might be in Asia or North America.

- rework the CvC reward system by not excluding one clan from getting those jewelry sets if they end having too much of an score difference compared to the other clan. no matter how great the difference might be, everyone should get some of those new accessoirie. instead you could add some additional rewards for the clan that won. maybe some shar-....oh wait in that case you couldn't sell them to them. nevermind. but maybe instead double the rewards so each clan end up getting a certain amount of accessoiries while the winning clan gets the double amount. something like this.

- and the biggest and probably most important suggestion i'd like to make is the following: Start listening to your community feedback and especially your conent creators. what do you have them fore then, if not for being a link between you as a company and the community they represent? Currently most of the content creators i watch (ChoseN, HellHades, ColdBrew, Skratch AK47, MurderInc and StewGaming) appear to be mostly some sort of promotional figurine you provide with all the information you want on upcoming oh so shitty cool content. despite that all they can do is spend hours of hours grinding themselves, spending money so they might get new champions and provide us with guides on them. but further than that you seem to ignore them mostly. and that even though they are probably your most useful ressource you have. they know exactly how their communities feel. they know what bothers us and they absolutely know dozens of ways to improve those issues. and yet you seem to ignore them. why?


this is mainly my opinion and my experience i made over the almost two years i've been playing the game. and even i'll keep on playing RSL for now i can't guarantee for it be stay that way. because why should i play a game that keeps ignoring their community? or at least the non spending community?

feel free to discuss your opinions as well, but stay civilized and respectful. Peace Out!

Edit 1: Regarding the Underpriest Brogni fusion i'd like to mention that i focused mainly on Fenshi and Mordecai, which both ended up at 85/100 fragments. therefore i considered it worth a try to ask the support if there is any way to directly buy the missing fragments for those two champions. guess what happened a few days later? i had an offer pop up to buy 10 fragments of Mordecai for 17.99€ (~21.60$). well playerd Plarium but thanks no. not interested in of your bad valued offers.
