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Arbiter missions

Arbiter missions

5 май 2021, 05:2005.05.21

Arbiter missions

Lately I decided to go for Arbiter missions (which I was neglecting completely).

All missions were going smoothly right untill I got stuck on "Reach Silver I on classic arena" mission.

My arena speed team is not bad, however there is Zero chance I can reach Silver anytime soon. Currently, if I lucky I reach Bronze III. But after a few hours I get dropped 50 points or so. 

Mission sequence is odd: one of the last missions is to deal 1.500.000 damage to Clan Boss  (I deal 12.000.000 damage). Last mission is to fuse Justiciar (I can do it right now easily). But Arena mission stops me from progressing further. 

I think missions should be sequenced gradually from easy to hard ones. It does not make sence, when I stuck with 87th mission, but I can do 150th. mission without an effort.

PLarium, please fix Arbiter missions. Either make Arena easier or move "Arena missions" further up in dificulty ladder.

Thank you in advance :)

Best Regards

5 май 2021, 07:0705.05.21

Also one of the missions short after the silver mission, is to get 2 champions to lvl 50! If you only have 2 lvl 50 champions you dont have anything to do in arena, cause we are faced with nothing but 4 lvl 60 champions.  

So I totaly agree that Plarium need to either fix the arena situation or take the arena missions out of the equation.

OracleCommunity Manager
5 май 2021, 09:4005.05.21

Hey! Indeed, we are going to introduce some changes to the Arena. You'll get more details about upcoming changes just a little bit later. In general, those changes are intended to make progression through the Bronze and Silver Leagues easier. 

Please, stay tuned to our news for more details. More information will become available very soon

5 май 2021, 12:0005.05.21

Hear, Hear, just to add my agreement with your post about reaching Silver 1.  I am stuck there also.  If I look to see so many other missions that will follow after that I see that I have either completed them or can complete them.

Why is there only one path?  There should be a choice whether to go for Arbiter or not.  I do not see Arbiter as the "ultimate champ".

It will be nice when and if P can relieve the bottleneck.

5 май 2021, 17:2105.05.21

I actualy dont think that the mission is that stupid, it is a way to get New players to also try arena, the problem is that all new players get hit by a wall, and get stuck, because the way arena is now is broken. 

Really hope thsy tje fix there will come somehow will msle arena fun ahain and let new players enjoy arena 

5 май 2021, 18:0605.05.21

What are the champions you use for your Arena team and what are the speeds. To get to Silver 1 (after 6weeks playing the game) was my High Khatun at 254 speed and the rest tuned to go inline with that. Does that come near your speed?

But yeah, I think the main issue is that weird order of all the missions. They are really unbalanced atm. I now have to get 400 silver medals to get my Great Hall to L4. And then Unlock a Tier 3 Mastery :D:D:D:D:D

5 май 2021, 18:1105.05.21

I was grinding 400 silver for 3 weeks and then i did other 10 missions in couple of hours :D

5 май 2021, 19:4505.05.21

My team is decon Armstrong, gorgorab, umbrela and then galek, my highest speed 227,with my best speed gear.