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Some Ideas

Some Ideas

4 май 2021, 19:0004.05.21

Some Ideas

All multiplayer games I've played seem to have elite, average and casual players. Often PvP and PvE are seperate and a player can choose if and when they wish to participate in either.

I suggest a button, just like the daily clan login, hit it each day to participate in arena either PvP or PvE with the corresponding rewards for difficulty.

This will kill two birds with one stone - ensure only active players are battling and us mere mortals won't have to face elite players till we feel ready.

Every time we max level a champion how about getting a 1% experience boost, 2% on the second and so on - not sure where the cut off should be 100 Lvl 60's = 100% xp boost? (on top of any 100% xp boost days we earn) I have a handful of 60's and the thought of doing it over and over at the same does not fill me with excitement.

Appologies if these suggestions have been posted before, I don't imagine I'm the only one to have thought of this, but I did not want to read every post too ensure I'm not duplicating whats already been suggested.
