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CVC same thing again?

CVC same thing again?

4 май 2021, 10:3204.05.21

CVC same thing again?

So CVC is back again, and its the exact same thing as the last 2 events despite all the feedback you've got from the community and CCs. 

You claimed to have a "beta test", but then you just released the exact same thing 1 week later without even considering any of the feedback given from your "beta testers"? 

Now you're releasing the exact same thing again?! At least tell us what feedback you have considered implementing or any changes you are considering so we know you are actually intending to make this experience better for your playerbase. 

I know its generating a lot of revenue, and i'm all for the company making money but surely you need to find a better balance between customer satisfaction and boosting your profit margin. 

OracleCommunity Manager
5 май 2021, 09:0005.05.21

Hi! So, currently, we are still collecting data. For now, we don't have enough analytics yet to make certain solid decisions. However, among the things we are considering tweaking is the rewards system.

Also, I would like to note that subsequent CvC Tournaments will be different from the Beta in that sense that the performance in previous tournaments will be taken into account in the matchmaking algorithm. Earlier, we had to rely solely on Clan ranking, which was quite a rough approach.

Thank you for your active position and interest in improving the game!

6 май 2021, 06:5906.05.21

Why would they change it?

It makes Plarium money and that is the only factor that matters. 

Yeah, if everyone agreed to not spend a single penny on CVC, then maybe Plarium would do something about it. But that's not going to happen. Just like all pay to win games, Raid collects most profit from the smallest top percentage of spenders. So if those keep paying, and they will, the remaining 98% of players won't make a change.