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help for create team

help for create team

2 май 2021, 00:1202.05.21

help for create team

Hello all,

Thanks to the event twice on the legendary shards I used my three first shards and I obtained two legendary and one epic, Jintoro and Lyssandra.

So I would like to add them to my team if it's a good idea, today my team is the following:

Kael 60

Apothecary 60

warmaiden 50

Banshee jelly 50

Hot Spirit 50

Available in addition to Jintoro and Lyssandra I have the epics here:

Luria, Shaman, Jizoh, Ice pile bear, Corpse picker, Ripper, Juliana and high khatun

I was thinking of exchanging hotspirit and apothecary by my two legendary and I would like your opinion If you have a better line-up with the few epics that I underestimate don't hesitate.

Mainly for dragon and spider dungeons.

Thank you for your help.

2 май 2021, 11:0302.05.21

Banshee Jelly and Hot Spirit... that's pretty hilarious. :D Frozen Banshee and Spirithost, in English. ;) I'm guessing you play in French? 

Anyway, you shouldn't have the same team on all dungeons. For dragon you could try Lyssandra, Jintoro, Warmaiden, Kael and Spirithost, but you'd have to see how it goes - might still need Apothecary for healing, especially if you don't have enough good lifesteal gear. Frozen Banshee is useful on the dragon but useless on the waves, so can you afford to give her a slot? I don't think you want both Jintoro and FB together. 

For spider, certainly Lyssandra, Jintoro, Warmaiden and Kael. Probably Apo or Spirithost as fifth. 

Lyssandra also for arena, with Spirithost, Warmaiden and Kael/Luria - or in some battles Lyss, Warmaiden, Kael/Luria and Jintoro. 

2 май 2021, 11:1502.05.21
2 май 2021, 11:17(отредактировано)

You use only one team for Spider and Dragon? That is a really bad idea, as the easiest way to beat Spider is turn meter reduction, while the Dragon is immune to that. 

Lyssandra is great for Spider, but I wouldn't use her at the dragon. Her A1 may still be good, but that's not enough to justify a place in the team. And you definetly don't want to replace Apothecary, in higher dungeon levels the enemies hit back and you need some healing.

For the champions you mentioned, I believe "Hot Spirit" is Spirithost (she is not that hot) and "Banshee jelly" is Frozen Banshee? You could try the following teams: 

Dragon: Apo (team leader for his def aura), Frozen Banshee, Kael, Jintoro, Spirithost (strong team vs. the Dragon himself, but maybe a bit weak against the waves, what dungeon level do you fight?)

Spider: Lyssandra (team leader), Apo, Jintoro, Spirithost, Armiger (!). That should be enough turnmeter control to never let the big spider get a turn. Apo heals out the damage the Spiderlings do, Spirithost for cleansing. 

Spirithost should be replaced by a cleanser with faster cooldown in both teams as you find one.

2 май 2021, 20:0702.05.21

Thank you both for the answers, I am a French player, sorry for the google translation.

I will test your ideas as soon as possible, I am currently dragon 12 and spider 9