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Plarium is completely out of touch with the community

Plarium is completely out of touch with the community

1 май 2021, 20:2101.05.21

Plarium is completely out of touch with the community

First, in order to compete in arena you have to build a speed meta team. Thus gimping your prime champions in most dungeons.  In the current climate you almost have to own Arbiter to compete. But to get Arbiter you have to beat the level 20 spider on auto.

So out of my non-speed gimped players my best teams for beating the spider involve Septimus, Coldheart and Royal guard...

So what does Plarium do? They nerf all three of those champions. How clueless could you possibly be?!

I am done spending a dime on this game and will never play another Plarium title.

Absolutely absurd that they're so out if touch with the community to the point that money grabs are more meaningful. Go make some more expensive television advertising so you need more money to be profitable. Clueless...

1 май 2021, 20:2901.05.21

The boss passive that caps Max HP damage only applies to stages 21-25, and therefore wouldn't affect your missions for getting Arbiter. 

1 май 2021, 20:5101.05.21

Oh. That's nice to know. I can still be like 75% of the game and buy into the speed meta that's dominant in the game. 

Again a symptom of the problem. The answer is always...Well you can (insert placate responses here). How about addressing the root cause...speed meta where you have to have a certain champion to compete in arena with no way to see how powerful a team is.

1 май 2021, 21:0201.05.21

The arena is way out of synch.  I am still trying to figure out how have high speed without giving up high attack or defense.  I don't know how some of these other teams can have such a high attack and defense and still be very fast.  If you try and put a lot of points into one of them then you have to give up something else.  Or at lest that is what i think

1 май 2021, 21:3501.05.21

The best way is to have champions dedicated to arena only.

Of course if you are ftp or a low spender that is easier said than done..i have been using my debufffer in all content and its a problem, but that is the best way.

1 май 2021, 22:2901.05.21

Everything you said is a lie and I can prove it.

- You don't have to run a Speed Team for Arena.

- Your hero's don't have to be Gimped for other Area's of the game.

I am in Gold 4 Arena.

I have a Resistance Team for Arena.


I originally built this Resistance Team to fight against the Scarab King.


The same core team I use vs. the Scarab King is the one I run in Arena.

The stats I have on them are applicable to both. 

The only hero I added into my Arena Team is Seeker.

Seeker does Increase Defense with his Passive

Seeker does Turn Meter Fill.

The only hero's I added into my Scarab King Team is Zelotah + Coldheart.

Zelotah does shields which is needed for Scarab King.

Coldheart does Enemy MAX HP nuke to help kill Scarab King faster.


Originally, I had Seeker in my Scarab King team.

I had Zelotah - Rhazin - Vrask - Maulie - Seeker.

The team with Seeker did have a 100% win rate.

The problem was the fight lasted 20-22 min.

I was unhappy with how long each battle took.

This is why I ended up removing Seeker for Coldheart.

Coldheart in a Destroy set helped reduce my farm time by half 10-11 min per fight.


And do you want to know the funny part of this whole thing?

My Vrask only has 110 Speed.


Your Speed Team is about to get wrecked by a hero wearing HP% Shoes.

You made a deal with the Devil.

You traded your Team's Soul for Speed.

You sacrficed all other stats to acquire the Speed.

And now it is time for you to pay the Piper.

My team withstood the full force of the SCARAB KING for over 30 mins.

What is your squishy little speed team going to do to me?