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30 апр. 2021, 21:3830.04.21


I am begining to lose patience on the game, the arena update is cancer. how am i supposed to get to gold 4 for my mission if in silver 4 almost everybody already have their Arbitre. I dont have fun anymore on arena and it sucks because i spent lots of money on that game. if they dont fix that i think im just gonna stop playing that game.

1 май 2021, 07:1401.05.21

Be glad you are in Silver 4. Most people are stuck in Bronze

1 май 2021, 07:1801.05.21

What is your player power jocoeur?  Also, do you have a lot of champions that you don't use?

1 май 2021, 08:5001.05.21

What is your player power jocoeur?  Also, do you have a lot of champions that you don't use?

While these are the questions which lead to the problem...it should not be the solution.

Deleting/feeding champs in a gacha game to get better in one area of the game should not be a solution. It is a contradiction.

1 май 2021, 09:0601.05.21

While these are the questions which lead to the problem...it should not be the solution.

Deleting/feeding champs in a gacha game to get better in one area of the game should not be a solution. It is a contradiction.

Yet it is a solution, and one that can make an immediate change to someones enjoyment of the game.  Happy for everyone to continue to raise their concerns to Plarium (there are already plenty doing so) and perhaps they will eventually make a change, but for now let's play with the cards we are actually dealt

1 май 2021, 09:2101.05.21

Yet it is a solution, and one that can make an immediate change to someones enjoyment of the game.  Happy for everyone to continue to raise their concerns to Plarium (there are already plenty doing so) and perhaps they will eventually make a change, but for now let's play with the cards we are actually dealt

Well, it is a solution if you are saying...Let's play a game and spent money or time to get champs and burn this money/time so they can make more money.

Actually this hope and the attitude that we should play it their way abd they will change it to a more amiable solution towards our way is a delusion.

Why should they change the way they set up the game to benefit them immensely if there are players like you who play the game/spend money in the hopes that someday they will change to a style less beneficial to them?

Perhaps it is joy for to get better results in arena....for me it is an ultimate nightmare to have to burn champs I collected to be better in an area where those champs are not even used. Only to once I got sufficient results in arena to have to collect the champs I burned again. There is no win-win in this situation...there is a clear WIN-lose situation...and the house always wins...

1 май 2021, 10:1101.05.21

I never said it was the perfect solution.  If you had a choice to bang your head against the wall in frustration to the point of threatening to quit the game, or delete some champs that you are never going to use and start to enjoy it again, then only an idiot would not do it.  Being stubborn for the sake of principle won't help you

As I said above, maybe Plarium will eventually change it, but for now this is the option we have

1 май 2021, 13:2501.05.21

Those player power posts should be ignored. People are making claims that it effects your account way more than it really does. 

1 май 2021, 13:3301.05.21

Those player power posts which deny effect of player power should be ignored

1 май 2021, 13:4301.05.21

I cut 20% of my player power a few weeks back, gained 2 tiers within the next couple of days with no other changes to the arena team made after having been stuck in bronze for a couple of weeks. You can say whatever you want, but it does work. To an extent, anyway. It does so at the cost of others, and if everyone did it then it'd be ineffective, but so long as not everyone is aware and willing to do it, you can exploit it. I also suspect the effect diminishes as your power grows, e.g. if you're at 1M then reducing it to 800k probably won't do much, but if you're at 300k and reduce it to 240k, it will.

1 май 2021, 15:3101.05.21

I cut 20% of my player power a few weeks back, gained 2 tiers within the next couple of days with no other changes to the arena team made after having been stuck in bronze for a couple of weeks. You can say whatever you want, but it does work. To an extent, anyway. It does so at the cost of others, and if everyone did it then it'd be ineffective, but so long as not everyone is aware and willing to do it, you can exploit it. I also suspect the effect diminishes as your power grows, e.g. if you're at 1M then reducing it to 800k probably won't do much, but if you're at 300k and reduce it to 240k, it will.

Maybe the slightest improvement but for what end, you wouldn't be even bothering if you were in gold where it has no effect so it's not like you are going to be finishing arbiter anytime soon, so pretty much you are just gimping your account overall unless it's worthless rares you are getting rid of.

Plarium have suddenly started responding to arena threads with their canned "inc matchmaking improvements" statement.

So instead of encouraging people to potentially gimp their overall account progress for next to no gains, people should wait a few weeks.

And as you said once you are over 1 mil pp which you will most likely be around once you are in gold ranks trying to game pp for small gains will do nothing.

So yes people should be ignoring this terrible player power posts 

1 май 2021, 15:4801.05.21

I don't consider a 2 arena tier difference to be slight. However, you can still keep champions around if you wish, most of the power comes from putting equipment on them. For example, I dropped over 50k power just from removing equipment from 3 champions that I had no immediate use for except faction wars.

So no, people should not be ignoring these perfectly accurate player power posts. They shouldn't be throwing away champions they can use, but if they want to advance in the arena right now, then minimizing their player power is the quickest way to do so. You may or may not be able to find success in gold, depending on what your team looks like, but being able to farm silver medals in S4 is better than being stuck in bronze. You may not like it, but the efficiency of the strategy is not contingent on your approval.

As for Plariums promises, they rely on a couple of assumptions. One, that it will actually happen, which I'm not counting on considering their track record, and two, that it will actually fix anything, which... well, you get the point.

1 май 2021, 16:3201.05.21

The General Manager Oracle wrote the following message on the Recent Raid Digest:


The game is working on the enhancement of Classical Arena Experience from their end.

This means you should be working on your own enhancement from your end jocoeur.

What steps are you taking to improve yourself?

Surely, you have to meet the game half way! 

1 май 2021, 18:1601.05.21

PP tuning is not for gold arena or PP bigger then 900k, as there it has no difference

1 май 2021, 19:1601.05.21

We're gonna have improvements to the lower tiers of arena like Player J mentioned, so that's something to look forward to. 

In the meantime though, maybe we can help you improve your arena team?

(Also I wouldn't recommend lowering Player Power by sacrificing vault champs, you might accidentally get rid of a good champ, and PP wouldn't matter once you reach Gold anyway)

1 май 2021, 19:2401.05.21

Please move your  ... to improve the arena. It's starting to last. Many people stop the game and i'm tired to recrut new players all the time because many players leave game because of arena.

And I don't undestand in team arena why I outspeed a player with one team and I retry becaus 2 try lost for change some champions and at the second try with the same team, he oustpeed me completly.

Sorry but if you improve the team in defense, I think you fake the game completely.

It starts to annoy me seriously.

I often thought about quitting the game because of it 

1 май 2021, 19:4701.05.21

It looks like 300 speed is the turning point, i decided to try and stop my slide since i cant do spider 20 anymore in such low a tier and i missed my cb chest too.

I completely regeared (cost me 40 million silver in rolling gear and levelling it all) and got my lead to 300 and my slowest nuker to 240.. and ive gone back up from s2 to s3 purely on defence..but its a ridiculous  speed requirement for low silver. 

As to the comment from lxyz advising not to lower player power in case you need that champ in the future.... You are unlikely to hit gold any time soon so i wouldnt worry about gold. 

Dont eat epics, they may be reworked and definitely dont eat bad legendaries. But crappy rares are probably going to always be crappy rares for ever- just ditch them.