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Where am I going wrong with my team?

Where am I going wrong with my team?

29 апр. 2021, 07:2429.04.21

Where am I going wrong with my team?

Ok,  so  I  have  been  determinedly  trying  to  get  out  of Bronze  2  (and  sometimes  even  B1!!)  

I  thought  that  once  I  had  a  reasonable  team,  this  would  get  easier,  but  I'm  still  finding  it  horrendously  difficult.

My  current  team  is:

Soulbond  Bowyer  (60)

Madame  Serris  (50)

Kael  (60)

Kael  (60)

I  was  using  Spirithost  for  extra  famage  but  it  wasnt  working  either.  

All  the  team  has  maxed  equipment  (mostly  5*  as  I  dont  have  much  6*  gear)  

They  also  have  the  first  few  levels  of  masteries  each  too,  so  I  know  I  need  to  get  that  higher.

The  problem  I  am  facing  is  that  every  team  seems  to  either  beat  me  to  the  trigger,  or  if  I  go  first,  they  seem  to  be  practically  unkillable  before  they  nuke  me  back.  

my  team  is  something  like  70k,  but  almost  every  team  I  see  in  Bronze  1  or  2  are  between  80k  -  130k

Are  there  any  strategies  I  could  be  using  that  might  help?  My  bowyer  can  usually  one-shot  a  hero  unless  they  are  high  HP  but  even  that  doesnt  seem  to  win me  the  match

Any  help?

29 апр. 2021, 07:5229.04.21

Getting rid of champions that you're not using (and have no future use for), or at least removing equipment from them, would help you reduce your player power and give you easier opponents. You might also want to look into getting a speed-lead for your team, High Khatun for example, and try to get her as fast as possible so that you get to be the one to go first. If you can go first with HK, then Serris to debuff and remove shields, followed by 2 nukers (or 1 nuker and 1 attack buffer if you have it), you should be able to get a bit higher at least. Unfortunately, there's no guarantee how high, because the matchmaking ensures that it's less about your team and more about your total power.

29 апр. 2021, 07:5429.04.21

Your team is to slow. No speed-aura, no turnmeter-boost. Most opponent teams will go first and nuke you, before you can act. A champ like High Khatun could help here.

What equip do you use on your champs? If you go first and still can't bring them down with 3 damagedealers, something seems to be wrong with your artifacts.

29 апр. 2021, 07:5829.04.21
29 апр. 2021, 08:02(отредактировано)

The standard composition is to have a speed aura lead such as high katun to turn the meters of the other champs (kitted out in all speed gear), then have the second quickest be a debuffer to drop defence down and then nuke away- obviously you need the speeds to be appropiate so that they go in the correct order. Some will use two turn meter champs such as high katun and apothecary to allow their debuffer and nuker to be slow and in  gear optimised for damage/accuracy

How quick you need to be depends on player power more than your actual tier due to matchmaking

If your player power is low (under 400k for example) then you dont need to be too quick, maybe 200 speed for your speed lead and over 170 for the others.

If you are a mature account with high player power then to get out of bronze you will need far more speed as you will be matched against high power accounts, you would probably need 275+ speed as a minimum on the speed lead and 220+ on the others unless double turn metering or unless you have a 30% turn meter turner 

So you have the best debuffer going in my opinion

Go HK, then madame serries (get her to 60), then the two nukers 


29 апр. 2021, 08:3729.04.21

Ok, I do have HK. Just not levelled her up yet. 

WIll try focussing on her next then.

29 апр. 2021, 08:4029.04.21

On the subject of Nukers.

Do you think it would be better to use the two Kaels, or Kael and Soulbond Bowyer?

29 апр. 2021, 09:1929.04.21
Danny Jeffery

On the subject of Nukers.

Do you think it would be better to use the two Kaels, or Kael and Soulbond Bowyer?

I dont have bowyer, looking at her kit she is excellent to take out one enemy (her infused arrow with ignore 75% def hit looks really strong)  whereas kael has a better aoe.

Try it out, i would prob want two big aoes, but - try both

29 апр. 2021, 13:2129.04.21

You need a TM booster for sure. Decrease Def from Madame Serris+ a nuke from either Kael/Soulbound should be fine. You don't need another Kael for a 3rd nuker IMO (Maybe just gear the other one purely for CB). Also, what other champs do you have? You may be missing out on a key arena champ there. 

29 апр. 2021, 13:4229.04.21

What is a TM booster, sorry?

29 апр. 2021, 14:2829.04.21

TurnMeter booster, like High Khatun.