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Gotta be a better way to setup the ARENA

Gotta be a better way to setup the ARENA

26 апр. 2021, 13:0026.04.21

Gotta be a better way to setup the ARENA

I was able to stay at Gold IV no problem but something changed and it became very difficult to find good matchups to fight.  I have been steadily dropping and I'm down to Gold I.  This is really pissing me off!

If I drop down into Silver, I'm done.  I will say screw this game.  Because it will take a ridiculous amount of time to fill out my great hall.  They really messed up the arena.

There has to be a better way.  Almost every time I Refresh, I get 8-10 choices that destroy me easily.  I can't find enough fair match ups to fight.

And I also keep getting teams with much lower power destroying me with ease.  Are they cheating?  Is the rating system really poor?  Is there an advantage to created a good team with the lowest rating you can get it to?  Am I the only one having this trouble?

26 апр. 2021, 13:1526.04.21

Wow. I have dropped down into silver now.

So pissed off about this!  Your going to lose me and a whole lot of other people if you don't change it!

26 апр. 2021, 13:3526.04.21

Well, my team never reached gold and doesnt look it will reach it anytime soon :/

26 апр. 2021, 15:1726.04.21

finished Silver 3 this week, but atleast the 3-star rare and 4-star uncommon items will help my team get more competitive! oh wait I already farmed dragon 20 non-stop for half a year 🙈 

26 апр. 2021, 15:4726.04.21

Yes, they removed the 'bots' or whatever they were, so arena became far harder. You could look at the bright side, you've been gaining medals in gold IV while not really belonging there for a long time thanks to the 'bots', but I understand that it's nevertheless not fun to drop that much and lose almost every battle you try. You can post your current team and your roster here and ask for advice on how improve it. 

Power rating is fairly misleading in arena if you don't know how to interpret it. Basically, high resistance increases your power a lot, as does high HP - but high speed has no impact at all. So teams that win battles largely because of higher speed will have comparatively low power ratings, probably lower than yours, but still win because they just outspeed you and cripple you before you can take a single turn. If you see teams with low power ratings but a good speed aura / turn meter boost champion (Gorgo, HK, Arbiter, Lyssandra and so on), assume that you will get outsped and nuked - which means you'll probably lose, unless your team is quite tanky or has other ways of dealing with speed nukes (e.g. Tormin). 

26 апр. 2021, 16:2826.04.21

The arena SUCKS like a Vacuum cleaner!!! It sucks BIG BIG BIT TIME. That goes without saying for both the Classic Arena (!!! How the HELL is anyone EVER going to develop their great hall these days? Haven't you dropped the lack in people fighting in the classic Arena, Plarium? Really? It's UNDOABLE for f2p gamers!!) as well as the Tag team Arena. Totally, TOTALLY Unbalanced! IU'm about to quit altogether here!

26 апр. 2021, 16:5726.04.21

better u try to get arbiter by any meens !!!She can be pulled as well i have proff on my clan a level 50 pulled her the other day but god knows only how much money he spent lol

26 апр. 2021, 17:1626.04.21
Greg Hunt

Wow. I have dropped down into silver now.

So pissed off about this!  Your going to lose me and a whole lot of other people if you don't change it!

You gave the game an Ultimatum.

They either fix the game before you drop down into silver or you are done.

Before the game had a chance to even see your message, you dropped into Silver.

HA HA HA - So Hilarious!

Does this mean your going to follow through with what you said and quit?

Are you a man of your word? 


26 апр. 2021, 18:3426.04.21
26 апр. 2021, 18:35(отредактировано)

I managed to get back into Gold I.  Then dropped back into Silver.  Then I got back up to Gold I.

I don't need bots.  I need a fair list of opponents I can compete with.  Not everyone has the best champions in the game for the arena.  Or the best artifacts to put on your champs.  I probably didn't deserve to be in Gold IV.  But I should not be struggling to stay in Gold.

Thats interesting about the all out speed teams having low ratings.  Thanks for that.

26 апр. 2021, 18:4626.04.21

Part of the problem is higher arena teams purposely tank their raiting until they are down in gold 1 so they can farm free wins, and it has gotten worse each week.

In the last 3 refreshes I've seen 18 arbiter team leads, as well as top tier comps with team power that far surpass gold 1 ranks.

There needs to be a alternative means to great hall progression if the arena is going to continue to be a complete shit feast. That won't happen though because 95% of the players wouldn't touch arena if it wasn't linked to the great hall because it's not fun period as it stands for most people

26 апр. 2021, 18:4826.04.21

Yes, they removed the 'bots' or whatever they were, so arena became far harder. You could look at the bright side, you've been gaining medals in gold IV while not really belonging there for a long time thanks to the 'bots', but I understand that it's nevertheless not fun to drop that much and lose almost every battle you try. You can post your current team and your roster here and ask for advice on how improve it. 

Power rating is fairly misleading in arena if you don't know how to interpret it. Basically, high resistance increases your power a lot, as does high HP - but high speed has no impact at all. So teams that win battles largely because of higher speed will have comparatively low power ratings, probably lower than yours, but still win because they just outspeed you and cripple you before you can take a single turn. If you see teams with low power ratings but a good speed aura / turn meter boost champion (Gorgo, HK, Arbiter, Lyssandra and so on), assume that you will get outsped and nuked - which means you'll probably lose, unless your team is quite tanky or has other ways of dealing with speed nukes (e.g. Tormin). 

That's not the best way to figure out if you will lose the speed battle in silver, account power is.  If it is a speed team and they are 100k account power over you, you'll lose.  If they are 100k under you, you'll win.  This has been almost entirely predictive for me since Plarium admitted that account power determines matchups.  The reasoning is simple, if they are a stronger account they face stronger teams but maintain the same rank as I do so they are "stronger" = faster than I am.  If they are a weaker account they face weaker teams but are only the same rank as I am so they are "weaker" = slower than I am.  It is an absolutely horrible system but it can be gamed to some extent.  Obviously, if you are early game and thus have a decent starter but not great (still using them in clan boss for instance), you should just straight up stay away from teams that have a team power that is signficantly stronger than yours.  For instance, I normally will stay away from teams with 150k plus team power because I have been waiting for this fusion to finish to get my Kael out of my clan boss team and I don't want to mess with his build while I still need him for farming and dungeons until the fusion is over.