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Arena debuffers- and cb / arena teams.

Arena debuffers- and cb / arena teams.

24 апр. 2021, 11:1024.04.21

Arena debuffers- and cb / arena teams.

Just curious about who you guys use for defence down, right now i use draco- i like that it never has to worry about affinity and that he has a weaken built in.

However draco is essential to my clan boss team and i dont want him too fast as the order on my cb team matters and id damage his defence if i sped him up

I have a dedicated nuker (zavia in savage gear) who i have taken off the clan boss team to dedicate to arena.  She isnt the highest damage but the block revive is brilliant, but because of the limitation on dracos speed- i cant speed her up too much (when i miscalculated the aura bonus i messed up the order which was a nightmare!)

So, i am thinking i need to take draco off the arena team, i think it needs to be a dedicated team, not constrained by cb needs.

I have a limited roster though and not many defence downs, i have a warmaiden of course, and i also have a dhukk who has decrease attack and decrease defense on one attack (based on crit but his crit rate is 100% of course)

But affinities are a real issue surely? defence down doesnt land on a weak hit.

Do you have 2 or three built defence down champs and switch them in and out based on affinity?

I am just too slow to win anything in arena right now (fastest is 288 which is ok but my slowest is 230 which is too slow) but dont want to damage my CB team since the UNM chest is by far my best source of books and shards.


24 апр. 2021, 12:2424.04.21
24 апр. 2021, 12:25(отредактировано)

I have Venus, but I am using her in CB

I have Lydia, which I use in 3v3 defense.

I have 2 Serris built. One have 600+ accuracy and bit faster than my other one. The other one is in Immunity gear but slower and only have 400+ accuracy. 

24 апр. 2021, 12:2724.04.21

I have Venus, but I am using her in CB

I have Lydia, which I use in 3v3 defense.

I have 2 Serris built. One have 600+ accuracy and bit faster than my other one. The other one is in Immunity gear but slower and only have 400+ accuracy. 

Ahh void defence downs would indeed get rid of the affinity question :)

The odds of me getting venus are nearly zero, and serris i would love of course


24 апр. 2021, 12:3624.04.21

In arena, Serris is better. Sure you can do more damage if there is weaken debuff but most of defense now have either immunity or shield buff. It is hard to win without buff strip. 

Also in defense, it is "more scarier" when your defense have champion that strips buff, IMO

24 апр. 2021, 13:0924.04.21

To answer your question, The answer is Yes.

I have half a dozen or more Def Down Champion's leveled up.

- Warmaiden

- Zargala

- Spider

- Dhukk

- Stag Knight

- Bellower

Affinity does play a role in some of the fights, but it isn't the only factor.

Another factor is Faction Wars.

Def Down helps you chew thru the waves faster.

The game has 13 Factions - Ideally, you would want 13 Def Down hero's for each Faction.

So yeah - Don't feel bad about leveling up Def Down hero's.

You will need them most likely.

Another thing I want to say is you should consider adding more Turn Meter Fill to your team.

My Fastest hero is 315.

My Slowest hero is 200.

My team is still Speed Tune last time I checked the Arena Cal.

Your team fastest hero has less speed vs. mine 288.

Your team slowest hero has more speed vs. mine 230.

And you are telling me that your team is having trouble being speed tuned.

I think you need more turn meter fill.

24 апр. 2021, 14:0024.04.21
Player J

To answer your question, The answer is Yes.

I have half a dozen or more Def Down Champion's leveled up.

- Warmaiden

- Zargala

- Spider

- Dhukk

- Stag Knight

- Bellower

Affinity does play a role in some of the fights, but it isn't the only factor.

Another factor is Faction Wars.

Def Down helps you chew thru the waves faster.

The game has 13 Factions - Ideally, you would want 13 Def Down hero's for each Faction.

So yeah - Don't feel bad about leveling up Def Down hero's.

You will need them most likely.

Another thing I want to say is you should consider adding more Turn Meter Fill to your team.

My Fastest hero is 315.

My Slowest hero is 200.

My team is still Speed Tune last time I checked the Arena Cal.

Your team fastest hero has less speed vs. mine 288.

Your team slowest hero has more speed vs. mine 230.

And you are telling me that your team is having trouble being speed tuned.

I think you need more turn meter fill.

Well i have been alternating on turn meter fill, i dont have a gorg, or lyssandra or a deacon, so i either

Double turn meter (hk into apoth) but that means no attack up

Or i turn meter with apoth and then go into attack up- and i get cut in all the time.

I only have one champ with better turn meter- doomscreech who is level 1! i am tempted to level him, whack him in all the gear with the best speed stats and see if his 30% turn meter is better

Does this seem a daft idea? 

24 апр. 2021, 14:1324.04.21

Well i have been alternating on turn meter fill, i dont have a gorg, or lyssandra or a deacon, so i either

Double turn meter (hk into apoth) but that means no attack up

Or i turn meter with apoth and then go into attack up- and i get cut in all the time.

I only have one champ with better turn meter- doomscreech who is level 1! i am tempted to level him, whack him in all the gear with the best speed stats and see if his 30% turn meter is better

Does this seem a daft idea? 

It's not a daft idea - Doomscreech is interesting because he's sort of a Gorg counterpart but for def-based nukers, since he increases defense instead of attack. In your case, you don't have a def nuker, but you do have Dhukk whose damage will be enhanced by Doomscreech. If you could add a def nuker later on, it would be an even better team. 

24 апр. 2021, 14:1524.04.21

Back in the day, sometime around august and September of 2019, I used Doomscreech as my main turnmeter booster with more than 300 speed wich helps me climb in gold4 arena. I don't have Seeker so I was stuck with Doomscreech for a long time. The disadvantage of using Doomscreech is his very low base speed. 

My team back then is Gorgorab, Doomscreech, Skullcrown and Drex (damage build). I don't have a good defense down so I use 2 nukers. 

Since you don't have Gorgorab maybe you can consider building defense type nukers for now. 

24 апр. 2021, 14:1924.04.21

It's not a daft idea - Doomscreech is interesting because he's sort of a Gorg counterpart but for def-based nukers, since he increases defense instead of attack. In your case, you don't have a def nuker, but you do have Dhukk whose damage will be enhanced by Doomscreech. If you could add a def nuker later on, it would be an even better team. 

Yeh i can see how he would be great for defence based nukers, i am thinking in the short term he might stop my problem with cutting in, since a 30% turn meter boost is quite a lot. The calculator suggests even with a 50 gap in speed i wont get cut in!

Plus assuming it is not stripped, the 60% defense might give me a chance of a second turn if i dont finish them in the first round.

It would mean i could take apoth off arena team (which is great as i lost tonnes of defence upping his speed) and go doomschreech into battlesage for the attack up then def down and nuke.

Not sure why i didnt try this before, hes been sitting in my vault for months

24 апр. 2021, 14:2124.04.21
24 апр. 2021, 14:28(отредактировано)

Back in the day, sometime around august and September of 2019, I used Doomscreech as my main turnmeter booster with more than 300 speed wich helps me climb in gold4 arena. I don't have Seeker so I was stuck with Doomscreech for a long time. The disadvantage of using Doomscreech is his very low base speed. 

My team back then is Gorgorab, Doomscreech, Skullcrown and Drex (damage build). I don't have a good defense down so I use 2 nukers. 

Since you don't have Gorgorab maybe you can consider building defense type nukers for now. 

Yeh his base speed is low, i guess if i ignore everything and just put the speed rolls on regardless of other stats i can get him to 300

With apoth - because i use him in clan boss there was a limit to the junk i would put on as long as it had speed.

EDIT just calculated, with a 300 speed apoth i need 250 speed on slower champs to avoid cut in 

With a 300 speed doomscheech i need 228, its a huge difference, i am shocked

24 апр. 2021, 20:1124.04.21

To come back to the initial question: I don't think weak hits are such a big problem right now. Maybe the new artifacts from CvC will make it to a problem in future, but the actual chance of 35% doesn't influence the fights very much. 

Only in a few cases the whole enemy team will be of the same affinity, so it's very rare that they all can avoid def debuff from a weak hit. And if one of them avoids it and survives your first hit, that's no problem in most cases. It's a 1 vs. 4 fight afterwards.

24 апр. 2021, 22:3424.04.21

Yeah, I agree with L9753

I like Doomscreech.

I fully booked my Doomscreech for Secret Rooms in Doom Tower.

Doomscreech is like a Baby Seeker.

The thing I want to say is the following:

Do you have Dark Elhain by any chance?

I know you love Zavia as your Nuker.

I know the Block Revive is really clutch against Revive teams in Arena.

However, I am thinking about a set up which might be interesting.

I think it is an option worth exploring.

Lets say for agrument sake you have reached Dark Elhain from the login rewards.

Dark Elhain can be a very strong nuker + She does Increase Attack Buff 50%.

Dark Elhain Buffs herself before she attacks which means you don't really need a Buffer.

The Result is you could consider making the following set up:

Leader: High Khatun - Speed Aura

1st move: High Khatun

2nd move: Doomscreech

3rd move: Dracomorph

4th move: Dark Elhain

Here are the good points:

- HK base speed is tons better vs. Doomscreech so it is better to have her your fastest hero.

- HK + Doomscreech will give you a combine Turn Meter Fill of 45% + Speed Buff.

- Dark Elhain is pretty good hero in Ice Golem.

- Dark Elhain is a pretty good counter to Tormin teams in Arena.

Take all of the things into consideration!

The Total Turn Meter Gain + Speed Buff will make Speed Tuning a piece of cake for you.

Dark Elhain Self Buff frees you a slot so you don't need a Increase Attack Buffer on the team.

Dark Elhain passive is great vs. people who Freeze.

Zavia is a great hero, but she isn't going any where.

You will still have your Zavia in your Roster.

It's ok to take a time out from using Zavia.

You can put Zavia on the back burner till you pull the right hero support for her.

Again this is just what I am thinking.

Fruit for Thought.

25 апр. 2021, 11:0725.04.21

I do have a dark elhain but she is in junk gear and only levelled to 50 but i get that she removes the need for attack up and definitely worth considering thanks...i have never looked at her multipliers to be honest!

To be honest? this weekend i was so desperate for a deacon that i cashed in everything i had hoarded, all my gems all my shards, and i got lucky on cb during the weekend and used those too

From 4 sacreds, 4 or 5 voids and now 45 ancients i have not had a single usable champ, just the worst possible rares and epics that can barely be used in faction wars (missionary, cagebreaker etc) ive had 2 that i can use in FW (klodd and fellhammer) but thats it

It is finally removing the desire to play, all the teams i face simply have better rosters and the temporary addiction is gone.

25 апр. 2021, 16:2325.04.21

Believe it or not Cagebreaker is crazy good for Faction Wars.

I used Cagebreaker for my O.Tribe team.

Cage Breaker hits really hard + He has a Destroy Mechanic which comes in clutch.

Stage 19 or 20 has the Healing Wave - 3x Sethalla + 2x Thenasil

You can destroy the health of the hero's which makes it hard for them to heal to max health.

This lets you beat the stage fairly comfortably