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Fusion Event

Fusion Event

20 апр. 2021, 08:3620.04.21

Fusion Event

Hello guys,

I have a big question and hope somebody will help me.

I am a whale spender on this game, not a big one but still, and i spend all my xp potions and even gems to claim rewards on event. I am only interested on 1 Champion and that is Mordecai for my Spider Dungeon. I will reach 70 Fusion Fragments and was wondering if only by claiming the rewards for his fragments if i will reach 100 or do i have to be on the top like top 3 on my championship to claim that +5 and so on. Thanks in advance

20 апр. 2021, 09:5820.04.21

I don't understand the question... the in-game news is pretty clear about how many fragments are available where, I think? You don't need to be top 2 in any tournament IF you can get the available fragments in all the tournaments/events - which means you should already have 30 today from the ones that already ended, then get 40 more from the currently ongoing champion training and dungeon divers, then get the last 30 from the summon rush and the next champion training. 

If you think you will only get to 70 fragments from all the tournaments/events, then even being first in every tournament won't be enough, because that's only 20 more fragments. You might be able to buy the last 10 fragments directly afterwards, but that's not guaranteed. 

20 апр. 2021, 10:3620.04.21

That answered my question. Thanks. i tought i have to also be in top 2 to get that +5 fragments to reach 100 but with the next 2 tourmanents i hope i should get 100. already have 30 and on course to get the other 40 fragments. Thanks.