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How do you get past the forest of Arbiter lead teams

How do you get past the forest of Arbiter lead teams

20 апр. 2021, 06:3120.04.21

How do you get past the forest of Arbiter lead teams

Ok, so here is the problem...60 to 80% of arena teams have arbiter leads, most of those that dont have a 30% aura lead with one of the other speed boosters on the team. If you don't have these you pretty much allways lose the speed race.

But, in order to get an Arbiter yourself, you have to get to gold 4.

Occasionally there are non speed lead teams, and these I can usually beat, unless they are really solidly defensive with CC.  But those are few and far between, and the number of times Arbiter teams beat down my defence team roughly matches the rate I can find teams I can compete with.

Even so, I make slow progress up in rank, but after 6 days there is a tier reset and I am back to square 1 again.

Ang suggestions on how to deal with this? The main problem is the forest of Arbiter teams I have to face. I was in gold 4  for quite a while, but did not have the great hall built to tier 10 in any discipline. Then after Yoshi this steady downforcing from 6 day  resets started, so now I am in gold 2, and I can't get back because of all of the Arbiters even though I have one great hall disc approaching tier 9 now.

20 апр. 2021, 06:4020.04.21

I hate the forest of arbiter teams too and i have one, the exact same thing apply though. If my arbiter isn't quicker than the other persons i mostly lose, not always as it sometimes depends on secondary speeds but mostly. Honestly the entire thing is a joke really. There are a few teams around that just have insane legendarys with insane gear than can defend nuke teams but not many ive seen at g3-4

20 апр. 2021, 07:0620.04.21
20 апр. 2021, 07:06(отредактировано)

I was in gold 2 a few weeks ago, i stopped working all day to stay there (just doing daily ) and have slid down into silver 4 now (the way all your points go away at reset means if you dont keep at it you just keep sliding)- perhaps if i had a better lead it might be different)

With my player power- about half silver matches are arbiter leads, a few non speed teams exist, usually very solid defences... i have to go at the one or two leading with gorg every few refreshes

There is zero difference between the opponents i fought in g2 and s4

20 апр. 2021, 07:2120.04.21

Can you provide proof of this "sEa Of aRbItErS" ?


Even in low Gold 4 there are occassions where you'll see 2-3 Arbiters on the entire list. 

Stop exaggerating and pretending like Arbiter is some unbeatable champion. She can be outsped like any other.

20 апр. 2021, 07:3820.04.21

Arbiter's Aura gives 30% speed, Gorgorab's Aura 23%, Auras only affect base speed. That is a difference of 7 or 8 speed. Of course an advantage for players with Arbiter in their team, but far away from impossible to win the speedrace. One additional roll on artifacts can beat that.

Not mentioning other ways to counter, for example Yoshi. Arbiters atk buff to her team will fill his tunrmeter due to his passive, then he can interrupt and put true fear on the enemy team.

20 апр. 2021, 07:4120.04.21

Arbiter's Aura gives 30% speed, Gorgorab's Aura 23%, Auras only affect base speed. That is a difference of 7 or 8 speed. Of course an advantage for players with Arbiter in their team, but far away from impossible to win the speedrace. One additional roll on artifacts can beat that.

Not mentioning other ways to counter, for example Yoshi. Arbiters atk buff to her team will fill his tunrmeter due to his passive, then he can interrupt and put true fear on the enemy team.

Numbers tend to be tight as i am sure you know, which is why i either go for the defence team i think i can nuke or look for gorg leads.

The number of arbiters in lower G1 and S4 is surprising to be honest considering the requirements to get her

Whatever though -i just do my five daily now.

20 апр. 2021, 19:3820.04.21

Arbiter has a 30% aura, but she also boosts the rest of the team by 30% as well, meaning if they are, say 230 speed normally, they are effectively around 300 speed with the boost. That is extremely hard to beat if you don't have an Arbiter yourself and are fast enough to lead. That is why Arbiter is so valuable. Lyssandra can do the same, but she is obviously much harder to get.

The guy who says I am exaggerating, maybe in higher levels of gold 4 there are fewer, but in gold 2 and 3 every page has at least 5 Arbiter teams and usually more than that. I have seen pages with 9 of them leading, or if not leading at least in the team along with another 30% speed aura lead.

Anyway, I need advice on how to beat these teams in a semi reliable way, not faceatious nonsense about imagining it their . I have Yoshi, but have not thought about how to use him. He has to beat the rest of the enemy tean as well because of the boost, not just Arbiter herself. I have Tormin as well, and am currently building him up during the current fusion, in the hopes that he can CC the enemy team when they boost. Not sure how reliable that would be though. I also have a Seeker, who can add boost as well, but then I am basically one character down on my team. 

20 апр. 2021, 20:3920.04.21

Arbiter has a 30% aura, but she also boosts the rest of the team by 30% as well, meaning if they are, say 230 speed normally, they are effectively around 300 speed with the boost. That is extremely hard to beat if you don't have an Arbiter yourself and are fast enough to lead. That is why Arbiter is so valuable. Lyssandra can do the same, but she is obviously much harder to get.

The guy who says I am exaggerating, maybe in higher levels of gold 4 there are fewer, but in gold 2 and 3 every page has at least 5 Arbiter teams and usually more than that. I have seen pages with 9 of them leading, or if not leading at least in the team along with another 30% speed aura lead.

Anyway, I need advice on how to beat these teams in a semi reliable way, not faceatious nonsense about imagining it their . I have Yoshi, but have not thought about how to use him. He has to beat the rest of the enemy tean as well because of the boost, not just Arbiter herself. I have Tormin as well, and am currently building him up during the current fusion, in the hopes that he can CC the enemy team when they boost. Not sure how reliable that would be though. I also have a Seeker, who can add boost as well, but then I am basically one character down on my team. 

Cardinal? As long as the enemy team is not strong enough to kill Cardinal first round or nukes with a block revive champ like Zavia you can counter fast teams that way.

20 апр. 2021, 21:0820.04.21

Arbiter has a 30% aura, but she also boosts the rest of the team by 30% as well, meaning if they are, say 230 speed normally, they are effectively around 300 speed with the boost. That is extremely hard to beat if you don't have an Arbiter yourself and are fast enough to lead. That is why Arbiter is so valuable. Lyssandra can do the same, but she is obviously much harder to get.

The guy who says I am exaggerating, maybe in higher levels of gold 4 there are fewer, but in gold 2 and 3 every page has at least 5 Arbiter teams and usually more than that. I have seen pages with 9 of them leading, or if not leading at least in the team along with another 30% speed aura lead.

Anyway, I need advice on how to beat these teams in a semi reliable way, not faceatious nonsense about imagining it their . I have Yoshi, but have not thought about how to use him. He has to beat the rest of the enemy tean as well because of the boost, not just Arbiter herself. I have Tormin as well, and am currently building him up during the current fusion, in the hopes that he can CC the enemy team when they boost. Not sure how reliable that would be though. I also have a Seeker, who can add boost as well, but then I am basically one character down on my team. 

Definitely use Tormin - speaking as someone with an Arbiter offense team, I hate fighting Tormin and I dare say that goes for most people, so people may avoid attacking you and you may gain simply by having your defense team attacked less. Even if they do attack you, they'd probably avoid using Arbi's boost, or take the gamble but then their turn order may get screwed up if Tormin's passive activates. Although he needs to be on a team that's strong enough - a lone Tormin with little threat from the others is easily dealt with. And he should have very high accuracy, because people will try to bring high resistance champions or resistance auras to face him (e.g. I often switch from Shazar/Arbi to Rhazin lead when facing Tormin). But if that's the case, you've already won to some extent - you've forced them to deviate from the Arbi speed nuke and go for a plan B. 

Can't say much about the rest of your team since we don't know your roster. 

20 апр. 2021, 21:1520.04.21

Can you provide proof of this "sEa Of aRbItErS" ?


Even in low Gold 4 there are occassions where you'll see 2-3 Arbiters on the entire list. 

Stop exaggerating and pretending like Arbiter is some unbeatable champion. She can be outsped like any other.

tormin if you have is a key his passive locking up champs is crazy

i go against him and 3/4 of my team gets frozen so many times i cant wait til i pull this champ he will definately be going straight into my line up 

21 апр. 2021, 20:3221.04.21

Can you provide proof of this "sEa Of aRbItErS" ?


Even in low Gold 4 there are occassions where you'll see 2-3 Arbiters on the entire list. 

Stop exaggerating and pretending like Arbiter is some unbeatable champion. She can be outsped like any other.

easy to post a snapshot to try and disprove something, everyone can do that. here is mine of g3


29 апр. 2021, 18:2829.04.21

Just an update. Now that the fusion stuff is done, I have built up my new Tormin (still missing a few books on him) and he has made a world of difference in dealing with all the Arbiters. I still have trouble with some comps, but at least now I have a chance of beating them. I had been pushed down to gold 1 before, but now he has got me back up to gold 3 and pushing towards gold 4

He has upped my defence win rate quite a bit as well, which helps. 

In general though, I think it is just wrong that you need a rare legendary or a hell of a lot more resources  than other players  to compete in content you need to complete in order to compete in said content, lol

30 апр. 2021, 02:4430.04.21

Gold is in a rough state currently I won't disagree, but plarium is aware and there is a rework coming we just don't know the exact date or what exactly that rework will entail. Unfortunately all I can suggest is work on a go second team, or be very selective with your fights and refreshes. I know it isn't ideal, but it's really all you can do without getting luckier with speed gear. 

30 апр. 2021, 07:2230.04.21

Gold is in a rough state currently I won't disagree, but plarium is aware and there is a rework coming we just don't know the exact date or what exactly that rework will entail. Unfortunately all I can suggest is work on a go second team, or be very selective with your fights and refreshes. I know it isn't ideal, but it's really all you can do without getting luckier with speed gear. 

Silver (for players with high player power) is rougher than gold.

30 апр. 2021, 09:1230.04.21

Silver (for players with high player power) is rougher than gold.

And bronze is impossible for early-midgame players....

And yes, I know there are lots of people now crying gitgud...make speed teams...

Even speed teams do not always stand a chance against speed teams with 3 fully 6* leggos...

30 апр. 2021, 10:0330.04.21

And bronze is impossible for early-midgame players....

And yes, I know there are lots of people now crying gitgud...make speed teams...

Even speed teams do not always stand a chance against speed teams with 3 fully 6* leggos...

Yes, classic ftp teams will not do as well as whale teams, providing the whale is not an idiot