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Arena fusion Tournament points

Arena fusion Tournament points

20 апр. 2021, 00:2120.04.21

Arena fusion Tournament points

Good evening, 

I was wondering as a bronze tiers arena player why we dont get the same amount of tournament points as other arena divisions. 

In a nutshell, a clan mate in gold tiers told me he gets 9 points per win when I get only 3.

Again lower tiers players and newer ones are punished. I have done everything possible to grab all fragments to be able to fuse some epics but 3 points per win is so low... 

Fights are as hard to win  in bronze tiers as in gold and recquire the same effort providing we are paired with people of equal strenght (which is discussable) 

All players should consequently get rewarwed equally for the same effort put in this fusion. 

It would require me to win 152 fights to be able to hit 455 points and collect the champion fragments I am aiming for while it is 3 times less for a gold player , this is simply not realistic and thus totally unfair. 

Thanks for your attention. 

A player at the base of the pyramide

20 апр. 2021, 01:4920.04.21

Don't worry, they will sell you fragments after the fusion event is over when you can no longer use them to fuse Brogni. 😉

20 апр. 2021, 01:5920.04.21

I am quiting the game if I miss the fusions just because of this. (and I am being reasonable, not aiming for the dwarf lego)

20 апр. 2021, 05:5020.04.21

Theres only 3hrs 22mins left in the Arena tournament, how many points do you still need?

20 апр. 2021, 13:5820.04.21
22 апр. 2021, 10:00(отредактировано)

I am not farming Skimfos, but I tried hard to see if  I was able to reach 455 points and I just reached half Milestone. 

Actually I would like to complete Giscard and Fenshi fusions only. 

Giscard last 25 fragments will certainly be at 455 points too. 

This is the hardest thing to grind for me and knowing that other players get 3 times what I get per win is just disgusting me from the game. 

It just means that all I have accomplished so far to complete that little epic fusion was not worth my time. 

20 апр. 2021, 14:2520.04.21

Fusions, just like most of the game, is not meant for FTP players.

You want that champ? Buy it.

Plarium doesn't bother to check the math to see whether the requirements are reasonable. 

21 апр. 2021, 20:2821.04.21
21 апр. 2021, 20:56(отредактировано)

I have already given enough money to this company, I am not free to play and I really dont like the way they advertise and fool people. I pay, I need to be treated equally with other players. 

I am not begging here. When you win hard matches in arena, you have to be rewarded exactly the same as higher team players. Paying or not is not the topic I am dealing with. 

I will be waiting an answer from THEM to this. 

21 апр. 2021, 20:4521.04.21

I have already given enough money to this company, I am not free to play and I really dont like the way they advertise and fool people. I pay, I need to be treated equally with other players. 

I am not begging here. When you win hard matches in arena, you have to be rewarded exactly the same as higher team players. Paying or not is not the topic I am dealing with. 

I will be waiting an answer from THEM to this. 

Players of level 50 or lower have a much lower points number they have to hit for the shards (200 something, I saw mentioned), just like they have lower targets in the dungeons - not sure on the champion training or the summon rush / champion chase events. But if you're level 51 or above and you're still stuck in bronze because of how broken arena is, yeah, it's painful. 

It makes perfect sense that higher arena tiers give more points, which wouldn't be so much of a problem if people could easily get wins in bronze, but since that's so tough, it becomes almost impossible. 

Then again, completing fusions has never been something new players were supposed to be able to do. The points required in past fusions have been lower - but then, there are more and more new ways of getting energy/gems/other resources, like the advanced quests, DT, the free daily gifts, etc. If anything, apart from the arena issue, this fusion is probably easier to do without spending than the ones in the past - provided that you saved up a decent number of all those free refills they keep throwing at us. 

21 апр. 2021, 21:0721.04.21
22 апр. 2021, 14:24(отредактировано)

I am talking about points granted for arena tournament. 

Why are you talking about other things ? I am perfectly prepared for the goal I have assessed with the ressources that I have. I still have plenty of gems, silvers and I have collected every single fragment for the 2 champs that I want. I can beat all dungeons 20 except spider that I can still farm confortably at level 16 so what is your point exactly ? 

I just want plarium to state clearly who the events are for if I am not welcome to complete it, I need to know it from start. 

Again, what justifies  the number of points (3 points in bronze, 9 in gold). 

If bronze players are an inferior category just say it clearly and don't expect me to continue playing the game. 

21 апр. 2021, 21:1221.04.21

Fusions, just like most of the game, is not meant for FTP players.

You want that champ? Buy it.

Plarium doesn't bother to check the math to see whether the requirements are reasonable. 

This is false.

Fusions are not meant to be EASY for F2P is true.  

This fusion is only slightly more difficult as f2p than past fusions, which is I think in line with the quality of champ.  Though more likely due to Plarium seeing if this level of difficulty increases revenue, but that is irrelevant.

There are 5 primary factors that impact ability to complete this fusion:

1.  $$$ vs F2P: If you spend enough you can mitigate or eliminate any of the others - this makes sense to me

2. New vs Veteran player:  If you are early game you are essentially ineligible for fusions.  A certain level of game progress is required.  I did not attempt a fusion for 4-6 months probably? 

3. Preparation: Depending on where you are on the $$$/F2P and tenure spectrums, the requirement here may be significant.  

As a F2P veteran player, my prep included farming keeps for about a week following the last set of events, then hoarding energy for a week.  I view it as a 2-week vacation from Raid grinding.  I still did Doomtower, FW, CB, Arena and Tag daily and could have done more.  Only thing I exhausted was my 4 CB keys, always have wasted FW and arena tokens daily.

Most of the clan I am in is F2P/Low $$$ and I don't think anyone has struggled with this fusion that have chosen to go for it.  Those that opted against were lacking in...

4. Time: Either you have it or you spend to make up for it, this is not a casual "hero collection game" -- I laugh every time I see someone refer to it that way to rationalize the focus on Faction Wars....but I digress.  

5. Intelligence: This is the wild-card.  I am told that content creators have provided guides of how to prepare for a fusion, and then how to complete it.  In my clan, we give each other advice on how to double-dip events, when to use xp brews, do farming of potions pre-fusion, not get tricked into opening shards (LOL), saving silver (upgrade to +11,+15 only until event), .... Try doing it another way just makes it  more difficult


21 апр. 2021, 21:5021.04.21

If anyone wants to have fun, look at this account that BGE reviewed in February of last year.  Check out his speeds.  The person was in Silver 2 lol.  Then claim that people today just need to get better because it was hard back in the day too (and February of last year was before they made things easy in late summer early fall of last year so don't try that nonsense).  Doompriest speed lead is around 4:30 in the video.  By the way, I had High Khatun into Jorrg when I first hit silver 2 after multiple refreshes with the Khatun at 243 and the team speed tuned.


21 апр. 2021, 21:5521.04.21

This is false.

Fusions are not meant to be EASY for F2P is true.  

This fusion is only slightly more difficult as f2p than past fusions, which is I think in line with the quality of champ.  Though more likely due to Plarium seeing if this level of difficulty increases revenue, but that is irrelevant.

There are 5 primary factors that impact ability to complete this fusion:

1.  $$$ vs F2P: If you spend enough you can mitigate or eliminate any of the others - this makes sense to me

2. New vs Veteran player:  If you are early game you are essentially ineligible for fusions.  A certain level of game progress is required.  I did not attempt a fusion for 4-6 months probably? 

3. Preparation: Depending on where you are on the $$$/F2P and tenure spectrums, the requirement here may be significant.  

As a F2P veteran player, my prep included farming keeps for about a week following the last set of events, then hoarding energy for a week.  I view it as a 2-week vacation from Raid grinding.  I still did Doomtower, FW, CB, Arena and Tag daily and could have done more.  Only thing I exhausted was my 4 CB keys, always have wasted FW and arena tokens daily.

Most of the clan I am in is F2P/Low $$$ and I don't think anyone has struggled with this fusion that have chosen to go for it.  Those that opted against were lacking in...

4. Time: Either you have it or you spend to make up for it, this is not a casual "hero collection game" -- I laugh every time I see someone refer to it that way to rationalize the focus on Faction Wars....but I digress.  

5. Intelligence: This is the wild-card.  I am told that content creators have provided guides of how to prepare for a fusion, and then how to complete it.  In my clan, we give each other advice on how to double-dip events, when to use xp brews, do farming of potions pre-fusion, not get tricked into opening shards (LOL), saving silver (upgrade to +11,+15 only until event), .... Try doing it another way just makes it  more difficult


You realize that pretty much every single content creator who created a guide for this had a follow up video where they talked about how this was so much harder than they anticipated and that it was significantly harder than previous fusions, right?  Because I started prepping the second they announced it and watched most of the vids since this was going to be my first fusion.  I'll still probably get it but this is not in line with previous fusions.  You cannot skip any event.  Every single event requires at least what you had to do in previous fusions for the legendary AND the epics.  That is all just to get the legendary and not the epics and if you fail at a single one you are left without the legendary.

As for hero collection game, that is how it has been advertised.  If you are unhappy with it, you should probably wonder why they spent so much getting a ludicrous number of youtubers to describe it that way with paid content.  I mean, feel free to laugh away but you are laughing at fraud if you think that isn't what this game is despite that being how they advertised it.  I don't find fraud funny.

22 апр. 2021, 10:1822.04.21
22 апр. 2021, 10:19(отредактировано)

Well I was not complaining about the fusion toughness. 

Plarium answer me. I have written to you ingame and you redirected me here so I am still waiting for a clear answer. 

Why do I earn 3 tournament points in arena when gold players earn 9?

You replied to the community that arena was perfectly fine, that we should work on our defense, I am perfectly fine with that. I also accept being in bronze tiers where I belong, ok. So providing that I am in the right division, facing People of same strenght, why am I not granted 9 tournament points for each victory ? 

What is the message here ? Are People in bronze not worth your tournaments ? 

What about our money, when we pay we dont get any discount because we are underrated players right ? 

So treat your clients decently. 

First give me an answer. 

Thanks a lot