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New Players Suggestion

New Players Suggestion

19 апр. 2021, 13:3519.04.21

New Players Suggestion

Hi everyone,

I've been playing RAID for almost a year and really enjoy the game. Recently I've been shocked by the statistics RAID released, especially the amount of players who reached lvl 60. IMO, if you really enjoy the game, going to player level 60 is not a problem, just takes some time.

Plarium doing a ton of marketing but doing nothing about helping new players getting into the game makes me worried about the future of the game, especially now that they're planning to release more 'endgame' stuff like dungeons 25.

I just want to share some suggestions with you:

- 'Pre-Arbiter' Missions: Some random Missions like the Arbiter ones with rewards that will include 'Starter Chickens'. These chickens would include all the necessary to upgrade your STARTER to 6* and could be completed in ~ 1 week because for me the game really starts when having your starter level 60, for now it's quite a hard and tedious grind.

- Including Content Creators into the game: Maybe if you get a new champion, the game could suggest you some videos made by some youtubers on this champion. Or other videos on managing your ressources, being cautious about your real money spendings, for example.

- Adapting the daily rewards with your player level as well as adapting the quality of the objects in the market. I'm level 75, most of the gear in the market are worthless.

- Increasing the energy cap after player level 60.

- ... Basically everything that could help new players having more fun into the game because I find it important to have a good early/midgame community.

And I'm not even talking about the other changes we need like: Dupe System, Silver, Arena fixes, Champions rebalancing, the game taking too much time, etc..

In my opinion, getting new players hooked to the game should be a PRIORITY.

So what do you guys think about these suggestions ? 
