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Champion Training Event. Another topic. Fusion ruined for everyone.

Champion Training Event. Another topic. Fusion ruined for everyone.

17 апр. 2021, 06:1617.04.21

Champion Training Event. Another topic. Fusion ruined for everyone.

The point requirenment of 12700 for mandatory fragmets it's something out of this world. You have to realize how the community would feel about this. This is so far beyound being reasonable that people would start review bombing raid again like it was about a year ago. You had a second chance to earn trust of your playerbase and you stab us in the back. THE ONLY way to redeem yourself before your players is to extend the fusion with adding extra ways of earning fragments. Here's how it is right now:

1)  The whole mixed fusion system is deeply flawed

2) The amount of of fragments avaliable doesnt make any sense. Winning a tournament gives you a useless 10 so it puts you at either 90 or 110. The only way you could fuse the epic earlier is winning 2 tournaments in a row. What are the chances of that? be 1-2 place out of 100 people twice. Just think about it. The reward for the tournament that involves heavy SPENDING doesn't help your fusion. here's a proof of me getting to the top of the tourney. All those resourses are for nothing, you could've just left only relentless gear there. I could easily overtake the first place if it helped the fusion. But you take away the incentive to compete.


3) Having no full epic champion rewards also doesn't make any sense. Full epics should've been given for summoning tournaments and at the high end of training events. 

4) I refuse to believe you made any calculations how much time it takes to earn 12700 points in training. Even if you bought extra chicken packs the sheer number just makes people to give up instead of stimulating to pay to do it quicker. It's not even pay to win anymore - it's straight up impossible.

Plarium, you have an incredible ability to irritate your audience. EVERY content creator gives you bad PR right now discouraging any new players from joining the game. 

17 апр. 2021, 06:3217.04.21

This fusion is beyond believable in terms of how ill-concieved it was. 

The clan vs clan layout, reward structure, stupid ways to earn points and just woefully unimaginitive game design and development was just laughable. This fusion is straight up mean or the developers are just incredibly stupid. It has to be one or the other.

So many people were hyped AND SAVING resources weeks beforehand. Now they're just being told they're worthless. I don't understand how a company can be this big and rake in this much money and not understand the value of looking after and caring for your playerbase.

The outrage is constant and building, over so many things in this game...

  • In-game silver inflation and overall lack of funds
  • Legendary dupe system. Where is it already? 
  • Arena travesty (that is supposedly working as intended) On what planet is people leaving the game out of frustration equate to "working as intended"?!)
  • Doom tower re-designs with an epic-ly lame excuse about "gimmick" champions and the playerbase having to waste resources re-gearing and leveling new champions that fit the new and approved "gimmick"
  • 3v3 arena is so boring no one plays it, so what do they do? change the reward structure to force people into the game mode. Brilliant.
  • Clan vs Clan has nothing to do with Clan battles, it has to do with pitting the community against each other to try and get them to out-spend each other in the shop. 
  • Champion balance... 
  • Faction imbalance.. Look at what you are putting out.. Do you not see that skinwalkers don't even have 30 champions? While others have over 60? But yet you think it's prudent to make a new faction you won't be able to handle balancing?

This post is long enough, TLDR: this game is broken in so many ways, this Fusion is just another example of a terrible, out of touch developer driving what could have been a good game off a cliff.

Maybe it's time to just say, good riddance.

19 апр. 2021, 12:0319.04.21
19 апр. 2021, 12:03(отредактировано)

Playing RAID has almost made me want to go BACk to WOW ....

and am even considering going BACK to WOT , 

at least they will give me TEN DAYS of BONUS PLAY for returning

Geee Even FORT NIGHT is starting to look good and i dont really Like  FPS games that much