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Ancient pulls and team building help

Ancient pulls and team building help

16 апр. 2021, 23:0916.04.21

Ancient pulls and team building help

I apologize in advance for the length of this...

42 ancient shards down, and I can't be too unhappy with the results given 2 legendaries (Minaya and Candraphon) and 10 epics (Old Hermit Jorrg, Masked Fearmonger, Juliana, Fang Cleric, Warden, Bonekeeper, Quargan the Crowned, Steelskull, Melga Steelgirdle, Jizoh) that got me the first legendary book in the champion chase tournament. Could use some advice on where to go from here though. My roster, slightly edited and in no order whatsoever, is as follows... 


Some of them I keep around for FW, others because they might have some utility later, and others just because they are epics and harder to get back.

First question, what to do with the epic duplicates? Masked Fearmonger, Steelskull and Jizoh I had from before. Do I just book the originals, use them as food, or are they worth having multiple copies of? I'm thinking MF and Jizoh won't be of much use later.

Second question, who should I focus on next? Who to book and not? I have 13 legendary skill books and 22 epic, as well as 19 5* food and 22 4*. My only 2 legendaries seem like the obvious bets, though Minaya less so. Maybe she can replace High Khatun as a speed lead in the arena with more support capacity since I already have Seeker to do turn meter boosting. I would like a reviver to replace Shaman, and I have Cardinal from before, and now also Jorrg, Fang Cleric and Melga. I'm leaning towards either Jorrg for his turn meter boost and fairly cheap booking, or Melga for her shields. I'm trying to find a place for Warden, but not really seeing it. The other epics don't feel particularly urgent to invest in, if at all.

Third question, I could really use some help on team compositions. Currently I'm using these:

  • Arena: Athel, Seeker, Madame Serris, Spirithost. Usually with Seeker as lead, occasionally Spirithost if I need a small speed boost, and sometimes I replace Spirithost with High Khatun if I think I can win the speed race and actually kill the enemies (which is rarely). I'm using Spirithost in what I think might be an unusual way, in that she goes last and uses purge/block debuffs to counter the enemy debuffs for round 2. I haven't had much in the way of a nuker up until perhaps now, but Candraphon might open up some options here.
  • Dungeons: Apothecary, Athel, Madame Serris, Shaman are my core. I add Doompriest, Coldheart or Frozen Banshee as needed. I've also used Coffin Smasher for the fire knight. I can do dragon/golem on 16, spider on 10 and fire knight on 11, but I haven't tried FK lately so I might do a bit better. The rest I can do at max level. I feel like I'm missing crowd control/AoE to actually reach the bosses relatively intact, which prevents me from using Coldheart well since she tends to die and not contribute a whole lot for the waves. I don't really know what to do for spider. I do have 3 skilled-up Armigers since I've been told they work, but haven't done anything to level them.
  • Doom Tower: Pretty much the same as my dungeon team, only with Seeker instead of Frozen Banshee sometimes. Low priority, but I'd like to at least be able to beat the first boss so I can do the advanced quests. I do need champions for dealing with the bosses. Can't beat the scarab king, and the 3rd boss is usually a bit too strong, depending on which one it is.
  • Clan boss: Frozen Banshee, Apothecary, Seeker, Madame Serris, Athel. Athel is mostly filler who can do some damage with her 3 attack A1 and giant slayer procs. The rest are only there to maximize the amount of poison FB can put on the boss before the team dies. I tried replacing Serris with Jareg, but without booking his A1 he doesn't land the attack decrease reliably enough. I can 2-key brutal with that team, 3 if I'm unlucky, but I'm not sure how I can improve it.

Bonus question: should I just toss some of the rares? I've tried to save a few that seem useful for future FWs, as well as a bunch for current fusions (not shown in the image), but my vault is getting filled up.

17 апр. 2021, 07:0717.04.21

Wow, super lucky 2x! Candraphon is a big upgrade over Athel as nuker, Minaya is a strong healer with speed aura, some of those epics are decent as well though maybe not anything you immediately needed. The pair of them are your next 6*s I would say, though not sure on using the legendary books - definitely not on Candra, on Minaya of course you'd like the increased heal and reduced cooldown on her A3, but it may take a lot of wasted books to get there. 

For revives, if I see it right Cardinal is already at 6*, so why not just continue with her? She's obviously miles better than Shaman and not necessarily worse than Jorrg or Melga - don't underestimate the advantage of her reviving people with full TM. You may not actually need revivers everywhere, though, if you bring Minaya.

I see what you mean about lacking CC/AOE damage on dungeon waves, you have a strong roster but not too much in that direction indeed. Ideally you'd want two people putting out AOE damage, not just Athel (or Candra moving forward). A team with Doompriest, Apo, a reviver plus Serris' AOE decrease attack, then only Athel/Candra as DPS is just overkill on support.  That's the downside of using Serris in dungeons - a Tayrel or Stag Knight would also put the debuffs but do serious damage in the process. Since you don't have them, you could look at using Athel and Candra together, other than in FK/Spider where Coldheart is already the second DPS, though competition gets fierce for the remaining slots then. 

For Spider, you could probably still progress a few more stages by simply nuking the spiderlings plus firing Heartseeker at the big spider. Candra will help with that. But before too long, you're going to have to change your approach and get additional turn meter reduction on the big spider. An Armiger could help with that, indeed, or that Soulbond Bowyer (AOE A1 plus turn meter depletion, like Coldheart's, on her A3). 

17 апр. 2021, 11:3417.04.21

In regards to revivers, Cardinal is 6*, yes, mostly because I had no one else to rank up at the time. The reason I'm leaning towards Jorrg over her is that he has a more offensive kit, with turn meter filling and attack buff and a chance of HP burn on bosses, while Cardinal has a defensive one with her heal and defense buff. She also has poison instead of a HP burn, but a much lower chance of applying it. I feel like I'd benefit more from having an offensive reviver when I already have Apothecary to take care of the healing. The problem I see with Minaya is that especially more glasscannon-y champions like Athel and Coldheart are vulnerable to burst damage in the dungeon waves, and all the healing in the world won't help if you're dead. Scyl is still 90 days away, so waiting for her heal/revive/AoE kit which would be a good fit for me is unfortunately not viable right now.

17 апр. 2021, 12:4417.04.21

Cardinal's best place in the game is the arena, together with a specialized team that takes advantage of her revive with 100% turnmeter. You can use Cardinal instead of a speed hero like High Khatun together with a typical nuker combo. Cardinal needs a lot of HP/Def to survive the first hit and an Immortal set as protection against stun/freeze/daze. The opponent goes first, Cardinal's teammembers die, she revives them with 100% turnmeter. 

The advantage over a typical speednuker team is, that the attacking champs don't need any speed (exept one or two substats to manage their own turnorder after revive) and can use full damage gear, including boots. 

17 апр. 2021, 13:0317.04.21

I've given the Cardinal arena team a try, the problem is mostly that either she dies due to lack of stats, or my team comes back and then don't have the damage output to take out the enemy team. I think I need to build a more specialized arena team for that to work, right now I just don't have the champions to make a dedicated team for just one area of the game.

17 апр. 2021, 15:1517.04.21

Honestly, Cardinal + Candraphon is probably enough. Just fill the remaining spots with a champ that has AOE DEF down and AOE ATK up  

17 апр. 2021, 15:4417.04.21

Scyl is definitely a great dungeon carry. In the meantime, if you take the Minaya route, you'd indeed have to make sure nobody dies, but since you'd have her speed aura as well as Serris putting decrease attack on everyone, that should help a lot in avoiding one-shotting on the waves. But anyway, Jorrg is not a bad pick either, a sort of epic version of Arbiter. 

17 апр. 2021, 19:2117.04.21

Serris AI has a tendency to waste her spells unfortunately, so her attack debuff isn't always as reliable as I would've liked. It'd probably work if I did everything manually, but I don't have enough time to waste on managing every battle.

I might give the Cardinal arena team another go. I'm thinking her, Candraphon, Athel and Serris. Candraphon has his own damage boost, as does Athel to a lesser extent, and Serris can both remove any defense buffs and shields, and apply her debuffs. Hopefully that's enough against the squishier speed teams.

17 апр. 2021, 19:2617.04.21

Candraphon's damage boost is more of a cleanup spell. You don't want him using his A3 first, you want him using his A2 first, and you want him to hit as hard as possible when using it.

Serris is a good bet, for buff stripping and DEF down. Athel is good for now, but you really want to be replacing her with someone more reliable. None of your current champs fit the bill, but as you get more, she'll be the first one on your team to replace.