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Brogoni Fusion - Champion Training Event -- 12750 to get all the fragments!?!?

Brogoni Fusion - Champion Training Event -- 12750 to get all the fragments!?!?

16 апр. 2021, 17:3016.04.21

Brogoni Fusion - Champion Training Event -- 12750 to get all the fragments!?!?

It is me or does this number seem crazy high?  Even with 7 days to do it, how the heck does anybody that isn't paying out the butt to play this game get this done?  I've been saving my ranking guys and my legendaries to level for 3 weeks now and I don't see me getting anywhere NEAR this ammount.

Fusions are getting more and more fusterating for me to deal with.   2 year player of this game and I'm almost at my breaking point.  I cannot compete.  Arena I went from sitting at Gold IV tier for months to having difficulty competing at Gold I now.  And now all these fusions... OMG.  Sure Plarium has all the fragments available to us, but really how the hell are we suppose to get them without sinking some serious money into this game!?!?

16 апр. 2021, 17:4116.04.21

Efficient use of resources is how you do it. If you farmed potions and silver in advance and save the refills from the daily free packs you should be well-positioned to pull off the fusion.

Being in a clan that kills UNM every day helps. If you can 2 or 3 key it but your clan doesnt kill it then maybe look for a new clan or recruit people that can help there.

Or you can open your wallet .........

16 апр. 2021, 17:5516.04.21

Sorry Rauthma,  

I just don't see how I can RANK UP enough guys to hit 12750 points.  And I've been leveling and waiting to RANK up tons of low level dudes so I can squeeze out a few 6 Stars.  

And LEVELING to hit 12750...  yea... If I had like 1000 of each drink and 20 - 6 Star Guys sitting at level 1 just wating to be leveled.  

I just don't see it... and maybe I'm the problem??  I am trying very hard to anticipate what will be needed when these monthly Legendary Fusions come up.  I save almost everything to fully unload when these come around.  Each one seems slightly more difficult then the last one.  I believe my ONLY hope on this one is to pull the Epic Fusion toons from some shards, 'cause there is no way I'm going to be able to complete the "Training" event and then later the "Training" Tourny which I'm sure will be equally impossible after I have given everything I have to try to complete the first one....

The Dungeons are just shear keep fighting... but the Training and Recruiting parts of the event are what kill me every time.  

16 апр. 2021, 18:0116.04.21

I agree, this fusion is tough and an obvious cash grab. 

I'm just saying that it can and will be done by some FTP/Low spenders. 

Nobody is happy about the fragment structure on this though.

I suggest you don't try to make your points grinding out 60's. Level up 2 and three star chickens for best energy efficiency.

16 апр. 2021, 18:0716.04.21

I had 5,000 energy to start the day (about 1 week savings by just doing daily missions with energy).  I used it all in 12.3, have not 6starred anyone yet and have 8,353 points and 50-60 4.1 chickens (can't count because the scrolling is glitching and pissing me off, so I gave up).

16 апр. 2021, 18:0816.04.21

its nutters, you also have to keep in mind we'll have Fire Knight and ice Golem Dungeon Tournaments aswell during the same time, so its more like 12k points in 2-3 days

16 апр. 2021, 18:1216.04.21

I had 5,000 energy to start the day (about 1 week savings by just doing daily missions with energy).  I used it all in 12.3, have not 6starred anyone yet and have 8,353 points and 50-60 4.1 chickens (can't count because the scrolling is glitching and pissing me off, so I gave up).

hmmm  I haven't been conserving energy like that... I've been 12.3 my low levels for rankings.... perhaps I am thinking about this the wrong way.  

Thanx for your input Trips, Lichwyrm and Rauthma

Apr 16, 2021, 18:01

16 апр. 2021, 19:3516.04.21

It's super frustrating. These rewards should be vastly higher for 12.7k points. A whole epic champion, 50 shards, something. All Plarium is doing is pissing me off and when I'm not enjoying the game I'll tighten up spending even more.

16 апр. 2021, 20:3616.04.21

at least it isnt pyxniel for a reward :P