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16 апр. 2021, 01:1016.04.21


I'm guessing this discussion comes up pretty regularly. 

The prices in this game are insane. I mean truly outrageous. It's not even  lose to "micro transactions". 

I mean, do you need to be Elon Musk to play this game? 

I once got the answer from customer service that they "need to make money off the game". Well sure. That's all good. But come on?

Try to lower the prices by 90% for a week. You'll make much more money from that. Be brave, kill the whales.

16 апр. 2021, 02:5616.04.21

they go up the more you spend too ;)

16 апр. 2021, 03:3916.04.21

Looking at the projection of the cost to play this game, I decided to save the money for buying Switch last December.

16 апр. 2021, 07:4116.04.21

Since switching completely FTP  (previously a minnow spending 10 every 3 months) i actually enjoy the game more since i care less if i drop out of gold arena etc

When you have invested cash it can be harder to enjoy the game as you want to feel you got something from it

Yes the pricing seems insane but while people pay them why would they drop prices?

16 апр. 2021, 07:5816.04.21

Look at it from the bright side. If the prices were lower, you might be more tempted to actually spend money on the game.

Personally, they'd have to be about 1/10th of what they are for me to consider it. I bought the daily gem pack for $10 after the first few days, which is arguably the least overpriced item in the store, just to get the gem mine upgraded and early masteries for my campaign farmer. I wouldn't say I regret it necessarily, but I've quickly come to realize that's probably about as much as this game is worth, if not more. I could easily drop $100 on this game per month without making any real dent in my budget, but why on Earth would I when there are so many far better ways to spend that money?

16 апр. 2021, 08:2616.04.21

The greed is astounding, i just pulled 49 ancients got 48 trash rares and the free epic jizoh

I hadnt paid for them, it was hoarded gems for gem packs and hoarded ancients, but it was weeks and weeks of hoarded gems

Its annoying enough - but to buy 49 ancients is what... 50 dollars plus? if i had paid cash for that i would be really pi^ed 

16 апр. 2021, 12:0616.04.21

The way to look at the standard prices is they serve two purposes: firstly, maximize income from whales who will pay anything, obviously, but also, secondly, to make the special deals look super good in comparison, so even if people never pay those standard prices, they will at least buy a few special deals when they come up. 

Though looking at some other games in the gacha genre, I'm afraid these kind of prices aren't that exceptional - even if they are obviously ridiculous if you think about how many entire computer games you can buy for the same amounts of money. 

16 апр. 2021, 12:4516.04.21

All mobile games are the same. I also play POTC: tides of war, it's shocking to say but this is ""Cheap"" in comparison 

16 апр. 2021, 12:5416.04.21

The way to look at the standard prices is they serve two purposes: firstly, maximize income from whales who will pay anything, obviously, but also, secondly, to make the special deals look super good in comparison, so even if people never pay those standard prices, they will at least buy a few special deals when they come up. 

Though looking at some other games in the gacha genre, I'm afraid these kind of prices aren't that exceptional - even if they are obviously ridiculous if you think about how many entire computer games you can buy for the same amounts of money. 

Yup i used to play an awful lot of a game called civ (from 1 to 6), ive put thousands of hours into it and each full game is 50 quid tops with maybe 40 or so for expansions

Here, that is a few shards :)

16 апр. 2021, 13:1816.04.21

While I get the idea of the massive prices, I don't believe that plarium wouldn't make more money if they cut their prices to a tenth of the current prices.

I mean look at fortnite. Each individual price is quite low. For 10 bucks you get a truck load of stuff (sure, you have to unlock it, but that's fine) and plarium did create a season pass once as well.

10 bucks is fine once a month. That's pocket money, I would probably spend that on raid if I got a lot of stuff for it. But I won't spend 30-100 bucks on any mobile game. That's too steep for one purchase with no guarantees.

But now they don't get my 10 bucks (120 bucks a year). So I fail to see how the current approach makes them more money.

It's better to cater to the broad masses than singular whales.