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Yeah... fun ish, but I'm not gonna spend money

Yeah... fun ish, but I'm not gonna spend money

13 апр. 2021, 18:5213.04.21

Yeah... fun ish, but I'm not gonna spend money

Hola, Raid team!  This is not my first Gacha Game.  I played Dan Machi free for damn near 2 years and completed almost every event outside of PvP, where I did well enough. NEVER hit an energy cap.

I just spent the last 2 months playing Genshin Impact, and dropped a tenner on something I really wanted, and another tenner the next month on the next event.  Never once hit any kind of energy cap.  Sure I had to farm certain bosses to level my guys, but exploration was free with lots of rewards.

Hell, I dropped almost $300 on Combat Arms on perms back in the day, because spending a bit more on the perms made more sense than renting.

I have been playing Raid for 7 ish days, and already hit the end of the energy cap.  Now you want me to drop a ton of money for.... what, exactly?  The risk/reward math is absolute trash.  There's a hundred other gacha games.  You need to work for my money.

Don't really expect a response, but Jesus christ guys, sucking whales dry will only let your game limp along for so long.
