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Reaction Solution?

Reaction Solution?

11 апр. 2021, 19:2011.04.21

Reaction Solution?

These  Accesories  are  going  to  be  a  nightmare.  Here  is  my  balancing  idea.

1.  Champions  with  skills  that  say  in  the  skill  description  that  this  skill  always  inflicts  a  critical  hit  will  always  inflict  a  critical  hit  and  will  ignore  the  Accesory.

2.  Even  though  it  brings  a  strength,  it  could  also  bring  a  weakness.  So  there  could  also  be  a  25%  chance  to  turn  a  weak  hit  into  a  normal  hit,  stacking  up  to  50%  and  75%.  This  would  bring  a  balance  which  would  allow  players  to  decide  if  they  wanted  to  take  the  risk.

11 апр. 2021, 19:5311.04.21
11 апр. 2021, 20:09(отредактировано)

All content creators told Plarium that these accessories are a bad idea. They didnt listen, Plarium thinks this just fine and is going ahead with them.

These accesories will make Arena far far worse. its gonna be a shitshow

in due time everyone will have tank teams with these accesories in their defense.

speed nuke teams will die a slow death

every arena match will descend into a slug match lasting 5 min or more

newer players get the biggest shaft, pretty much the only way to advance had been the Khatun - Spirithost - Warmaiden - Kael, combo. 

that combo will die, not immediately cause it will take some time till these accessories will filter through to the lower arena ranks but they will eventually

Arena will be even shittier for new players then, thats an achievement in itself

there is no fixing it, remove reaction accessories or nerf them to near uselessness (5% instead of 25%)

Dhukk the Pierced? might aswell call him Sukk the Shafted, Elhain? nerfed big time and so on and on...

every champ with a crit hit req. in one of their skills is now useless for arena

I dont think people realize how hard this going to hit newer players once those accessories have become more common. or how fuckin awful farming medals for GH will become once everyone is sporting tank teams with those accessories

11 апр. 2021, 20:0311.04.21

These accessories will ruin the arena for me, luckily I have already almost maxed out GH and soon will have zero reason to participate in it.

Arena fights will go from 15-30 seconds to boring slogfests where you lose after 4 minutes of trying to deal with the enemy team bs.

As someone who does 300 arena battles weekly, I like the current system - either I win or lose within 15-30 seconds, this new system introduces far more RNG into the arena and punishes people for building properly for 2+ years.

11 апр. 2021, 21:4811.04.21

seems like adding "does not work in arena" would be a great solution.

11 апр. 2021, 21:5611.04.21

As a low spender with a very limited champ roster (decent champs) this will completely screw me over.

I dont have the champs for a defensive team, god knows how long fights will go on for, as well and i already spend way too much time just doing dailies.

I sort of understand why they want arena changes, speed is the meta right now and it is shallow, but as mentioned newbies rely on the basic speed newb team and are shafted

11 апр. 2021, 22:1111.04.21

Speed is the meta because people want to fly through their matches, as AirMaxxx pointed out.  You can make a team that takes forever, but nobody wants to spend 5 minutes per match (which would take over 3 hours a day to use all of your tokens) watching their champs go back and forth.  It's. just. not. fun.  Why do we play games?  To have fun.  Never forget that... when the fun goes away, find a replacement.  This isn't a marriage, you don't have to struggle through it for the kids... you can bail without any guilt.

I already forfeit if a match is going to last more than a minute even if I know I'm going to win, because it's just not worth my time.  Arbitor is already going to be a very rare thing for anyone who started the game in the past 6 months, if you get rid of the speed meta, it's going to become a mission basically nobody will bother with.  GH?  It's already going to take 8 years for players starting today, why not extend that out to forever.

We need some instantly done matchup options if this is the route they're going to take.  Skip animations and just tell me if I won or lost.

11 апр. 2021, 22:1911.04.21


11 апр. 2021, 22:1911.04.21

Well  I  just  got  Arbiter,  so  sadly  my  Great  Hall  isnt  going  to  progress  much  but  at  least  im  done  with  missions

12 апр. 2021, 09:2412.04.21

Speed is the meta because people want to fly through their matches, as AirMaxxx pointed out.  You can make a team that takes forever, but nobody wants to spend 5 minutes per match (which would take over 3 hours a day to use all of your tokens) watching their champs go back and forth.  It's. just. not. fun.  Why do we play games?  To have fun.  Never forget that... when the fun goes away, find a replacement.  This isn't a marriage, you don't have to struggle through it for the kids... you can bail without any guilt.

I already forfeit if a match is going to last more than a minute even if I know I'm going to win, because it's just not worth my time.  Arbitor is already going to be a very rare thing for anyone who started the game in the past 6 months, if you get rid of the speed meta, it's going to become a mission basically nobody will bother with.  GH?  It's already going to take 8 years for players starting today, why not extend that out to forever.

We need some instantly done matchup options if this is the route they're going to take.  Skip animations and just tell me if I won or lost.

You are right, i havent quit mostly because i natter so much to the rest of the clan, and i enjoy the doom tower mode (best thought out part of the game in my mind) and i enjoy tuning for CB

Its probably a weak reason to carry on playing. You are right- if it isnt fun find something else :)