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Champion bazar only for duplicate legendary

Champion bazar only for duplicate legendary

11 апр. 2021, 13:5911.04.21

Champion bazar only for duplicate legendary

Hi All, 

Apologies if this idea was already raised, but I was just curious if it would be possible to implement a kind of champion swap option, for duplicate champions only. Many players have duplicates stored in their vault, which they don't use, and they would likely change with someones else legendary - so why not to enable such function for 900 rubies?  

As the swap would only include duplicate heroes, from both player A and player B, and it would be costly (in game currency), then it shouldn't ruin the game or balance. 

What,s your opinion?

11 апр. 2021, 15:4911.04.21
11 апр. 2021, 15:50(отредактировано)

never gonna happen, cause that would make Plariums income Nosedive, no champ exchange of any kind will ever happen. thats not even a dig at Plarium, it just doesnt make a sense for a Gacha game to do something like that

the best you can hope is that they'll allow us to break down dupes into something that allows us to craft books or something else useful

11 апр. 2021, 18:4011.04.21

Are you guys serious? 

Do you not stop to think this through?

Not only was this suggested a hundred times before, but what would stop me from creating a hundred alts and just trading myself the best leggos? 

And now think of a Chinese bot farm 


And think of the effect that would have on the game? Come on guys .... Trading in mobile phone games will only lead to bankrupcy of the developer. 

12 апр. 2021, 10:0312.04.21

Hi Guys, 

Apologies, but as mentioned I'm still new to the game and didn't find a similar topic on this forum on last few pages. 

@AirMaxxx - hundred alts that would draw hundred of shards just to trade one Gurptuk that fell as dupe? the question was about bazar for duplicates only

@Lichwyrm - I also thought about it, but if we would add gem price to each exchange, then that shouldn't break the game balance, and could even generate additional revenue for Plarium.....

Besides, that would be a very poor exchange, to destroy a lego and get a part of legendary tome....