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This is part of the reason Arena is so hard

This is part of the reason Arena is so hard

11 апр. 2021, 11:3011.04.21

This is part of the reason Arena is so hard

This will be a Pictograph , This is PART OF THE REASON why arena is so hard

YES ,, YES,, YES ,, It has to do with Teams , Speed and Synergy 


to reference a Boxing or Wrestling analogy

In the Arena most of us are just the ** PUNCHING BAG ** or the ** Sparing partner **

We are not the Champ or the Contender , or even top 10 ranked at all

Or, We are the High School Foot Ball Team playing the New York Giants today 

these are my Current Tournament Brackets , and should speak volumes

At least they give me a really good Idea a big part of why I struggle in Arena

as a Free to Play  or Casual player I will always be ** PUNCHING ABOVE MY WEIGHT **




11 апр. 2021, 11:5611.04.21
11 апр. 2021, 12:10(отредактировано)

The tournament groups have a size of 100 players. 90 of them can't be in the top 10.

It is possible for f2p players to get in the first places, if you don't try in every tournament. I wanted to get Yoshi at the last fragment summoning event. I saved my resources (especially shards) before it began, didn't use the sacred shards from monthly quest immediately. I got Yoshi, and won the "Champion Chase" (my group, not worldwide score list, of course). I used all my shards, including 1000 mystery (very annoing to do such a summon rush, the vault is much to small), to do that.

I did all event stuff, but at most stuff I stopped when reaching the Yoshi fragments. Only one dungeon I did until top 10. I bought xp-boost for jewels in the market (champion training event) and spent a lot of jewels for extra energy. In addition to that I saved all my energy from free reward chests for a couple of weeks. They last for 99 days, you don't have to use them the day you get them.

I got my Yoshi and a 6* Relentless set. I didn't spent any real money during this event.

Now I'm out for the next two or three events, saving my resources until I can participate successfull again.

Everybody can play like that. But players don't use their brain. They immediately open all sacred and void shards when they get them, use all extra energy when they get it, don't save their jewels for the market and complain that they can't participate in tournaments.

/edit: Funny part about that: I wanted Yoshi for my Arena Team. During champion chase I got Ghostborn from a shard. I got Yoshi at the end, but don't even use him in my team, Ghostborn just took his place.

11 апр. 2021, 13:0511.04.21
11 апр. 2021, 13:06(отредактировано)

Yes, I understand what your saying, I have actually been in the top 10 in a few tournys 

BUT , this is the Champion Chase Tourny , Spider, and Classic Arena 

Yes, I save my Energy , Yes, I save my Shards 

But like I said, I am Punching above my Weight, I am a Fly Weight in a heavy weight contest 

I am trying to Run up hill with a 100 pound pack on my back 

They are are riding up hill on a Ski Lift

The POINT I am trying to make is, Arena will be Brutal because it is Rigged

I am Fighting players in BRONZE I that are getting 2 Turns to my One , 

and I am Running 160 to 175 Speed on my Bronze Tier I team

and am Still getting lapped over and over and am Stuck in Bronze Tier I

BUT, I am still running, even though the contest is a Little rigged

and my team isnt Great, BUT, it should get me OUt of Bronze Tier I , but it cant 

But I am working on it ( P.S> this is the basic teams I get in BRONZE Tier I ) 

and NO , I do NOt click START on many of these LOL


P.S. started to Mutilate my Storage , BURN my FW teams 

because you CAN NOT COLLECT HEROS in a Hero Collection game

11 апр. 2021, 13:3211.04.21

Those tournaments are easier when new, on my new account i won the newbie version of the tourny.

Yes you can place well occasionally if you save energy etc in tournaments, but sometimes you are grouped with a bunch of basement dwellers who have got 3 times the points requirement for the top prize by the end of the first day

As for arena, i think people know what is going on now, matchmaking etc.... and it is a steaming pile of turds.

But one quick comment- i see a HK and an apoth in your roster, have you tried hk aura / lead, then into apoth for double turn meter turning? If you put one of them into pure speed gear to guarantee going first, and the other is the second fastest... then double turn meter boosting should get you going first on the debuffer/nuker. You only need one of them to be super fast.

11 апр. 2021, 13:4511.04.21

Buffs dont stack guys (from what i read), so if HK rise speed buff for 30% and then Apoth do his speed buff 30% you wont get 60% speed buff

11 апр. 2021, 14:0411.04.21
11 апр. 2021, 14:05(отредактировано)

Buffs dont stack guys (from what i read), so if HK rise speed buff for 30% and then Apoth do his speed buff 30% you wont get 60% speed buff

No- but you will get two sets of turn meter progression?

I dont run it myself, i run turn meter-> attack up-> defence down and weaken-> nuke

But this guy said he cant get a go...which is why it might be at least worth considering double turn meter.

11 апр. 2021, 14:1311.04.21

No- but you will get two sets of turn meter progression?

I dont run it myself, i run turn meter-> attack up-> defence down and weaken-> nuke

But this guy said he cant get a go...which is why it might be at least worth considering double turn meter.

Oh, yes you will have turn meter twice then. 

11 апр. 2021, 14:1311.04.21

Yes, I understand what your saying, I have actually been in the top 10 in a few tournys 

BUT , this is the Champion Chase Tourny , Spider, and Classic Arena 

Yes, I save my Energy , Yes, I save my Shards 

But like I said, I am Punching above my Weight, I am a Fly Weight in a heavy weight contest 

I am trying to Run up hill with a 100 pound pack on my back 

They are are riding up hill on a Ski Lift

The POINT I am trying to make is, Arena will be Brutal because it is Rigged

I am Fighting players in BRONZE I that are getting 2 Turns to my One , 

and I am Running 160 to 175 Speed on my Bronze Tier I team

and am Still getting lapped over and over and am Stuck in Bronze Tier I

BUT, I am still running, even though the contest is a Little rigged

and my team isnt Great, BUT, it should get me OUt of Bronze Tier I , but it cant 

But I am working on it ( P.S> this is the basic teams I get in BRONZE Tier I ) 

and NO , I do NOt click START on many of these LOL


P.S. started to Mutilate my Storage , BURN my FW teams 

because you CAN NOT COLLECT HEROS in a Hero Collection game

It's allways the same. In every single complaining-thread you can recognize on first sight that the complainers just have bad arena teams. Of course the complainers don't want to hear this, they take it as a personal insult, and really nobody hears to the tips experienced players give.

People like Player J, AirMaxxx, myself and others are in gold. We wrote a thousand times with wich teams we climbed up in arena. You can find our tips in every single "arena is broken"-thread here in the forum for months. And nobody even tries to do what we say.

Your team is in Bronze 1 because it belongs there. Your opponents team belongs there as well, by the way. Your approach with counterattack from Skullcrusher doesn't work. I know that it doesn't work, because you are in Bronze 1. You don't have the right champions to put at his side for such a strategy. Doompriest is even ok (for such a counterattack-team), but the damagedealers should bring AoE-attacks on their A1 and/or control to make that work. Bellower in a Stun set could work along with Skullcrusher in Arena.

You have the champs to reach at least silver, but you don't use them. You have High Khatun, Apothecary and Tayrel and don't use them.

Your way into silver:

Campaigne 12-3, make Tayrel, HK, Apo at least lvl 50, better lvl 60. Use the following team:

  • High Khatun (leader, speed-gear)
  • Apo (spead-gear)
  • Tayrel (accuracy gear)
  • Zavia (damage-gear)

Later on you will probably use another nuker than Zavia, but even if you ignore that her A3 can make poison explosions, with her great base-atk and the damagemultiplier of her A3 she is your best damage dealer just from her "normal" damage.

You could try other setups, maybe Spirithost instead of HK (loosing one turnmeter-buff and weaker Aura, but 50% atk-buff instead). As Spirithost (campaign-farmable in act 4) is only needed for her Aura and atk-buff she could do her job with lvl 40. Maybe you can even switch between HK and Spirtihost. Other nuker teams: HK, def-based opponents: Sprithost.

11 апр. 2021, 14:1511.04.21
11 апр. 2021, 14:19(отредактировано)

Buffs dont stack guys (from what i read), so if HK rise speed buff for 30% and then Apoth do his speed buff 30% you wont get 60% speed buff

The speedbuffs don't stack, the turnmeter increase does. Two tunrmeter-buffers help a lot for speed-nuking teams in arena, I run Apo and Deacon Armstrong in my own team.


11 апр. 2021, 14:3311.04.21
11 апр. 2021, 14:34(отредактировано)

Oh, yes you will have turn meter twice then. 

Yeh, i dont run it because i want attack up before the nuke...if i had someone who combined the two like gorg, it would be different..

To the OP, zavia is fine as a nuker, i still use her (admittedly if i could pull an s tier nuker i would change) - but the block revive is useful, just whack on as much crit damage and attack as possible (with crit rate at 100 ideally)- long term you want to be aiming around the 5k attack, 200 crit damage range which will sit down debuffed opponents all the way into gold, but i appreciate thats a way away

The great thing about double turn meter boosting is the nuker doesnt have to be that fast so you can go all out for damage.

Oh - and while the op's team is not optimised, it is frustrating when it is used as an example of why matchmaking is not working as intended or that bronze has no issues.

11 апр. 2021, 14:3711.04.21

Yeh, i dont run it because i want attack up before the nuke...if i had someone who combined the two like gorg, it would be different..

To the OP, zavia is fine as a nuker, i still use her (admittedly if i could pull an s tier nuker i would change) - but the block revive is useful, just whack on as much crit damage and attack as possible (with crit rate at 100 ideally)- long term you want to be aiming around the 5k attack, 200 crit damage range which will sit down debuffed opponents all the way into gold, but i appreciate thats a way away

The great thing about double turn meter boosting is the nuker doesnt have to be that fast so you can go all out for damage.

Oh - and while the op's team is not optimised, it is frustrating when it is used as an example of why matchmaking is not working as intended or that bronze has no issues.

I use only HK for turn meter 

HK (speed) > Madame S (debuff) > kael (nuke) > zavia (nuke)

My arena opponents are +50k above me, and have way more HP/Def for single nuker :(

11 апр. 2021, 23:4411.04.21


It's not about team power, it's about team composition.