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feedback & suggestions

feedback & suggestions

10 апр. 2021, 10:2110.04.21

feedback & suggestions

so this is part 2 of my F&S

so the experience bar for your level ...surley once it hits 100% you should go up a lvl as you cant have more than 100% of anything?

can we have a multi battle button for faction wars.

campign battles should at minimum be put upto x3 speed

in tournaments you see what points you get when you increase lvl of gain a champion so can we have the same thing for events.

would it be possible to be able to do a multi forge item thing ...say be able to forge 10 at a time.

ok i know you dont like silver suggestions but this is only a little one so 4star and below equipment and accesories can be removed for free then 5star removal be brought down to 25K and 6star be brought down to 50K that would make a difference but still have the "you cant just move equipment willy nilly whenever you want.

and finally for this part.... the market, so my ideas would be as this is a RnG style game can we have that style in the market too so eg you only get a max of 5 ancient shards at the start of the month surley thats not RnG?. so my suggestion would be ....

0.5% chance of an ancient shard and how about a 0.1% of a void shard (cost 1,000,000 silver) put in rare champions at a cost of 250,00 silver.

Equipment costs in the market are just mad i think youll find most ppl dont buy equipment or champions from the market.

so as markets are supposed to be places you get cheaper stuff than going to the big shops how about ....energy refil 30 gems, xp 1 day boost 100gems, arena refil 30gems, clan boss key 80 gems and Greater potions (only) 15k silver

ok so part 2 done 

thanks for reading and if the plarium team want to msg me about some of my ideas that would be cool ( and yes my ideas try and factor in that you are a bussiness and you need to make money :) 

thanks Clive

10 апр. 2021, 21:5810.04.21

The  chance  for  the  void  shard  is  unrealistic.  So  is  the  cost.

The  rare  champions  would  be  unrealistic  unless  they  were  campaign  champions.

The  costs  for  the  items  in  the  market  are  unrealistic  as  well.  A  market  is  literally  another  name  for  a  store.

Otherwise  some  of  these  suggestion  seem  good.