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A bit of a conundrum

A bit of a conundrum

8 апр. 2021, 17:0408.04.21

A bit of a conundrum

So I checked Silver I in the Arena with this team so that is some good progress and iam not complaining about the matchmaking or the other issues in Arena. Iam just stuck on what my next move is going to be. 

So I have the following (Arena) Team

Diabolist with 240 speed. She goes first and does the A3 (when I manually do that). Give me15% inc turnmeter and the opponent 15% decrease. (Level 60, fully booked and full masteries)

Then my Spirithost goes with 206 speed and she does A2 50% ATK (L50 fully booked, full masteries)

Then my Warmaiden goes with 197 speed and she does A3 for 60% DEF decr (L60 fully booked not all masteries yet)

Then my Kael goes with 174 speed. (L60 fully booked, full masteries)

So when all goes perfect I blast away the team. There are a few flaws. 1. the Opponent goes first with his High Khatun and that happends not that much so no really issue with that 240speed on Diabolist. The issue happends after that my other champs are not buffed enough and the Oppenent catches up and goes before my Kael mostly. I cant get him to more speed unless I sacrafice my lifesteal set. So that is basically my main issue that for now I cant get Kael better with the gear I have. I understand I need to farm and thats what iam going to do ofc.

BUT, I just hit the 30 days played and got High Khatum AND on the same day I got Apothecary. So now iam thinking of switching gear from Diabolist to my High Khatun or Apothecary. Khatum is L40 and Apo is L50 so I have to put some effort in those wich is fine ofc. 

But basically my main question is then when Khatum uses Rally the Horde (15% inc Turn Meter allies and 30% speedbuff) is that better then the +15%/-15% from Diabolist. How does that work. Is ith worth leveling HK and replacing Diabolist. Will this increase my other heroes turns faster. The Aura is 9% better then Spirithost that I use now. So Kael will get 19.57 extra speed from HK and only 10.3 from Spirithost so that will bring him to 183 speed. But I feel I need a little more. 

And I also have Apothecary who does the same as HK only without the Aura so he is worse on that part. And the goal is to nuke the opponent so his heal should not matter. When I get the conundrum above solved then I will focus on more Crit Damage on my Kael if possible.

But in the end this would mean my Diabolist would be kinda useless from now on and HK and/or Apo are just a better version and it was fun while it lasted. Interested to see what you think

8 апр. 2021, 17:4008.04.21

I like HK and Apothecary better than Diabolist for sure.  But you basically answered your own conundrum imo, as you laid it out.  You won't improve in arena by replacing D with Apo or HK now, and likely none of the 3 will be used at some point.  Though all could be used in Tag, but that is getting ahead of ourselves.  You have invested heavilit in Diabolist and shouldn't throw it away.

As important as speed is everywhere in the game, your resources are likely better spent 6starring a champ that brings something new to the table.  A screenshot of your roster would be helpful.

Your 2nd issue is Kael.  You are in very early game, so he is your farmer, arena nuker, CB poisoner, dungeon smasher.

Dungeons: Need Lifesteal

CB: Need Lifesteal & ACC

Arena: Speed, CR, CD

Brutal 12.3: Lifesteal is your best gear until you progress in dungeons

I would ignore the progress missions, make Dragon20 your next goal.   

8 апр. 2021, 18:1808.04.21

I had same route but didnt invest in D as i found out that wont be able to squize more 240, so i swap with HK as lead - her aura give +19 point of speed for all (inc her) to base speed, so even if Kael is you less speedy will catch up and your team synergy wont hurt.

HK dont need to be fully leveled just 3star acention for 30% speed boost, then you can swap gear only and test if HK suit better or not

8 апр. 2021, 18:2708.04.21

"I cant get him to more speed unless I sacrafice my lifesteal set."

"And the goal is to nuke the opponent so his heal should not matter."

If the heal from Apothecary doesn't matter, why does the heal from lifesteal gear?

8 апр. 2021, 18:5608.04.21

"I cant get him to more speed unless I sacrafice my lifesteal set."

"And the goal is to nuke the opponent so his heal should not matter."

If the heal from Apothecary doesn't matter, why does the heal from lifesteal gear?

Those are 2 different matters you address. I need lifesteal on Kael because he is my main also for dungeons, campaign etc. So ditching his lifesteal gear and getting speed gear will help me in Arena but will cost my tremendous in other area's of the game. And Apo is not going to be able to heal that all up and more.

The second issue you address is if Apo vs HK matters since they both grant the same skill (15% inc turnmeter + 30% speedbuff). BUT HK also gives a speed aura. The thing Apo brings to the table is a heal compared to HK (and diabolist). But since iam going for the 1 turn nuke his heal will be useless in Arena. I will ofcourse get him in my dungeon teams etc if possible

8 апр. 2021, 18:5708.04.21

I had same route but didnt invest in D as i found out that wont be able to squize more 240, so i swap with HK as lead - her aura give +19 point of speed for all (inc her) to base speed, so even if Kael is you less speedy will catch up and your team synergy wont hurt.

HK dont need to be fully leveled just 3star acention for 30% speed boost, then you can swap gear only and test if HK suit better or not

Good point. I will take that into consideration since speed is basic stats no matter if level 50 or 60. Only wondering about the Amulet/Banner that can give speed (right?) so that might boost him up more

8 апр. 2021, 19:1508.04.21

Who else do you have Gondo?

8 апр. 2021, 19:3208.04.21
8 апр. 2021, 19:37(отредактировано)

I like HK and Apothecary better than Diabolist for sure.  But you basically answered your own conundrum imo, as you laid it out.  You won't improve in arena by replacing D with Apo or HK now, and likely none of the 3 will be used at some point.  Though all could be used in Tag, but that is getting ahead of ourselves.  You have invested heavilit in Diabolist and shouldn't throw it away.

As important as speed is everywhere in the game, your resources are likely better spent 6starring a champ that brings something new to the table.  A screenshot of your roster would be helpful.

Your 2nd issue is Kael.  You are in very early game, so he is your farmer, arena nuker, CB poisoner, dungeon smasher.

Dungeons: Need Lifesteal

CB: Need Lifesteal & ACC

Arena: Speed, CR, CD

Brutal 12.3: Lifesteal is your best gear until you progress in dungeons

I would ignore the progress missions, make Dragon20 your next goal.   

Yeah I see your point but I also need to improve in Arena for my missions iam afraid. Can ofcourse wait for some months but I feel like iam missing out then (also for improvements on great hall).

Iam now saving up on everything for the fusion event so I will prbably combine that to level my HK to atleast 50 and swap gear with Diabolist. 

This is my roster


8 апр. 2021, 19:4808.04.21

HK works just fine at lvl 50 and 3 star ascension . she is only there for the aura and speed boost nothing else matters for her

I'd definately replace Diabolist with HK

I dont think Apothecary would fit well in your comp, he is mostly used if you have a speed Aura without speed booster like Skullcrown or Fu-Shan. Spirithost Aura is too weak for you to use him like that

8 апр. 2021, 19:4908.04.21

I think Apo to 6star might help your dragon progression more, better gear is going to drive your arena progress more than swapping out Diabolist.  Brawler (doesn;t need books) is top tier for IG/Dragon/Clan Boss.  Basher is really good, but not really for early game IMO. 

8 апр. 2021, 19:5208.04.21

Only point to get HK to 6* is that she gets 104 base speed instead 97 (so on full ascended 6* not fully leveled, will be faster than gorgorab)  and you can  be lucky with speed substat on banner

8 апр. 2021, 19:5608.04.21

This is the team you are using.


It is your basic run of the mill Speed Nuking Set up. 

It is a very good set up, but it has limitation's.

You shouldn't be fighting against teams with a faster Speed Aura.

- High Khatun 19%

- Gorgorab 23%

- Lyssandra 24%

Spirithost has 10% SPD Aura fighting against players with 19% SPD Aura's puts you at a disadvantage. 

You know before the battle starts the Enemy High Khatun team has 9% more SPD vs. you.

There is no reason for you to put yourself at a Disadvantage.

The people you want to fight against are the ones using Equal SPD Aura's to you or Weaker ones.

This puts you on an even playing ground or puts you at an advantage!

- Enemy Teams using Spirithost 10% SPD will be Even Fight.

- Enemy Team using a Weaker SPD Aura vs. 10% will be to your Advantage.

The people you want to fight against are None SPD Aura players to a certain degree!

- Attack Aura's 

- Critical Rate Aura's 

- Accuracy Aura's 

- Starter Heroes using Health Aura's (Players might have Athel or Kael as the Leader etc.)

The people you want to avoid fighting against are:

- Health Aura's (Which are not using any Starters, but real Health based Champion's)

- Defense Aura's 

- Resistance Aura's

- Faster Speed Aura's

You want to avoid these fights or evaluate these teams on a case by case basis.

Your Job is to get 80% Win Rate in Arena - You fight the players you think your set up can beat.

You avoid the players you think your set up can't beat.

Every Arena Set Up in the game can be Countered.

There is no such thing as a Perfect Arena Team.

To be better in Arena, you need to know the Strengths & the Weaknesses of your team.

The 1st Problem - you mention was against High Khatun team.

I don't consider it a problem because you should have never entered the battle!

Don't put yourself at a disadvantage.

The 2nd Problem - you mention was a term we call "Cutting"

I consider this problem a serious issue.

Cutting = the enemy team is going in between your team.

The reason the enemy team has a turn in between your team is because your team isn't speed tuned.

When Diabolist move, your whole team should go right after.

The enemy should never have a turn/cut in between your teams movements.

To fix this issue you need to properly speed tune your team.

You can do this manually by doing some math yourself.


You can go to a various websites which offer Arena Speed Tuning Tools.

The Speed Tuning Tools can do all the math for you.

Here is a screenshot of your team which I manually inputted into the Tool.


You are using Spirithost as your Speed Aura - I put her in Speed Aura Champion Slot.

You are not fighting against Hegemon's - I left it Blank

You don't have any Hegemon's on your team - I left it Blank



I put Diabolist as your fast Champion.

I put Diabolist is using her A3 move.

I put Diabolist with 240 Displayed Speed.

I am assuming your Diabolist has 3 Speed Sets.

I am assuming your Diabolist has Lore of Steel Mastery.

Once, the above information is done, I put the rest of your team in the Tool.

The Tool tells me the Minimum Speed All your following heroes need in order to be Speed Tuned.


You are using a 10% Speed Aura + Fastest hero is 240

The tool is assuming your enemy is using a 10% Speed Aura + Fastest hero is 239.

They are 1 speed slower vs. you.

If any of your follow up champions are off by 1 speed, The Enemy T.M Filler is on you like white on rice.

The Enemy T.M Filler will have a turn + Speed up the Enemy team.

If the Enemy Team goes, you will get completely slaugthered.


If the enemy teams fastest hero goes, Their whole team will go and your whole team is dead.

If your fastest hero goes, your whole team needs to go and make their whole team dead.

Every single hero after Diabolist is to slow.

The Speed Tuning Tool is calcuating to the Hundreth Decimal if I am not mistaken.

To make it easy for you to understand, I will give you a round up Speed Amount.

Fastest Hero ----> Diabolist at 240 Speed.

2nd Hero -------> Spirithost at 225 Speed.

3rd Hero --------> Warmaiden at 220 Speed. 

Slowest Hero ---> Kael needs to be Minimum Speed of 217.


The Speed tool is saying Spirithost at 216.45 SPD

The Speed tool is saying Warmadian at 217.04 SPD

The reason it is saying that is because it is factoring in the SPD Aura + Each HERO Base SPD.

Spirithost has higher Base SPD vs. Warmaiden.

This means the Display SPD you see for Spirithost can be lower vs. Warmaiden Display SPD.

Spirithost Base SPD 103  - Factoring in 10% Aura she will gain around 10.3 SPD

Warmaiden Base SPD 97 - Factoring in 10% Aura she will gain around 9.7 SPD

In the Battle, The Speed Aura is going to add SPD to each hero individually.

Spirithost 216.45 + 10.3 = 226.75

Warmaiden 217.04 + 9.7 = 226.74

It is a difference of 0.01 - Spirithost will move 2nd

I hope the above answered some of your problems.

Obviously, you still have more problems which I can answer.

The only problem is my post is getting long so I will probably have to make a new post.

8 апр. 2021, 20:0508.04.21
Player J

This is the team you are using.


It is your basic run of the mill Speed Nuking Set up. 

It is a very good set up, but it has limitation's.

You shouldn't be fighting against teams with a faster Speed Aura.

- High Khatun 19%

- Gorgorab 23%

- Lyssandra 24%

Spirithost has 10% SPD Aura fighting against players with 19% SPD Aura's puts you at a disadvantage. 

You know before the battle starts the Enemy High Khatun team has 9% more SPD vs. you.

There is no reason for you to put yourself at a Disadvantage.

The people you want to fight against are the ones using Equal SPD Aura's to you or Weaker ones.

This puts you on an even playing ground or puts you at an advantage!

- Enemy Teams using Spirithost 10% SPD will be Even Fight.

- Enemy Team using a Weaker SPD Aura vs. 10% will be to your Advantage.

The people you want to fight against are None SPD Aura players to a certain degree!

- Attack Aura's 

- Critical Rate Aura's 

- Accuracy Aura's 

- Starter Heroes using Health Aura's (Players might have Athel or Kael as the Leader etc.)

The people you want to avoid fighting against are:

- Health Aura's (Which are not using any Starters, but real Health based Champion's)

- Defense Aura's 

- Resistance Aura's

- Faster Speed Aura's

You want to avoid these fights or evaluate these teams on a case by case basis.

Your Job is to get 80% Win Rate in Arena - You fight the players you think your set up can beat.

You avoid the players you think your set up can't beat.

Every Arena Set Up in the game can be Countered.

There is no such thing as a Perfect Arena Team.

To be better in Arena, you need to know the Strengths & the Weaknesses of your team.

The 1st Problem - you mention was against High Khatun team.

I don't consider it a problem because you should have never entered the battle!

Don't put yourself at a disadvantage.

The 2nd Problem - you mention was a term we call "Cutting"

I consider this problem a serious issue.

Cutting = the enemy team is going in between your team.

The reason the enemy team has a turn in between your team is because your team isn't speed tuned.

When Diabolist move, your whole team should go right after.

The enemy should never have a turn/cut in between your teams movements.

To fix this issue you need to properly speed tune your team.

You can do this manually by doing some math yourself.


You can go to a various websites which offer Arena Speed Tuning Tools.

The Speed Tuning Tools can do all the math for you.

Here is a screenshot of your team which I manually inputted into the Tool.


You are using Spirithost as your Speed Aura - I put her in Speed Aura Champion Slot.

You are not fighting against Hegemon's - I left it Blank

You don't have any Hegemon's on your team - I left it Blank



I put Diabolist as your fast Champion.

I put Diabolist is using her A3 move.

I put Diabolist with 240 Displayed Speed.

I am assuming your Diabolist has 3 Speed Sets.

I am assuming your Diabolist has Lore of Steel Mastery.

Once, the above information is done, I put the rest of your team in the Tool.

The Tool tells me the Minimum Speed All your following heroes need in order to be Speed Tuned.


You are using a 10% Speed Aura + Fastest hero is 240

The tool is assuming your enemy is using a 10% Speed Aura + Fastest hero is 239.

They are 1 speed slower vs. you.

If any of your follow up champions are off by 1 speed, The Enemy T.M Filler is on you like white on rice.

The Enemy T.M Filler will have a turn + Speed up the Enemy team.

If the Enemy Team goes, you will get completely slaugthered.


If the enemy teams fastest hero goes, Their whole team will go and your whole team is dead.

If your fastest hero goes, your whole team needs to go and make their whole team dead.

Every single hero after Diabolist is to slow.

The Speed Tuning Tool is calcuating to the Hundreth Decimal if I am not mistaken.

To make it easy for you to understand, I will give you a round up Speed Amount.

Fastest Hero ----> Diabolist at 240 Speed.

2nd Hero -------> Spirithost at 225 Speed.

3rd Hero --------> Warmaiden at 220 Speed. 

Slowest Hero ---> Kael needs to be Minimum Speed of 217.


The Speed tool is saying Spirithost at 216.45 SPD

The Speed tool is saying Warmadian at 217.04 SPD

The reason it is saying that is because it is factoring in the SPD Aura + Each HERO Base SPD.

Spirithost has higher Base SPD vs. Warmaiden.

This means the Display SPD you see for Spirithost can be lower vs. Warmaiden Display SPD.

Spirithost Base SPD 103  - Factoring in 10% Aura she will gain around 10.3 SPD

Warmaiden Base SPD 97 - Factoring in 10% Aura she will gain around 9.7 SPD

In the Battle, The Speed Aura is going to add SPD to each hero individually.

Spirithost 216.45 + 10.3 = 226.75

Warmaiden 217.04 + 9.7 = 226.74

It is a difference of 0.01 - Spirithost will move 2nd

I hope the above answered some of your problems.

Obviously, you still have more problems which I can answer.

The only problem is my post is getting long so I will probably have to make a new post.

One thing to add (which i mentioned earlier) 6* HK increased speed to 104 is going toe to toe with Gorgo

or faster ( my 6*HK has total speed 247 and i win speed race with gorgo on 85% of battles )

I think it will extend your choice of  potentially winable battles per roll.

I know that HK on 6* is tough decision but from my experience it is worth imho.

8 апр. 2021, 21:2808.04.21

The 3rd Problem - you mention was about keeping hero's

Everyone has there own way of playing the game.

I, personally, have my own set of Golden Rules on how I deal with Champion's.

If I Ascend, Book, 6 Star, or Master a hero, I don't like getting rid of them.

I will keep the hero regardless.

I don't like getting rid of heroes which I invested resources into.

I have several heroes in my vault which I don't use any more, but I have no plans of getting rid of them.

I put to much effort into them to just toss them away.

Whether you use Diabolist or not, It wouldn't matter to me.

I would keep her because of all the effort put into her.

I would consider it a waste if you was to sacrifice her now after fully maxing her out.

In addition, you need to think about long term.

You still haven't started on Faction Wars.

You will need tons of heroes for Faction Wars.

Diabolist is part of Demon Spawn Faction.

You could use her there since you have her 60.

The 4th Problem - you mention was about which Turn Meter Filling Hero to use vs. Arena.

Your best option would be High Khatun, but it is very close.

I have uncovered some very interesting information.

Based on my Calcuations, Your overall Speed will be roughly 7 Speed faster

Your remaining Champion's will be roughly 20 Speed Slower


Compared to the Previous Speed Aura.

I have changed to High Khatun which gives 19% SPD.



Here is the Critical Information which you might want to think about.

Diabolist has 110 Base SPD at level 60.

High Khatun has 104 Base SPD at level 60.

Your Diabolist right now has 240 SPD, but if you remove that gear and put it on High Khatun.

Your High Khatun will not be at 240 SPD.

Your High Khatun will be a little slower.

Let me explain why:

You are using 3 SPD Set - The Speed Set Bonus is being Multiplied by your Hero Base SPD

Each SPD set gives you 12% - 3 SPD sets give you 36%

Diabolist Base SPD 110 times 36% = 39.6 - It can round up to 40

High Khatun Base SPD 104 times 36% = 37.44 - It can round down to 37

What this is saying is your High Khatun is going to lose speed in the transfer due to lower base SPD.

If your Diabolist is 240 SPD, Your High Khatun might only be 237 SPD.

- The Gear will be the Same 

- The Masteries will be the Same 

- The Difference is how much SPD you get from the Percentages from Base SPD of each Hero

I put 237 for High Khatun Display Speed in the Tool.

It shows the Calcuated Speed at 257 <----- 19% SPD Aura

Previously, I put 240 for Diabolist Display Speed in the Tool.

It shows the Calcuated Speed at 250 <----- 10% SPD Aura

Overall, your team will be 7 speed faster.

In addition, your remaining heroes will have lower Minimum SPD Thresholds.

High Khatun brings a SPD Buff to your team.

The SPD Buff helps improve your hero's Turn Meter Filling Ticks.

Previoiusly, Kael minimum SPD needed to be 217

Kael new minimum SPD would be 193.

We are looking at a 20+ SPD difference for each hero minimum SPD in order to be SPD Tuned.


Mathmatically, we can tell with out a doubt High Khatun would improve your team.

Logically, you would have to figure out if it is worth it or not.

In order for this all to work, your High Khatun would need to be completely maxed.

- You would have to 60 her.

- You would have to ascend her.

- You would have to mastery her.

- You would have to put Diabolist gear on her.

It seems to me like I Solved Your Conundrum by creating a New Conundrum for you.

Your Welcome!

What should you do?

I'm not jumping in those can of worms.

You could decide to keep Diabolist + Work on your Dragon Team.


You could decide to replace Diabolist with High Khatun to improve Arena Team.

Both choices seem to be really good.

The Order of Operations I tell people is always the same:

1st - Campaign ---> Levels up Hero's faster

2nd - Clan Boss ---> Gives you Shards to pull better heroes + Tomes to skill up heroes

3rd - Dungeons ---> Gives you Masteries + Better Gear

4th - Arena --------> All the above things accumulate to make a better Arena Team.

9 апр. 2021, 08:5209.04.21
Player J

The 3rd Problem - you mention was about keeping hero's

Everyone has there own way of playing the game.

I, personally, have my own set of Golden Rules on how I deal with Champion's.

If I Ascend, Book, 6 Star, or Master a hero, I don't like getting rid of them.

I will keep the hero regardless.

I don't like getting rid of heroes which I invested resources into.

I have several heroes in my vault which I don't use any more, but I have no plans of getting rid of them.

I put to much effort into them to just toss them away.

Whether you use Diabolist or not, It wouldn't matter to me.

I would keep her because of all the effort put into her.

I would consider it a waste if you was to sacrifice her now after fully maxing her out.

In addition, you need to think about long term.

You still haven't started on Faction Wars.

You will need tons of heroes for Faction Wars.

Diabolist is part of Demon Spawn Faction.

You could use her there since you have her 60.

The 4th Problem - you mention was about which Turn Meter Filling Hero to use vs. Arena.

Your best option would be High Khatun, but it is very close.

I have uncovered some very interesting information.

Based on my Calcuations, Your overall Speed will be roughly 7 Speed faster

Your remaining Champion's will be roughly 20 Speed Slower


Compared to the Previous Speed Aura.

I have changed to High Khatun which gives 19% SPD.



Here is the Critical Information which you might want to think about.

Diabolist has 110 Base SPD at level 60.

High Khatun has 104 Base SPD at level 60.

Your Diabolist right now has 240 SPD, but if you remove that gear and put it on High Khatun.

Your High Khatun will not be at 240 SPD.

Your High Khatun will be a little slower.

Let me explain why:

You are using 3 SPD Set - The Speed Set Bonus is being Multiplied by your Hero Base SPD

Each SPD set gives you 12% - 3 SPD sets give you 36%

Diabolist Base SPD 110 times 36% = 39.6 - It can round up to 40

High Khatun Base SPD 104 times 36% = 37.44 - It can round down to 37

What this is saying is your High Khatun is going to lose speed in the transfer due to lower base SPD.

If your Diabolist is 240 SPD, Your High Khatun might only be 237 SPD.

- The Gear will be the Same 

- The Masteries will be the Same 

- The Difference is how much SPD you get from the Percentages from Base SPD of each Hero

I put 237 for High Khatun Display Speed in the Tool.

It shows the Calcuated Speed at 257 <----- 19% SPD Aura

Previously, I put 240 for Diabolist Display Speed in the Tool.

It shows the Calcuated Speed at 250 <----- 10% SPD Aura

Overall, your team will be 7 speed faster.

In addition, your remaining heroes will have lower Minimum SPD Thresholds.

High Khatun brings a SPD Buff to your team.

The SPD Buff helps improve your hero's Turn Meter Filling Ticks.

Previoiusly, Kael minimum SPD needed to be 217

Kael new minimum SPD would be 193.

We are looking at a 20+ SPD difference for each hero minimum SPD in order to be SPD Tuned.


Mathmatically, we can tell with out a doubt High Khatun would improve your team.

Logically, you would have to figure out if it is worth it or not.

In order for this all to work, your High Khatun would need to be completely maxed.

- You would have to 60 her.

- You would have to ascend her.

- You would have to mastery her.

- You would have to put Diabolist gear on her.

It seems to me like I Solved Your Conundrum by creating a New Conundrum for you.

Your Welcome!

What should you do?

I'm not jumping in those can of worms.

You could decide to keep Diabolist + Work on your Dragon Team.


You could decide to replace Diabolist with High Khatun to improve Arena Team.

Both choices seem to be really good.

The Order of Operations I tell people is always the same:

1st - Campaign ---> Levels up Hero's faster

2nd - Clan Boss ---> Gives you Shards to pull better heroes + Tomes to skill up heroes

3rd - Dungeons ---> Gives you Masteries + Better Gear

4th - Arena --------> All the above things accumulate to make a better Arena Team.

Thank you for your elaborate post. Most of the information I allready knew but it is good to see I got that right the first time. I think one of the sections above is exactly what iam looking for.

That is this part-----------------------------------------------------------------

I put 237 for High Khatun Display Speed in the Tool.

It shows the Calcuated Speed at 257 <----- 19% SPD Aura

Previously, I put 240 for Diabolist Display Speed in the Tool.

It shows the Calcuated Speed at 250 <----- 10% SPD Aura

Overall, your team will be 7 speed faster.

In addition, your remaining heroes will have lower Minimum SPD Thresholds.

High Khatun brings a SPD Buff to your team.

The SPD Buff helps improve your hero's Turn Meter Filling Ticks. 


The conclusion is that HK will indead be a little bit faster then Diabolist (wich does not really matter a lot because I allready went first 99% of the time. Even against other HK etc). The second part is more important. That it will lower the Speed Threshold of my other champions. The big questions was indeed if the 15%/15% buff/debuff from Diabolist would be better then the 15% turntimer+30%speedbuff from HK. And that seems to be the case.

A quick remark about not fighting teams with HK on them. Iam afraid I cannot be that picky. Most of the teams I face have like 3-4 legendaries and/or 120k team power OR none of the above but a HK. Cant be picky in Bronze IV iam afraid :D

But yeah, the main thing is now that I have to level up my HK, Ascend her fully, book her and full mastery so that will be an investement. I think I will do that coming week when the fusion event starts. 

Other then that ofcourse the search for good gear will continue on the side of that. Thanks for the informative post again! It was really helpfull!!!