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Optimizing gear

Optimizing gear

8 апр. 2021, 10:5608.04.21

Optimizing gear

I'm at a bit of an impasse here: I've got low-level champs (no legos, meh epics, some medium-level rares), level 49, my gear is kinda lame, and I can't get out of Bronze II. Forget about Force Keep. I know I need to grind the dungeons and campaigns to improve: I get the game and the methods. 

My main problem is that I get overwhelmed trying to optimize my gear for my champs. Trying to keep track of what sets I've got, what exceptional gear, what stats on what... I'm not an idiot, but I get mixed    up and a bit confused. I've got this piece on this champ for speed... but would it be better on THIS champ? Where are all my crit rates? Do I break this set to get extra HP? All at once, and for many uses and champs.

I tried the HellHades gear optimizer, but I don't have enough quality gear for it to be of any use. My question: what method do you all use to optimize your gear? Do you pick five champs and bash up their stats for arena only, and let dungeons and campaign fall where they may? Or do you round out everyone for factions, keeps, arena, etc.? And what method do you personally use to keep track of all the gear and the stats?

I'm sure there's not a simple answer, but hoping for some gems. Thanks. 

8 апр. 2021, 11:2308.04.21

I focused on my 4 arena champs

in terms of gear ( i know it is more high level framework as each account is different):

sell all gear with main flat stat (gloves,chest,boots) except speed stat ones

sell all 3* gear exept speed boots

dont spend silver on gear beyond level 12 if dont enchant your champs to perform better 

Give all best gear to main 4 champs

If you have good 4 main champs in arena team, you should not have issues with dragon 13 to farm gear or even spider 8 or 9

8 апр. 2021, 13:0608.04.21

What champs have you got?

8 апр. 2021, 13:4308.04.21
8 апр. 2021, 13:46(отредактировано)

What champs have you got?

Here's the motley crew. Like I said, the shard dice dislike me. Arena team is Khatun, Warmaiden, Warpriest and Elhain, but not enough speed (-170) to beat all of those legendaries.


8 апр. 2021, 14:2908.04.21

Don't use your resources any further in bad champs like Heiress, Magus and Shaman. If they would still be at lvl 40, you could have allready 3 of 5 food-champs at rank 5 to lvl up Apothecary instead.  

Another great champ for your progress at Clanboss and Dungeons is Rearguard Sergeant. You definetly want to have an atk debuff and some defense at higher stages.

8 апр. 2021, 14:3708.04.21

Don't use your resources any further in bad champs like Heiress, Magus and Shaman. If they would still be at lvl 40, you could have allready 3 of 5 food-champs at rank 5 to lvl up Apothecary instead.  

Another great champ for your progress at Clanboss and Dungeons is Rearguard Sergeant. You definetly want to have an atk debuff and some defense at higher stages.

Those 3 girls were used earlier in the game, before people like Apothecary and Rearguard showed up. I regret having to waste resources on them, but it was worth it at the time. Shaman is still my only reviver, but I'm not wasting any more on her, no. Point well taken.

I had forgotten about Rearguard Sergeant, as a matter of fact. Didn't research her role in CB... thanks for the heads up. Force Keep opens tomorrow, and I've got level 5 food in the vault. lol

8 апр. 2021, 15:2108.04.21

I would focus your efforts at this point on getting Khatun to 60. Of all the champs in your set, Khatun is the one that will last you longest - I only replaced her when I finally got Arbiter.

Reliquary Tender is worth leveling to 60 eventually, just because of her use in Doom Tower - she's pretty essential for Venom Spider. But I wouldn't make it a priority.

For now, I would get Khatun to 60, and otherwise just farm food while waiting for more useful epics/legos.

8 апр. 2021, 16:5708.04.21

Here's the motley crew. Like I said, the shard dice dislike me. Arena team is Khatun, Warmaiden, Warpriest and Elhain, but not enough speed (-170) to beat all of those legendaries.


Warpriest? Even with your limited roster, you have better options - you could go for a second TM booster, Apothecary, or for Grinch's bombs, or Soulbond Bowyer's turn meter depletion. 

Imho Khatun is fine at level 50, Reliquary Tender or Rearguard Sergeant are higher priorities for next 60. Clearly there are different opinions on that point... 

8 апр. 2021, 22:1608.04.21

Thanks for all the suggestions. With info from other threads, I've got a (I think) good plan forward.

Cheers, all.

9 апр. 2021, 02:4009.04.21
9 апр. 2021, 02:41(отредактировано)

I would focus your efforts at this point on getting Khatun to 60. Of all the champs in your set, Khatun is the one that will last you longest - I only replaced her when I finally got Arbiter.

Reliquary Tender is worth leveling to 60 eventually, just because of her use in Doom Tower - she's pretty essential for Venom Spider. But I wouldn't make it a priority.

For now, I would get Khatun to 60, and otherwise just farm food while waiting for more useful epics/legos.

I think you are really under valuing Reliquary Tender. She is pretty good for all the dungeons up to a point, I use her still on my ice golem(20) , dragon(18), and spider(18) teams.