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Progression and Arena help

Progression and Arena help

6 апр. 2021, 22:0806.04.21

Progression and Arena help

Hey all,

I have to say I am not ashamed of asking for help when needed but I am really at a loss for what to do here.  I see all of these videos online with rare teams clearing Dragon 20 and Ice Golem 20 and I look at the champions I have that are decently geared and I am wondering why I am struggling.  I hear all the time that you should ditch Flat ATK,DEF,HP for % based types of gear and that makes perfect sense.  

I feel like when I do that though I have gone backwards in progression.  Can someone please give me some input here to fix what is wrong?  I have a good amount of champions and I am wondering if I need to just sacrifice and take the flat ATK,DEF,HP to get into something lifesteal so I get the set bonus.  I attached my champions and looking for some advice.  I also have discord if anyone cares to chat.  Any help is greatly appreciated.  I just hit a wall with this game and dont' know what to do.  Currently I am on:

Dragon 19

Ice Golem 17

Spider 17

Fire Knight 10

I know the gear grind is the big pitfall in this part of the mid game but I feel as if I am SO close to being able to do Dragon 20 and Ice Golem 20.  Once I have those down I want to just farm them to my content to begin to tweak my gear for my Arena team.  If it takes 5-6 mins a run I don't care at this point I just want to be able to do it.  I hear everyone saying Bellower in Provoke or Stun and Warmaiden in stun gear for crowd control but I don't have stun gear.  So I am stuck in the endless loop with I am grinding for gear I need...and can't get that gear so I in turn can't progress.  

My Arena team is super frustrating I have

Tormin ( Lead )

Eldar Skarg



I put Tormin as lead so the extra defense would help me survive the nuclear apocalypse that I keep running into.  It works on some builds but others I get ran completely over and it's not even close.  A good overall approach to where I am at in the game would be super useful.  Thank you for all the input!  Side note, most of my 60's are fully mastered and about half and half on books.  Be brutal if you want I know I have a lot of champions I don't mind spending money if it gets me somewhere.  No Apothecary and I am about 2 years in, just saying.





6 апр. 2021, 22:4306.04.21

Nice roster and while there are some gems you haven't touched yet, most of your 60s are good champs... I don't doubt you're close to finishing dragon and IG indeed, the only mystery is why you're so low on FK. Anyway, want to tell us also which teams you're currently using for the dungeons? 

7 апр. 2021, 00:3307.04.21

I  have  been  using  ayumilove  to  look  up  champa  and  try  and  go  off  of  the  roles  I  need  filled.  i  guess  I  am  not  seeing  the  worth  in  a  few  I  havent  leveled  up.  Skytouched  Shaman  and  Aniri  are  two  recently  i  put  a  ton  of  reaources  into  and  have  gotten  literslly  ZERO  return  on  them.    

I  just  came  to  realize  today  these  youtubers  that  do  reviews  on  champions  do  not  really  take  into  factor  a  lot  of  progression  issues  and  common  every  day  problems  normal  gamers  run  into  so  the  review  isnt  in  a  clear  lens.  Reviewing  a  champion  next  to  a  team  of  stacked  legendaries  will  make  most  look  decent  ive  found  out  and  eapecially  with  good  gear.  

Just  ran  Dragon  18  to  see  a  compostion  and  did  it  in  5:44  with:

Norog  -  lead


Reliquary  Tender  



Ice  Golem  15  is  one  I  can  farm  pretty  much  100%  and  I  use  

Tormin  -  lead

Elder  Skarg



Reliquary  Tender  

The  goal  is  to  get  to  20  on  auto  or  90%  auto  for  the  sake  of  events  and  tournaments.  The  reason  I  am  so  low  on  Fire  Knight  is  because  I  havent  made  it  a  top  priority  vs  the  others.  I  know  I  should  because  good  sets  come  from  there.  

I  also  have  enough  resources  saved  betweens  energy,  gems,  and  chickens  to  6  star  5  characters  and  5  star  a  ton.   Fully  ascend  and  full  mastery  on  5  new  characters.    

Can  you  help  with  a  more  viable  team  for  rest  of  Dragon,  IG  and  Fire  Knight?  If  it  means  leveling  up  a  few  more  people  and  switching  out  gear  I  can  do  that.  I  am  at  the  point  where  I  dont  want  to  waste  anymore  resources  on  something  for  a  marginal  gain  if  it  wont  help  me  in  the  long  run.  


7 апр. 2021, 07:1307.04.21

So you have two far better decrease def options than Warmaiden - Dhukk and Uugo - but you use neither? Affinity matchups aside, both offer much more in their kit than she does, also defensively. Norog also isn't that great besides his amazing aura, from what I can see. 

For Dragon, I'd try Kael (or Skullcrown), Gorgorab, Dhukk, Frozen Banshee and the fifth TBD depending on affinity and what you feel you're missing - tons of good options both offensive (Shamael, Gurgoh, Fenax, Coldheart,...) and support (RT, Aniri, Golden Reaper,...). Frozen Banshee (must have A1 and A3 booked, 200+ accuracy, high enough speed and tanky enough) can take the dragon down almost by herself if you can get her there, even on stage 20, she's quite useless on the waves though. 

For IG, you should find the right balance between offense and support, preferably with a Block Revive option like Fenax to get the golem's minions out of the game. Otherwise it could be a similar team to dragon really - for instance, Skullcrown, Gorgo, Dhukk, RT, Fenax. Make sure Fenax does serious damage - with enough support, it doesn't matter if he dies a few times during a run, as long as he gets the killing blows on the minions to block their revives. 

For FK, Coldheart is the big star because both her A1 and A3 are basically made for FK. Here as well, the rest of the team could vary, as long as it includes a tanky enough reviver to get CH up if she dies on the waves, which is likely to happen. You'll also need at least some other champions who can reduce turn meter on the FK once the shield is down, or who have multi-hit A1s to bring the shield down faster, or who have counterattack buffs/passives, like Shamael (or Baerdal, but you have enough champions to build already, don't think you need to worry about him just for FK).

But of course all of the above depends on gear (enough speed on everyone, enough accuracy on debuffers, tankiness on support, crit rate/damage on offense, etc.), affinity matchups and in some cases on who is booked and who isn't. 

7 апр. 2021, 10:1007.04.21

You have way too many champions to progress in Arena.

Because of how daft the matchmaking is, you are essentially getting punished for owning champions.

8 апр. 2021, 03:2708.04.21

Since I  am  limited  in  my  gear  selection  and  i  am  running  thin.  Do  you  think  i  should  repurpose  some  champions  I  am not  currently  using  and  make  the  most  outbof  Dhukk?  I  just  recently  6  starred  him  and  I  do  not  have  any  books  to  get  his  skillset  up.  

I  can  farm  Dragon  16  for  gear  to  help  tweak  the  current  team.  My  accuracy  is  above  200  but  my  speed  is  lacking  I  am  at  around  150  and  have  problems  getting  the  rest  IE  speed  boots  on  each  set  piece  etc.  I  can  aim  for  defensive  based  types  of  sets  to  keep  the  Carry  champions  alive.  

As  far  as  the  Arena  goes  I  can  sacrifice  my  champions  into  each  other  to  increase  their  skills.    Once  I  am  out  of  duplicates  and  get  my  food  sacrificed  donyou  think  that  will  be  enough  to  help  tip  the  matchmaking?  

8 апр. 2021, 03:5008.04.21

Hmm you have been playing for almost 2 years and you have no dragon 20 team yet? 

And looking on how you gear your tormin, I can say you need to have major coaching in terms of team composition and gear management. 

8 апр. 2021, 04:3508.04.21


I  have  taken  a  few  breaks  off  and  on  during  the  time  I  started  playing  when  this  game  first  came  out.    Its  clear  to  me  that  I  need  help  on  gear  priority  and  that  is  the  entire  point  of  this  thread  because  I  am  stuck.  Feel  free  to  contribute.  

8 апр. 2021, 06:2908.04.21

Since I  am  limited  in  my  gear  selection  and  i  am  running  thin.  Do  you  think  i  should  repurpose  some  champions  I  am not  currently  using  and  make  the  most  outbof  Dhukk?  I  just  recently  6  starred  him  and  I  do  not  have  any  books  to  get  his  skillset  up.  

I  can  farm  Dragon  16  for  gear  to  help  tweak  the  current  team.  My  accuracy  is  above  200  but  my  speed  is  lacking  I  am  at  around  150  and  have  problems  getting  the  rest  IE  speed  boots  on  each  set  piece  etc.  I  can  aim  for  defensive  based  types  of  sets  to  keep  the  Carry  champions  alive.  

As  far  as  the  Arena  goes  I  can  sacrifice  my  champions  into  each  other  to  increase  their  skills.    Once  I  am  out  of  duplicates  and  get  my  food  sacrificed  donyou  think  that  will  be  enough  to  help  tip  the  matchmaking?  

Since you have such low speeds and lacking speed boots, yes, clearly you've spread your good gear over too many champions. There's basically no reason to ever use champs like Relickeeper, Hexia, Warmaiden again considering who else you have, while some others like Aniri or Skytouched are better but may not be needed at the moment either. You easily have the roster to do dragon 20, once you get your good gear on a smaller core of champions. 

Possibly part of your problem is also that you're too focused on set bonuses like a lot of people - don't be afraid to use broken sets and lose the set bonus, if that can get you better total stats. Speed boots are speed boots, which set they're in is much less important. In Tormin's case, the frost set makes sense, but surely you can do better than 4* common gloves? Maybe share some more champions' gear for more feedback. 

For arena, what tier are you in anyway? Honestly, considering your roster, you should be beyond the point where artificially reducing your account power makes sense - keep in mind that that mechanic isn't applied in gold tiers anyway, which is where you ought to be with those champions. 

8 апр. 2021, 20:5708.04.21

So you're saying I should outfit my characters with the best baseline stat gear per item I have in my inventory?  I have heard of this theory for people that don't have enough mainline stats to complete a full gear set.  For example on an attack champion put ATK% on the chest, speed boots, crit rate gloves, etc even if the sets don't match? 

That makes a lot more sense to me to do that way and continue to farm until I can get a piece and work towards completing a gear set with the proper stats.  It's obviously a lot earlier to gear, WEP, HELM, SHLD outside of hoping for % base stats on the last four.

For my Arena I am using

Gorgorab (Lead)



Eldar Skarg

You'd think that would be enough between HP burn and Freeze with crowd control to lock a lot of teams down but it isn't.  More often than not I get nuked down and have a hard time sustaining.  There are times I do survive against better teams and end up winning out due to CC from Gurgohs ability and Skarg's CC with his heavy hitter.

On paper it looks like there is good synergy but more often than not it doesn't always work out that way.  Any other compositions you'd reccomend to change up?  If I have to build up a champion I am not using I can do that.  

8 апр. 2021, 21:5808.04.21

I'm saying you should consider the full picture - main stat, substats and set bonus, in that order of priority. For instance, on a champion like Gorgorab, the key is obviously to have him fast, so he must have boots with speed as main stat, then you also want him tanky, so gloves and chest must have either def percentage or HP percentage, ideally with speed sub-stats. Resistance is also helpful, while accuracy is debatable in his case - only relevant for the chance to remove buffs on his A1, so it's nice to have but lower priority than all those other stats. Now, set bonuses may help with some of that, certainly he could use sets like Speed, Immortal, Divine Speed and so on - but those set bonuses aren't very big, you can get as much or more with a double roll on a substat somewhere, so it's very possible you'll get a better total picture with some 'broken' sets that don't offer any set bonus at all. And since Weapon, Helmet and Shield have fixed main stats, you should usually start gearing with the Gloves/Chest/Boots where you have to make the important main stat choices and then see what you can still do in the top row to maximize your stat priorities, with substats and potentially with set bonuses. 

Regarding your arena team, I'm not surprised that it sometimes works but sometimes also not. Besides the RNG factor of Tormin's passive, Elder Skarg's AOE HP burn requires some pretty specific conditions to apply - and if you don't get the freeze/HP burn thing going, you aren't doing all that much damage. I think you could use that team in certain circumstances, but it shouldn't be your only option. An obvious alternative is a straightforward speed nuke with Skullcrown, whose passive also offers some protection even if you lose the speed race, with Gurgoh included when needed (e.g. against enemy Krisks, so Gurgoh can strip the shields before Skullcrown's nuke). Another interesting possibility is Umbral Enchantress, with her very powerful 2-turn AOE provoke while unkillable - though you have to get her fast enough to use that ability before dying, as well as high enough accuracy to not have it resisted, basically just like the requirements for Gurgoh.