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Player Power & Player Level

Player Power & Player Level

4 апр. 2021, 07:2604.04.21

Player Power & Player Level

The mechanics of the game is wrong but they just don't get it.

I'm lvl 53 and been playing 90 days.  This is a typical arena roster in Classic Arena.


Can't beat the 51 as to stay alive I have two support because I don't have a good spead lead built up yet and can't kill Sethallia but can kill all the rest.

Problem is I have a balanced roster for the entire game, that brings up my player power, so I can do all the Advanced Quests each day.  Being that Scyl is a 180 day reward so that is I am up against players with all those books and other gear they have collected "advantages".  I wonder how many of them are actually "new" accounts. 

4 апр. 2021, 17:0404.04.21

This is what I see being the biggest issue with the Arena right now, you can either choose to play the Arena, or play the rest of the game.  You can't do both at the same time or it really screws you in match making as you collect champions and build up teams for CB, faction wars, doom tower, etc.

Apparently the current strategy for the game is you need to build up warmaiden/starter champ/high katune/apoth and just play the arena for 2 years to max your great hall and then focus on the rest of the game.  I had the same arena team for awhile and it was very effective, but it stopped working once I improved other areas of the game.  Turns out player power is a curse.

Forcing PVP is a horrible idea for any game imo.  Arena almost turned me off at day 2, but I stuck with the game because it was doable at the time even if it was miserable for me.