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RANT... Summoning issues that should be fixed

RANT... Summoning issues that should be fixed

2 апр. 2021, 18:0902.04.21

RANT... Summoning issues that should be fixed

I had a bunch of void shards I went through two minutes after I woke up this morning. This was exteremly frustrating and were it not for the middle part of this story I would be ranting and raving at a whole different level.

First 6 shards I pulled 6 Ifrits in a row.

Next 5 shards I pulled 5 Seducers in a row.

Next 5 shards I pulled 3 Dilgols and 2 Harvesters (mixed together)

So in 16 shards, I pulled only 4 different champions and they were all rares. (I also already have all 4) (and why at least couldn't I have gotten more Coldhearts 😎)

I know this is supposed to be random, but there needs to be something to skew the results towards a more even distribution of types, and individual champs. There's 48 rare void champs accorind to ayumilove, of which I've collected 23. And have gotten at least 40 duplicates.

Other ideas: 

--maybe have some tokens that allow you to reroll. 

--allow you to combine a certain amount of the same champion back into an ancient or void shard to be reused

Shard #17 and 18 were both legos and ones I really like, so that took the sting off a lot but if I only had 16 I would've have gotten majorly robbed.

I had more shards and did pull some epics, all but 1 I already had.

Overall from about 40ish shards i received around 7 new champs.

2 апр. 2021, 18:1302.04.21

I have spent alot  of $$$$$$  on Void shards  in this game but no longer

They are the real money makers for RAID. You will lose every time with VOID

I still buy Sacred even though my luck has  only pulled Dupe last 3 legends. Dtill better chance than the money sucking Voids

2 апр. 2021, 20:4702.04.21

one thing you can do is to not pull them all in a row, spread em over the days