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Awesome new video Plarium!

Awesome new video Plarium!

1 апр. 2021, 20:4801.04.21

Awesome new video Plarium!

The new video you guys put up really got me hyped.

I'm talking about the infographic video. Stuff like this always is interesting to see for me. 

But what would be even more amazing to see, maybe next year - if the technology you guys have allows it, would be to see our own personal infographics either in game or on this website telling us some interesting facts about our accounts.

Things I'd love to see are some basic stuff like 

  • The amount of total silver spent on my account
  • The amount of total champion EXP acquired
  • Which dungeon I farmed the most (or show a percentage of amount I farmed next to every dungeon)
  • Total amount of Energy used on my account
  • Total amount of each Shard I opened

I think stuff like this would be really fun to see, if you guys could pull it off!

Thanks for the 2 years of this amazing game! 

1 апр. 2021, 20:5701.04.21

LOVE , LOVE The new youtube video HYPE!

Hell yes this game  IS all that for sure and thats why so many companies are making their  own versions  of this game to get in on the cut of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ this game generates

That being said , I think its a great time to be part of  one  of the  most popular MMO champion collecting RPGPVPVE MMO's  on the market

Praise RAID :)

1 апр. 2021, 21:1801.04.21

To make sure...even if the video is great....RAID is not really a RPG...

1 апр. 2021, 21:2701.04.21

Nice propaganda :), based on most used champs it can indicate that around 75% are f2p/casual low spenders :D. 

1 апр. 2021, 21:3001.04.21

To make sure...even if the video is great....RAID is not really a RPG...

So lets analize that

What does all MMO RPG games have  in common? Its the ability to 'level' up a hero and attain new levels thru questing that reap more benefits

Lets look at RAID now. Do we level up? Yes we do. Both our Avatars level up as well as  our champions level up

Does Raid also benefot from leveling  up? Yes bot  our Avatar and  our champions benefit from leveling  up .

Is  it questing? Not exactly but we do run our champions thru dungeons and campaign missions. (similar)

So although you may not say it is a TRUE RPG it truely has the similar qualities  of a RPG that bring  it to that genera

So yes it is a RPG. sorry to point that one  out :/

1 апр. 2021, 21:3501.04.21

I would call this kind of games RPG lite

1 апр. 2021, 21:3601.04.21

I would call this kind of games RPG lite

agree but still would fall into the category of RPGMMO....champion collecting

1 апр. 2021, 21:3701.04.21


2 апр. 2021, 00:1902.04.21

Well, for me, a RPG follows a story and quests, interaction with NPCs...and you do not necessarily have to grind the same mission endlessly to get some stuff

You also build your party/team according to your wishes and not because of some very random but lucky shard pulls.

Arena, Doom Tower, ClanBoss, FactionsWars, Dungeons is not what I'd call a storyline....Campaign is the closest to that but is not really a quest...it is the same like dungeons only interrupted by some intermediate slides of information. And interaction with the world or NPCs...well not existing at all. 

I admit, the graphics and animations are outstanding, cool, a pleasure to have a look at them and they make me feel like in a fantasy setting...but apart from that...nope.

MMO....also a point of discussion....for me, a MMO is not only being on a server at the same time...it is interaction with other people, doing quests together etc...apart from the chat channel...how much interaction do you have with other players? 

Perhaps it comes down to individual definitions for you, it is a MMO RPG...for me it is not.

3 апр. 2021, 13:0403.04.21

What was very nice to see is that out of 76745848 players only 335315 played long enough to get to 60.

Hopefully, the fact that only 0.4% of all people, who tried the game, stayed to play it, will open up Plarium's eyes to how terrible the new player experience is.

And no, Raid is in no way shape or form a Role Playing Game. The initial short story campaign is pretty much the only hint towards that genre. 

OracleCommunity Manager
7 апр. 2021, 09:3507.04.21
7 апр. 2021, 09:36(отредактировано)

Hi, AirMaxxx! I hope you already have seen your personal Recap video!

Yes, it might be somewhat not accurate, because it doesn't take into account the period after 29 of March. There might be some other flaws but it is our very first such attempt and we hope to improve next time.

Thank you for the feedback!

7 апр. 2021, 09:5007.04.21

Never tried it, i got into wow for a bit and played some guildwars and i did like FFX and the civ series for offline games

As for the vid it is nicely made, the retention figure is extremely low as mentioned.