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Upcoming fusion

Upcoming fusion

1 апр. 2021, 14:2001.04.21

Upcoming fusion

Hey all

Just curious if you guys are going for the new fusion?

I literally got scyl today and i have her food already levelled and almost got my gems stockpiled for masteries etc.. i have been waiting for scyl since i am stuck on IG and think she will be a help there.

But with the new fusion coming i think it might be smart to level her during the fusion event and keep stockpiling resources?

What do you think of the upcoming dwarf? are you going for him? He looks better and different to my melga and i dont have a stacked account so i can see him useful in most dungeons, doom tower and i could see him being useful in arena even (shield would be potentially good vs nuke speed teams?).

Torn here because i really want to 6 star scyl but as i dont really spend i only have 2 legendaries (zavia and draco) so i am tempted to go hard for the fusion


1 апр. 2021, 14:3301.04.21

Go for any fusion/fragment champ you can.  I wanted to skip this one, but everyone is telling me it is too good to pass up.  I liked Yosh, one of the few lol, so my guess is this one I won't be able to pass on...ugh.  Could use a month break from the grind...

1 апр. 2021, 14:3701.04.21
1 апр. 2021, 14:38(отредактировано)

Go for any fusion/fragment champ you can.  I wanted to skip this one, but everyone is telling me it is too good to pass up.  I liked Yosh, one of the few lol, so my guess is this one I won't be able to pass on...ugh.  Could use a month break from the grind...

Ive never really gone for them, i have always got distracted and not saved enough resources, im just not sure where i would use him?.

I have a speed nuke arena team so not going to use him there

Spider - yes prob very good, and maybe IG too

CB- doesnt look a CB champ at all?

I guess i am worried i will blow all my resources and burn myself out and then never use the champ, everyone is raving about him but - not sure why?

I know what you mean about the grind.

1 апр. 2021, 14:4701.04.21

I think fragment champs are a no-brainer to do as there is no wasted energy/resources really.

Fusions are pain in the a$$ and should be eliminated :) Potion grinding, leveling and throwing away 4 level 50 epics... Being "forced" to run dungeons hould improve your gear, even though you should sell 95% of it (silver!!).  Save your silver until AE events.  Save XP brews, only use during fusion/fragment training events.  I (very late game) could do training events with 0 energy and only brews now, at least an entire month.  Obviously I will have energy to use, but I think you get the point.

1 апр. 2021, 14:5501.04.21

I think fragment champs are a no-brainer to do as there is no wasted energy/resources really.

Fusions are pain in the a$$ and should be eliminated :) Potion grinding, leveling and throwing away 4 level 50 epics... Being "forced" to run dungeons hould improve your gear, even though you should sell 95% of it (silver!!).  Save your silver until AE events.  Save XP brews, only use during fusion/fragment training events.  I (very late game) could do training events with 0 energy and only brews now, at least an entire month.  Obviously I will have energy to use, but I think you get the point.

Yeh i will keep stockpiling for now, at the end of the day if i cant make the fusion at least i am guaranteed epics from the events :)

I could do with playing a bit less anyway, i finally got back into gold arena, but it has burned me out on the game a bit (plus i started a new account to test the newbie experience)

Thanks for the advice.

1 апр. 2021, 17:0601.04.21

Personally I can seem to pull and good dwarves, so he will be a great addition to faction wars for 

1 апр. 2021, 19:3401.04.21

New fusion is actually amazing for progression. 

One of the best legendaries we had, and with two FRESH new mechanics - unremovable shield and a shield strength buff. 

I am definitely going for him, can't wait!

1 апр. 2021, 20:3301.04.21

Fragment fusion is ALL IN for me (no brainer)

clasic fudion is a Whale fusion IMO

I cannot afford all the summons required to get that classic fusion complete...............I pass

1 апр. 2021, 20:4201.04.21

Fragment fusion is ALL IN for me (no brainer)

clasic fudion is a Whale fusion IMO

I cannot afford all the summons required to get that classic fusion complete...............I pass

I don't think they're whale fusions tbh. As long as you prepare you can do these completely for free.

I open around 1k green shards per fusion so I can save as many shards as I can, and save all the fragment fusions from DT plus standard event fragment fusions to reach the necessary milestones easily on top of saving every other shards / gems / silver.

I don't really spend any money for these and I haven't missed a single one.

1 апр. 2021, 20:4601.04.21

Brother AirMaxxx

We agree on so much about the stat of this game so I ask you to enlighten me on this  one :)

Are you saying I can get the required champs needed for this fusion with my 3K Green Mystery shards ?

If so I am all in but I was just assuming I needed that many ancient shards which I do not have

1 апр. 2021, 20:5101.04.21

Brother AirMaxxx

We agree on so much about the stat of this game so I ask you to enlighten me on this  one :)

Are you saying I can get the required champs needed for this fusion with my 3K Green Mystery shards ?

If so I am all in but I was just assuming I needed that many ancient shards which I do not have

Of course you can , 1 mystery shard counts for 1 point during the summoning event and during summoning tournament you get 1 point + additional 10 for each rare you pull.

It's a lot of work though! I sometimes sit for up to 40 minutes+ opening these and feeding the champs I pull from them, so make sure you have enough time to dedicate. 

You'll still need other shards to complete these events, but as long as you are farming UNM and doing your dailies you should have enough stockpiled from fusion to fusion. 

1 апр. 2021, 20:5401.04.21

Of course you can , 1 mystery shard counts for 1 point during the summoning event and during summoning tournament you get 1 point + additional 10 for each rare you pull.

It's a lot of work though! I sometimes sit for up to 40 minutes+ opening these and feeding the champs I pull from them, so make sure you have enough time to dedicate. 

You'll still need other shards to complete these events, but as long as you are farming UNM and doing your dailies you should have enough stockpiled from fusion to fusion. 

But the fusion coming  is classic fusion (No pts) You aquire the champions thru summons and fuse them for epic tier champs that fuse for the Legend champ (Dwarf)

No pys  involved?????????????

Am I missing something here?

1 апр. 2021, 21:0101.04.21

But the fusion coming  is classic fusion (No pts) You aquire the champions thru summons and fuse them for epic tier champs that fuse for the Legend champ (Dwarf)

No pys  involved?????????????

Am I missing something here?

You don't have to get the required rares from summoning them, you get them as rewards from the various events and tournaments - including the summon rush and champion chase events/tournaments. As in, if you get to 1000 (or some other number) points in the summon rush, you get the rare you need (and usually you can also get one of the four epics directly in either the summon rush or champion chase, but it requires far higher points, like 2500 or so). 

And yeah, if you have a few thousand mystery shards like many veteran players do, you could get all the points needed from those... but it's SLOW. I don't know how AirMaxx does it in 40 minutes, took me much longer last time. 

1 апр. 2021, 21:0901.04.21

You don't have to get the required rares from summoning them, you get them as rewards from the various events and tournaments - including the summon rush and champion chase events/tournaments. As in, if you get to 1000 (or some other number) points in the summon rush, you get the rare you need (and usually you can also get one of the four epics directly in either the summon rush or champion chase, but it requires far higher points, like 2500 or so). 

And yeah, if you have a few thousand mystery shards like many veteran players do, you could get all the points needed from those... but it's SLOW. I don't know how AirMaxx does it in 40 minutes, took me much longer last time. 

OK got it. Maybe I will take a closer look at the tourney for that fusion before I go so hard at  (NO)

Thanks for info

1 апр. 2021, 23:3001.04.21

Yes, you should go for it.

2 апр. 2021, 17:3602.04.21
2 апр. 2021, 17:38(отредактировано)

Hi everybody,

I'm dreaming about getting this new champion, of crouse, but I'm not sure it's even worth trying. Could you tell me, given my level and ressources, if I should try, or if it's a waste of time, and I should save my ressources for later?

I'm level 55, FTP, in between early and midgame, with 3 6* (enough food to level up my 4th), cruising in dungeons 14, I'm usually not competitive in Tournaments, stuck in Arena Bronze II (like many people), and I only 2keys the Hard CB... I have 8M silver, 1700 gems, 2700 mystery shards, 6 voids and 1 sacred. And a lot of energy potions (I save all my dailies), and a ton of rare fodders in the vault.

Is it even possible, or am I just too early game, and should save my ressources for later?

The underlying question being: should I open my 6 void shards this week-end, or save them for the fusion...

3 апр. 2021, 17:3203.04.21

Hi everybody,

I'm dreaming about getting this new champion, of crouse, but I'm not sure it's even worth trying. Could you tell me, given my level and ressources, if I should try, or if it's a waste of time, and I should save my ressources for later?

I'm level 55, FTP, in between early and midgame, with 3 6* (enough food to level up my 4th), cruising in dungeons 14, I'm usually not competitive in Tournaments, stuck in Arena Bronze II (like many people), and I only 2keys the Hard CB... I have 8M silver, 1700 gems, 2700 mystery shards, 6 voids and 1 sacred. And a lot of energy potions (I save all my dailies), and a ton of rare fodders in the vault.

Is it even possible, or am I just too early game, and should save my ressources for later?

The underlying question being: should I open my 6 void shards this week-end, or save them for the fusion...

I dont do fusions usually, but aside from arena quests you sound like you have lots of saved resources

3 апр. 2021, 21:3703.04.21

the upcoming fusion champ looks really good. we don't have his book infromation yet.

everyone looks at his abilities and assumes he will be a shield master similar to valkyrie or MM. i strongly suspect that his shield ability cannot be booked to lower the cooldown.

his shield buff cannot be removed, and his passive lets shielded allies heal based on damage dealt to the shield. obviously his purpose is to heal allies while they are shielded. when his shield goes down, allies will take damage that will be healed when the shield goes back up.

a shield that cannot be removed and heals allies will not have a short cooldown. i'm confident that it will remain at a 5 turn cooldown. although maybe we can book the shield to be super strong.

you want him to help you in ice golem? to take full advantage of his passive you'll have to use him with another shielding champion, or a buff extender.

if you don't have those then build your champs to be able to survive a few turns without shield until he places it again.