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Tag Team Arena is worst then Classic

Tag Team Arena is worst then Classic

31 март 2021, 15:0231.03.21

Tag Team Arena is worst then Classic

I know there are a lot of people upset about classic arena and trying to finish Arbiter mission.

I think that tag team arena is in a lot worse shape then Classic. 

In classic i can make platium but cant keep it at the end of the week. 

In tag team I cant get past silver 1. the teams i am facing in tag team are harder then Gold 4 teams. 

Its so bad i just do the 5 battles a day and thats it. After the 5 its not worth my time because the balance is nonexistent.

Are other people running into the same issue?

Have other people watched Hell Hades reply to plarium commenting on classic arena video?

Plarium needs to relook at tag team arena because it is servely unbalanced and as bad if not worse then classic. In silver 1 the marority of the teams i am facing are are over 180  per team or total team power of 540-600. Am I the only one that thinks this is really high for silver 1? Most of these teams are higher then Gold IV classic.

Plariums replies are very disheartening. I would link the video but they dont like people disagreeing with them.

Before people come on here and basically say get better, If i was horible in arena I would not have the my great hall at 170. 

Typically I like a challenge but tag team is over the top. 

Plarium needs to figure the arena out for both tag team and classic because they both are no where near balanced. 

I dont have the solution, but in silver 1 your opponents should not be primaryly total score of 540 plus. Also in the teams they are primarily are top tier legos.

In the picture below you will see im in silver 1 and the 4 teams showing powers are respectively 607, 453, 557, and 569. Also mostly legos. 

How is tag team arena balanced when the teams in silver 1 are high?


31 март 2021, 16:1331.03.21

Are we now going to get a flood of tag team arena complaint posts as well? There was another post making almost exactly the same point earlier today, there's really no need to make another one since unlike the regular arena, tag team arena is working as intended: the number of players per tier has been limited from the start, it's supposed to be much harder than regular arena to get into gold, with less than 10 000 players in the four gold tiers. 

You are talking a lot about a lack of 'balance' but apparently what you mean is 'I'm frustrated that I'm not good enough to get higher than silver 1 yet'. That has nothing to do with balance. And if you find silver 1 too hard, then drop down to bronze 3 or 4, where competition is pretty casual for the most part. 

31 март 2021, 20:5431.03.21

tag arena is actually fun i just look at the setups and go if i can win 2 out of 3 im happy and hit them if i lose so be it, i hit tag arena  a fair bit to try build up tokens to spend on 300 power ancient shards drex frag which ill pull my last piece today and will be able to summon him. 

it would good if they dropped the bronze silver gold requirements and just made it open to all at the end of the day its still going to take time to get the rewards you want and you d still push to make it higher to pull more tokens 

6 апр. 2021, 15:2706.04.21
6 апр. 2021, 15:27(отредактировано)

Are we now going to get a flood of tag team arena complaint posts as well? There was another post making almost exactly the same point earlier today, there's really no need to make another one since unlike the regular arena, tag team arena is working as intended: the number of players per tier has been limited from the start, it's supposed to be much harder than regular arena to get into gold, with less than 10 000 players in the four gold tiers. 

You are talking a lot about a lack of 'balance' but apparently what you mean is 'I'm frustrated that I'm not good enough to get higher than silver 1 yet'. That has nothing to do with balance. And if you find silver 1 too hard, then drop down to bronze 3 or 4, where competition is pretty casual for the most part. 

I guess you will also say that the video hell haedes and ash posted on 4/2/21 that arena is broken that they do not know how to play?

I would add a link to the video but they dont like people with facts disagreeing with them.

The tag arena is just as bad if not worse then classic. 

the entore arena is in a very bad state. Even the theroy crafters that put out most of the videos on how to play are saying it is broken.

I guess you will say that they have no idea what they are doing.

I am going to love and see how you respnd to them saying it is broken.

6 апр. 2021, 15:3706.04.21

I guess you will also say that the video hell haedes and ash posted on 4/2/21 that arena is broken that they do not know how to play?

I would add a link to the video but they dont like people with facts disagreeing with them.

The tag arena is just as bad if not worse then classic. 

the entore arena is in a very bad state. Even the theroy crafters that put out most of the videos on how to play are saying it is broken.

I guess you will say that they have no idea what they are doing.

I am going to love and see how you respnd to them saying it is broken.

What? Try reading my post before writing nonsensical replies. Quoting from my own previous post, emphasis added: '... since unlike the regular arena, tag team arena is working as intended'. Whether you like the higher difficulty and higher level of selectiveness of TTA or not, it's been clear from the start that it would be like that. 

I've been pretty clear and consistent on these forums about the regular arena being broken - but on the other hand, I also have to say that some of the people making the same case are doing so with such bad arguments and such clueless comments that they are weakening their own case, providing easy ammunition to the people trying to pretend that arena is working just fine. And this reply of yours certainly falls into that category. 

6 апр. 2021, 15:4906.04.21
6 апр. 2021, 15:50(отредактировано)

Tag team is broken just as much as classic. You can go ahead keep living in fantasy land thinking it is not. the teams i am facing in broze 4 and silver 1 are not broze and silver teams. If i compare them to classic it is 3 platium level teams.

How are classic arena platium level teams broze 4 and silver 1 in tag team? the basic only difference between tag tema and classic is you do 3 battles in tag team to as you only do 1 in classic. you have the same iusses.

People arre not upset as much about tag team because there are no missions road blocks like there is with classic. If they added tag team to the arbiter missions you would have just as many posts about this issue as well.

Keep thinking tag team is not broken.

this is the thing you are not realizing and a lot of others are saying that tag team and classic are not broken.

for this game to be succuessful they need the causal base just as much if not more then the whales. The reason being the culative money spent by the causal far exceeds the whales. If you loose the causal base then the game you like will cease to exsist peroid.

I quit playing because of the arena issues (my town hall was level 170, forget correct name.) Also quit because the support, honestly is aweful. I got an auto ban for no reason and even receiced an email saying so, see below

Julia (Plarium Support Center | Mobile Games)

Apr 6, 2021, 18:04 GMT+3

Apologies for the delayed response.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Your ban was removed.
Our specialists are constantly working on our auto-banning system optimization and will make it more advanced in the future.

If you have any further questions, please let me know.
Have a nice day! 

Player Support Team 

This is pathedic! They need better support. I sent 10 messages about this and even replied to support saying they did not see a ban and I have the emails for that as well.