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Not regular arena but Tag Team arena seems broken?

Not regular arena but Tag Team arena seems broken?

31 март 2021, 06:2931.03.21

Not regular arena but Tag Team arena seems broken?

So, iam playing for 3 weeks now. Have 2 level 60's and Iam stuck on Bronze 3/4 in normal Arena. I get that. It's fine. I understand you must not expect to steam your way trough the levels if you are there for just 3 weeks. Building up a nice team and hopefully within a week I can do it.

But what bothers mee more is the Tag Team Arena match-ups. So my total strength is 140k. My main team is 80k, then I have a 40k team and a 20k team. Not amazing but hey I just started.

But what seems to be happening now is that there is no way to get out of Bronze I. Even if I try to match all weak opponents where I win atleast 2 out of 3 matches. I keep getting roflstomped (attacked ) by comps that have full l60 and atleast 3-4 legendaries. They are in Bronze I :S

Other then that when I try to find teams to match they are 9/10 also those comps with +300k team power. It is not that there is an occasional team to strong. They are almost all that massive. Maybe some are inactive and they dropped there after a few months but then they should be removed imo. Iam fine with fighting teams that have I dont know 150k team power or something. But then they all consist of l60 with legendaries and epic's with a team power of +300k the matchmaking seems kinda off.

Also iam L45 now. Think iam quite on track within this small time period. But all the teams iam fighting in Tag Team seem to be 50+ Almost never someone at my level let aside a lower one.

And again, if its the one team that got lost thats fine but now it seems to be 9/10 teams At Least. Maybe iam doing something wrong or I dont understand the game. Maybe my account power is really high somehow? Dont know if that matters. Do have some rare's in my vault and 2 epics (50 shaman and 50 Ursine) but that is it. 

31 март 2021, 08:0731.03.21

What you don't understand is that your expectations for TTA should be very different, for a simple reason: there is a fixed number of players per tier in TTA, except for bronze 1, which means climbing the tiers is way harder than in regular arena. 

For your reference, I'm in gold IV in the regular arena and have been for a long time. In TTA, I'm in bronze IV - if I tried hard enough, maybe I could get into silver I or II. Maybe. So yes, it's entirely normal that you will remain in bronze 1 in TTA for at least another month or two, you won't get out of it until you have 3 fully synergized teams of level 60 champions. 

31 март 2021, 15:5731.03.21

Buy Drexthar fragments every day! That is all you need to get out of Tag

2 апр. 2021, 00:4102.04.21

Id  like  it  if  they  opened  rewards  to  players  of  all  tiers.  The  accessories  and  charms,  as  well  as  shards,  chickens,  and  books  would  be  quite  useful.  Who  cares  if  it  takes  you  three  years  to buy  a  sacred  shard.

And  for  the  tag  team  arena  being  hard,  thats  because  there  is  a  player  cap  on  each  tier.  As  Trips  said,  just  buy  Drexthar  Fragments  every  day.  If  you  put  in  three  weak  common  or  uncommon  champions  you  were  going  to  use  for  food  in  your  defense,  than  youll  be  matchmaking  against  weak  teams  of  single  champions  and  40s.

4 апр. 2021, 19:1604.04.21

I guess Ill just have to accept iam stuck there for the next several months I guess. Will be a while as a semi FTP player to reach that progression team with 250-300k team power.

I have heard that you get matched up against teams with the same Player Power. Is that true? I do have about 50+ rare and fusion champions in my vault that might boost that? My player power is now 325k but my main team is 80k and the rest is not geared/leveled etc