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Rework of champion progression and potential arena fix

Rework of champion progression and potential arena fix

30 март 2021, 07:5830.03.21

Rework of champion progression and potential arena fix

I had an idea for a major rework of the game and how progression works.

So instead of so much time and focus and resources poured into "food champions" that you don't plan on using and probably don't even like (or atleast like enough to keep since your using them as food), How about increasing the xp required by a larger amount every 10 levels or so. With no artificial limits in place.

Ranks would be achieved simply by hitting 10 levels higher. Ascensions would remain the same. But here's how this changes the whale and/or greed machine;

- More focus on selling energy and/or x3 speed bonus for farming in the shop

- More players using the champions they actually want to use and build. Even if it's for grinding/farming. But this would for the most part allow people to use the champions they have in more areas of the game instead of staring at them in their collection because they haven't spent the many many hours and/or dollars it takes to get them all the way to 6 star 60. There may be some of the same occuring from now spending the time/resources to level them by grinding/farming but atleast the limit doesn't feel as greedy/artificial/"gotcha"

- There would be no more need for gathering a retarded amount of "food champions" and the process would just be leveling whatever champions you want to level.

- As far as the arena, the second point applies here as well. So all the champions that would make a big difference in people's teams would be available for them to use in their team.

Now, this doesn't fix the serious matching issue going on in the arena which I really think should either go back to being based off your defense team to some extent or some other method of matching such as matching you to players/teams that are in the range (hopefully with an even mix of some above and below you rather than nearly a full list of people with better champs and gear) of your top 4 champions power level you have in your collection.
