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Why add more levels to dungeons?

Why add more levels to dungeons?

29 март 2021, 07:3129.03.21

Why add more levels to dungeons?

I've heard talk on HellHades about adding more levels to dungeons. We don't need more levels we need more dungeons. If you are needing a paticular piece of gear from a particular set it will take thousands of XP if you even get it. Played one level 20 in dungeons just trying to get a certain piece of gear over 30 times, used over 500 XP and never did get it.

29 март 2021, 09:0229.03.21

Well I am glad we have you, the ultimate arbiter of what we need and what we don't need.

Why didn't Plarium consult you specifically first before making this decision? I mean you ran dungeon 20 over 30 times! You are the ultimate expert on this subject. 

29 март 2021, 13:3529.03.21
29 март 2021, 15:16(отредактировано)

More content is the last thing we need, I don't have time to do everything as it is.  Hopefully expanding the dungeons helps us use energy faster / more efficuiently.  Though I suspect for me (late game not end game) it may not.  As long as it is not like NM camapign (useless as designed now imo), I much prefer an expansion of levels in all dungeons including keeps and mino than any new content.  Though I fear Plarium will f*** it up and make it both inefficient and more time consuming lol.  

29 март 2021, 15:1229.03.21

More content is the last thing we need, I don't have time to do everything as it is.  Hopefully expanding the dungeons helps us use energy faster / more efficuiently.  Though I suspect for me (late game not end game) it may not.  As long as it is not like NM camapign (useless as designed now imo), I much prefer an expansion of levels in all dungeons including keeps and mino than any new content.  Though I fear Plarium will f*** it up and make it both inefficient and more time consuming lol.  

I wholeheartedly agree, also Language :) 

29 март 2021, 15:1629.03.21
Rufus Shinra

I wholeheartedly agree, also Language :) 

edited language, somewhat... :)

29 март 2021, 15:3229.03.21
29 март 2021, 15:33(отредактировано)

I don't understand the reasoning.

"If you are needing a paticular piece of gear from a particular set it will take thousands of XP if you even get it "

Exactly, and adding more levels addresses that! The higher the level the higher is your probability of getting a 6* legendary artifact (instead of junk that you will instantly sell)!

On the other hand, adding more dungeons will achieve the opposite of what you want. You will have even more gear to farm and the same (bad) drop rate will mean it will take you even more time to get everything you want.

29 март 2021, 15:4929.03.21
29 март 2021, 15:52(отредактировано)

I don't understand the reasoning.

"If you are needing a paticular piece of gear from a particular set it will take thousands of XP if you even get it "

Exactly, and adding more levels addresses that! The higher the level the higher is your probability of getting a 6* legendary artifact (instead of junk that you will instantly sell)!

On the other hand, adding more dungeons will achieve the opposite of what you want. You will have even more gear to farm and the same (bad) drop rate will mean it will take you even more time to get everything you want.

Probably he wants more dungeons, but not more sets. Actually you can find 9 different types of sets at Dragon, FK and Ice Golem each. Maybe you're looking for a speed set and farm dragon 20. One of 9 pieces you find will be from this set (if all sets have the same drop chance, what I hope, but not know for sure).

If a new dungeon is made, let's say 2 set-types from each actual dungeon could be found there, but not anymore at their actual place. Let's further say speed sets stay at the Dragon. Now one of 7 pieces (instead of 9) is from a speed set.

I don't say that would be the best change in the game, I just say that's the way I understood the thread opener.