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Looking For Help With Arena Team

Looking For Help With Arena Team

28 март 2021, 22:2028.03.21

Looking For Help With Arena Team

Good afternoon,

     Looking for a little guidance on building my arena team.  I managed to climb to gold a ways back but had a few weeks where I didn't really play.  Sitting back at bronze now and struggling to get anywhere.  I'm at a point in the 'main' quest where I have to focus on my hall so back to arena I go.  I started scoping some guides online but there is so much information out there (and some of it seemingly not great) I feel like I'm chasing my tail right now.  :)  So rather than continue that I thought I'd ask here to see where I should put my energy.  Here's what I have - if I can make a valid team with what I have great.



Black Knight

Yaga the Insatiable









Rearguard Sergeant

Ghrush the Mangler





High Khatun

Scyl of the Drakes





Dark Athel


Frozen Banshee

Baroth the Bloodsoaked

Tainix Hateflower

Lady Etessa

Defiled Sinner






Lordly Legionary

Dark Elhain

Grizzled Jarl




Flesh Tearer











Crimson Helm

Sandlashed Survivor


Snorting Thug


Dhykk the Pierced




Sorry for the giant list of 4*.....just not sure who is or isn't relevant here.

28 март 2021, 23:1828.03.21

The only way to win is to make the most broken team you can think of. I'm just a beginner at this game, but the best strategy I can think of is make a team of champions with Attack All options and level the hell out of them.

Seeing what you have: Keal, Elhain, Shaman, and Apothecary.

Give Keal and Elhain Divine Speed armor.

Shaman Defense armor and Ascend to 3* to use her Recall.

Apothecary Lifesteal armor for his Soothing Chant and Boon Of Speed.

The plan is to have Keal and Elhain to use Acid Rain and Lightning Arrow to kill the opposing team before they have a chance to counter attack. Shaman will reanimate whoever gets killed and Apothecary will use Boon Of Speed to get Keal and Elhain to attack again as fast as possible. I know Elhain has a second All Attack and should be able to clean up the left overs.

I did see this one team that totally destroyed me with Shaman and another champion I can't recall the name of. What that champion did was drop a ton of buffs on their team with one being not being able to kill (deal damage to?) them for 2-3 turns when at zero health. I wish I saved his name, but he looked like a black knight. I killed his Apothecary, but Shaman brought him back only for his champion to drop this wall on his whole team, that I couldn't get through.

29 март 2021, 00:1229.03.21

The only way to win is to make the most broken team you can think of. I'm just a beginner at this game, but the best strategy I can think of is make a team of champions with Attack All options and level the hell out of them.

Seeing what you have: Keal, Elhain, Shaman, and Apothecary.

Give Keal and Elhain Divine Speed armor.

Shaman Defense armor and Ascend to 3* to use her Recall.

Apothecary Lifesteal armor for his Soothing Chant and Boon Of Speed.

The plan is to have Keal and Elhain to use Acid Rain and Lightning Arrow to kill the opposing team before they have a chance to counter attack. Shaman will reanimate whoever gets killed and Apothecary will use Boon Of Speed to get Keal and Elhain to attack again as fast as possible. I know Elhain has a second All Attack and should be able to clean up the left overs.

I did see this one team that totally destroyed me with Shaman and another champion I can't recall the name of. What that champion did was drop a ton of buffs on their team with one being not being able to kill (deal damage to?) them for 2-3 turns when at zero health. I wish I saved his name, but he looked like a black knight. I killed his Apothecary, but Shaman brought him back only for his champion to drop this wall on his whole team, that I couldn't get through.

No to this ... Put Shaman in vault.  Don't use 2 starters.

Speed is the answer in arena.  

Speed Aura. Fast go first with TM Boost, Inc Atk, Dec Defense. Then nuke.  

29 март 2021, 00:1429.03.21
29 март 2021, 00:18(отредактировано)

The only way to win is to make the most broken team you can think of. I'm just a beginner at this game, but the best strategy I can think of is make a team of champions with Attack All options and level the hell out of them.

Seeing what you have: Keal, Elhain, Shaman, and Apothecary.

Give Keal and Elhain Divine Speed armor.

Shaman Defense armor and Ascend to 3* to use her Recall.

Apothecary Lifesteal armor for his Soothing Chant and Boon Of Speed.

The plan is to have Keal and Elhain to use Acid Rain and Lightning Arrow to kill the opposing team before they have a chance to counter attack. Shaman will reanimate whoever gets killed and Apothecary will use Boon Of Speed to get Keal and Elhain to attack again as fast as possible. I know Elhain has a second All Attack and should be able to clean up the left overs.

I did see this one team that totally destroyed me with Shaman and another champion I can't recall the name of. What that champion did was drop a ton of buffs on their team with one being not being able to kill (deal damage to?) them for 2-3 turns when at zero health. I wish I saved his name, but he looked like a black knight. I killed his Apothecary, but Shaman brought him back only for his champion to drop this wall on his whole team, that I couldn't get through.

Using teams like this, even if they could beat your actual champs, is a reason why so many players are stuck in Bronze. This team composition is bulls***t! A nuker team without def debuff, don't use a team like this and please don't recommend something like this to other players. And Apothecary in lifesteal? Definetly not!

My team suggestion for a speedteam would be something like: 

High Khatun (teamleader for speedaura)

Seeker (speedbuff and Atk buff with the same move)

Dhukk the pierced (Def debuff, Atk debuff on the same move, nice if any opponent survives your hit)

Kael (AoE Damage)

/edit: Nice to see that trips suggestion fits exactly with the heros I mentioned. 

29 март 2021, 00:4229.03.21
Skadis Revenge

Using teams like this, even if they could beat your actual champs, is a reason why so many players are stuck in Bronze. This team composition is bulls***t! A nuker team without def debuff, don't use a team like this and please don't recommend something like this to other players. And Apothecary in lifesteal? Definetly not!

My team suggestion for a speedteam would be something like: 

High Khatun (teamleader for speedaura)

Seeker (speedbuff and Atk buff with the same move)

Dhukk the pierced (Def debuff, Atk debuff on the same move, nice if any opponent survives your hit)

Kael (AoE Damage)

/edit: Nice to see that trips suggestion fits exactly with the heros I mentioned. 

This  is  exactly  what  i  was  looking  for,  thanks!

29 март 2021, 03:5629.03.21

Maybe I'm wrong but seems to me like if your not a whale it's nearly impossible to get past bronze 2/3 if you didn't start the game when it came out.

As there's teams with 4 60's, fully ascended, with clearly some really good gear that I'm being put up against and I jsut barely got my full team of 60s just recently and have serious issues without paying gems for resets, hoping for some teams I can actually beat, getting past bronze 3. Have decent gear on my team, main champ is fully ascended and the other 3 (1 lego, 2 epic) are to 3 stars ascension. And still struggling in the bronze...

29 март 2021, 05:0229.03.21

What is the Arena about? 

Speed , Speed  , Speed 

What do you do in the Arena?

Run fast and hit hard

What champion 

the one with highest base speed and speedy artifacts/accesories