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Last chance and blew it

Last chance and blew it

28 март 2021, 06:1828.03.21

Last chance and blew it

The absolute refusal of being able to progress and complete things that the game make mandatory has just turned me away for good. before I sound like a frustrated little noob there is absolutely no excuse for how the arena  is maintained. I have played the game for a year trying to complete main quests and like everyone stuck at earning silver medals, you can be gone for a day and have to climb up bronze again and sometimes not even be able to get out of bronze. I am not new and have a good team with a strong build which I'm not getting in to cuz everyone has their opinion but no more. i let it go for a few months and came back but it's worse than ever and this game has lost at least 3 players that I know because of this and my friends having the same issues over and over again.

28 март 2021, 11:4528.03.21

Classic arena is  on the radar of RAID and they are looking  into it again

Take a break from the game if you must and come back in a month, there is always something new coming along in this game and your account will be here waiting to resume when you return

3 апр. 2021, 06:2103.04.21

An update was just done but now not only do I have to get my ass out of bronze once again you added more tiers to the ranking making it even more impossible. what a joke this game has become, no matter what you add to the game if the main component is broken and now unfixable you lost my respect. this game had so much potential and the fun has been sucked out of it making these progressions mandatory. It would be forgivable if I haven't spent 6 months doing nothing but grind just to get out of bronze and I'm still fighting, can't imagine how frustrating it is in the higher tiers.

3 апр. 2021, 10:2603.04.21

@op you said you don't want to get into your team, but ... maybe if you posted what your running people could give you advice on how to climb easier.

You say you have been playing for 6 months so I would assume you have a decent champion pool and a good amount of 60's?

I was in a simillar state of mind about arena only weeks ago until I read actually helpful posts, watched a few youtube videos, and fixed my account so I could excel in arena.

In two weeks I went from the get up every day being knocked back to bronze and trying to climb back into silver, too now sitting in the middle of the road of gold 2. It just took a little research on how to make a decent team comp and some time setting up that team.

4 апр. 2021, 05:5804.04.21

I played a lot off and on so it wasn't playing straight and know better to take breaks. I will also admit I was late to fully understanding builds and building lvl 60's which sadly I only have 3 working on my fourth. I have three legendaries Robar, Candraphon and Ignatius but he isn't lvl 60 or part of my line up cuz I recently got him. My line up is Galek with a Lifesteal and offence set since he's used for everything, Candraphon with straight offence, Robar with Destroy and critical rate, Gorgorab lvl 50 but 1800 power with shield and defence. Not the best set up for arena but I am having no luck getting the right equipment sets either and I've been grinding on other things as well.

4 апр. 2021, 06:0004.04.21

I also understand I am lacking people with speed sets but my speed stats on my equipment is actually pretty high.