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BEST Arena - (Remake Classic Arena)

BEST Arena - (Remake Classic Arena)

27 март 2021, 05:3427.03.21

BEST Arena - (Remake Classic Arena)

Scroll down to "Rework Arena"  if you just want the main point. 

First I will explain why the current classic Arena needs to be remade. Then I will describe the remade system.

Throw away the old system:


Having Bronze, Silver, and Gold medals is inefficient as the bronze and silver medals become obsolete over time. Even when you are upgrading low level great hall, the stat bonuses are so small that it is simply not worth hundreds of bronze or silver medals to upgrade it. Gold medals are always supremely more desirable and useful.
As points reset every week in the arena, strong players will continue to drop out of gold 4 into the lower tiers. This makes it increasingly more difficult for weaker players to gain more and better medals.
The amount of work required to receive any type of medal will continue to increase as battles get tougher, while the value of those medals continues to decrease as it requires more and more to progress through great hall.
At the same time, the amount of medals received depends entirely on the tier that the battle takes place in, rather than the battle itself.
This is a severely flawed system.

Great Hall:

It's completely fine for Great Hall development to be tied to arena battles. The problem is that the current classic arena system will inevitably halt the great hall progression for over 95% of the player base for long periods of time.
This is a problem because Great Hall progression is practically a necessity to progress in all areas of the game.


Classic arena SHOULD be challenging. It SHOULD be a fun and engaging competition when you are climbing the ranks. The problem is that there is no alternative for players who aren't too interested in arena, or just want to focus on their Great Hall progression instead of climing up the ranks through tough battles.
Everyone in the game aspires to be in gold 4 (the majority of the player base). If everyone is in gold 4, it will be too hard for most players and too easy for the stronger players.

Rework Arena:

Imagine that the current classic arena and medals is completely removed from the game.

The new arena has 5 tiers. The tiers from lowest to highest: Common, Gold 1, Gold 2, Gold 3, Platinum. Those tiers can be given more appropriate names. For now think of them as placeholder names.

Winning battles from both offense AND defense teams awards medals and points. Arena medals don't have colors, there is only one type. Gaining points will raise you higher in the tier.

The NEW classic arena system is the center of indiscriminate competitive PvP in the game. It is a powerful engine of excitement, battle, and reward. Players will come for the battles and always leave satisfied.
This system is designed so that players will want and need to climb up the tiers to get better rewards. At the same time, players can also casually farm medals for their great hall. Players will be incentivized to fight more difficult battles by earning more rewards if the battles are more difficult. As a result, players will also be incentivized to strengthen their arena defense to boost their own rewards.


At the start of the week, players need to register for classic arena participation. Players can register any time during the week but always need to register again after each arena reset. This instantly resolves the issue with inactive arena teams. Even if a player registers at the start of the week and then goes inactive, they cannot remain in the listings after the reset unless they register again.

Incentives can be offered for the purpose of getting newer and weaker players to register for arena participation as soon as possible. For example, 500k silver or 100 gems can be offered to players who register on the first day following weekly arena reset. The incentive offers will diminish as the days go by.

Also, there can be a daily pop-up reminder for all players to register for arena participation, showing the incentive reward.


Each tier has a unique function and reward pool.


The common tier will be treated as a "casual arena" for the most part. This is the tier that all players will start in. Players will start at 0 arena points in this tier.

Players will reach higher reward brackets based on their arena points. After registration, players will be placed in the reward bracket that they last received, and their arena points will be set at the bracket amount.

If players are in higher tiers when arena resets, those players will be placed in the highest reward bracket for the common tier when they register for arena participation.

Gold 1-3:

The Gold tiers have their own unique arena points. When a player enters the Gold 1 tier, they will start at 0 arena points. Arena points in the Gold tiers will NOT reset when moving between the three Gold tiers because arena points will be used to advance or retreat between Gold tiers, similar to the removed arena's tiers.


My Platinum tier system is the height of prodigal brilliance.

The Platinum tier will have a limit of 1000 players. When players enter Platinum tier, they will start at 0 arena points and the lowest rank.

Players will be able to battle each other in platinum any time, but they will NOT be able to earn arena points or move up the rankings until the last 24 hours before weekly reset. One of the reasons for this is because only a limited amount of players can advance to platinum during each daily reset.

The other reason is so that everyone in platinum will start at the same place. At the same time, players who enter Platinum earlier will have a tactical advantage. Players who enter Platinum earlier will be able to test their defense and offense against most of the other players in Platinum, as well as probe for weaknesses in other player's defense teams.

Players can ONLY manually demote theirself from Platinum tier to Common tier. Otherwise they will remain in Platinum tier until weekly reset.

Tier Promotion/Demotion:

This mechanism is absolutely PARAMOUNT to making this arena system a success.


Players need to reach the highest reward bracket in the Common tier before they can be promoted to Gold 1. They need to manually promote theirself to the Gold 1 tier (players can manually promote to Gold 1 at any time with enough arena points). To avoid abuse, players in Gold 1 need to WIN 20 battles in the tier to get the Gold 1 weekly reward chest. Otherwise they will receive the Common tier chest for the third reward bracket.

< 500 Arena Points: Reward bracket 1

>= 500 Arena Points: Reward bracket 2

>= 1000 Arena Points: Reward bracket 3

Players can downgrade to the Common tier from any higher tier at any time (except from Platinum tier), but their points will be set at the highest reward bracket in the Common tier.

Gold 1-3:

Arena points will not be used to demote players from Gold 1 to Common. Players can only manually demote theirself from Gold 1 to common.

Gold 2 and Gold 3 tiers require a certain amount of arena points for player promotion, and promotion is NOT manual. Tier advancement will NOT happen instantly. Players with enough arena points will automatically be promoted to Gold 2 or Gold 3 at daily reset (the same time of day as the weekly arena reset).

Likewise with demotion. Players with enough points will be demoted to Gold 2 or Gold 1 at the daily time of reset.

THERE IS A LIMIT to how many players can advance to Gold 2 and Gold 3 at each daily reset. Each player who is above the arena point threshold for promotion to Gold 2 and gold 3 will receive a rank based on their player points. Those ranks will determine which players get promoted. A maximum of 3000 players can be promoted at reset.

This will provide a necessary reason for players to compete with each other, and strengthen their arena defense as much as they can.

< 500 Arena Points: Gold 1

>= 500 Arena Points: Gold 2

>= 1000 Arena Points: Gold 3


The Platinum tier has a limit of 1000 players. From the Gold 3 tier, only the top 250 players will be promoted to Platinum tier at daily reset.

Players CANNOT be demoted from the Platinum tier automatically. Players can only manually demote from Platinum to Common.

On the last day of Platinum tier promotion, if there are more than 250 open slots in the Platinum tier (if players manually left the Platinum tier), those open slots will be filled to the player limit from the Gold 3 tier.

In the last 24 hours before weekly reset, players CANNOT manually demote from Platinum. They will be locked in until reset.


Below is an illustration of an estimation for how an average week of the new classic arena will play out. I know, i'm not too skilled with the art software.

In hindsight, the number of players promoted to the higher tiers will likely be significantly higher on the second half of the week. Also the real numbers would be a lot different if the amount of active players in the game is greater.
The numbers might be a bit off because I had to leave halfway through and lost track of things.

(Full size illustration) 


In addition to manual match refreshes, the matchmaking list for all players will refresh automatically on a daily basis (the same time of day as the weekly arena reset).

Plarium should add ways to prevent players from cheating by boosting the points of their clan members; especially in higher tiers of the arena. One method could be that players can't be matched with their clan mates. Another method could be limiting the amount of times a player can lose an offensive battle. I'm sure Plarium will do a fine job of mitigating this.


This tier will not have player ranks and therefore will not matchmake players based on their rank in the tier. Players will be matchmade based on arena points. 

Gold 1-3:

 Matchmaking will be based on player points like Common tier.


For the most part, matchmaking in Platinum will be freeform. This is because players in Platinum will not be able to gain arena points or increase rank until the last 24 hours before weekly reset. Anyone can be matched with anyone.

24 hours before weekly arena reset, the matchmaking will be based on both arena points AND rank. Players can be matched with anyone within 20 ranks of them, but if their arena points are too much lower, only the close 10 ranks will be visible.

Also, in the last 24 hours the matchmaking list will refresh every hour on the hour in addition to manual refreshes.


The Common tier does not have ranks.

The Gold 1 and Gold 2 tiers ONLY have ranks for players above the arena point promotion threshold. This is because there is a limit of 3000 players that can be promoted at each daily reset from those tiers.

Gold 3 has ranks for everyone because the top 250 players in Gold 3 will be automatically promoted to Platinum tier at daily reset.

Platinum tier will not have any ranks UNTIL the last 24 hours before reset. When that time comes, players will be given ranks 1-1000.

Arena Medals:

There is NO distinction between medals. Players will earn medals from both offensive AND defensive victories. There are two factors that will determine medal rewards from winning arena battles: arena tier, enemy team power.

Each higher tier will award significantly more medals per victory compared to the weaker tier. For example the common tier will award two medals, gold 1 will award four medals, gold 2 will award six medals, ETC. This will provide necessary incentive for players to climb higher in new classic arena.

Additional medals will be awarded based on the enemy team power. For example ETP (enemy team power) 1-49k is 0 additional medals. ETP 50k-99k is 1 additional medal. ETP 100k-149k is 2 additional medals. This will not only provide necessary incentive for players to fight stronger battles, but also will make it more worthwhile for players to inevitably fight stronger battles in higher arena tiers.

Arena Points:

(The arena point system is still being thought out. I'll make changes if I have better ideas but for now this is it.)

In the removed arena, the amount of arena points gained in a battle seems to be largely based on how many arena points the opponent has.

In this new arena, there will always be a baseline reward of 5 arena points. Additional arena points will be awarded based on the player power of the enemy.

Players will earn double the amount of arena points for winning defensive battles, while only losing half the amount for losing defensive battles.


(The rewards section is incomplete. I'll complete it later.)

The common tier will have 3 reward brackets. Each bracket will give mostly the same rewards as the removed arena's gold 4 tier; except that rare skill tomes and silver are in the reward pool. The difference in the bracket rewards will be lower chance for better gear and shards, lower amounts of currency, ETC.

All Gold tiers have 2 reward brackets. Both brackets will give the same rewards, but the stronger bracket will have a higher chance for better or more rewards (for example higher chance for 6 star gear over 5 star). This will incentivise players to move up in the tier.

The Platinum tier will have 10 reward brackets for each 100 places. The top 10 players will be awarded additional rewards. 

Stat Bonuses:

Drop arena tier stat bonuses and instead fortify those stats in Great Hall. Tying stat bonuses to arena tier progression is a primitive and barbaric practice that is not needed in my arena system.


Plarium if you implement a feature in the game based on this idea, put 100k gems into my account.

This idea is massively brilliant.

27 март 2021, 06:3327.03.21
27 март 2021, 06:34(отредактировано)

The fact that your changes needed a lot of explanation, it could be too complicated for some players to understand especially to new players.

The "registration system" in arena has also negative effect in the game. First, in the first few days after reset, there could be considerably small amount of players that will join arena. You should also consider the fact that not all players do their dailies. In effect, matches will be a lot harder if only serious players who likes arena will join after reset. 

Second, what keeps end game players to just join 24 hrs before reset? So they will keep their ranks? Maybe you mentioned it somewhere but it will help if you will enlighten me. 

But your suggestion still a change, it may or may not work. It should be tested by thousands of players first of different ranks first. 

27 март 2021, 17:3227.03.21

The fact that your changes needed a lot of explanation, it could be too complicated for some players to understand especially to new players.

The "registration system" in arena has also negative effect in the game. First, in the first few days after reset, there could be considerably small amount of players that will join arena. You should also consider the fact that not all players do their dailies. In effect, matches will be a lot harder if only serious players who likes arena will join after reset. 

Second, what keeps end game players to just join 24 hrs before reset? So they will keep their ranks? Maybe you mentioned it somewhere but it will help if you will enlighten me. 

But your suggestion still a change, it may or may not work. It should be tested by thousands of players first of different ranks first. 

they're not "changes". it's a completely different arena system. it needs a lot of explanation for how the feature works and how it will be implemented.

if i only explain to players how they would interact with this new arena, it would be a much shorter explanation.

"First, in the first few days after reset, there could be considerably small amount of players that will join arena."

good point. there could be incentives for people to register in arena early. first, there could be a pop-up message reminding players to register for arena once a day after reset. also, there could be currency or item rewards for players who register. the sooner they register, the better the reward will be.

of course the reward can't be too good, but at least good enough to entice new and weaker players to register. for example the player gets 500k silver or 100 gems if they register on the first day of arena.

"Second, what keeps end game players to just join 24 hrs before reset? So they will keep their ranks?"

nothing keeps them from doing that, but all players enter the common tier when they register. if they're in the third reward bracket in common tier, they can move up to gold 1, but they need to win 20 battles there to get the weekly reward chest.

if there are endgame players who aren't interested in playing arena, they will inevitably drop down to the tiers that weak players are in and cause trouble. if they can choose when they register, there is a lower chance of them making it harder for weak players.

27 март 2021, 23:2027.03.21

I think oyu have many interesting proposals...however, there is one who is just an invitation to cheat. 

Imagine gaining points from winning battles. 

You flip through the pages of the opponents until you find a Clan member....Now you spent half your ressources to attack him 10-20 times with a single Warboy....

Imagine doing this with your 2 or 3 FTP accounts.....

28 март 2021, 18:0028.03.21

I think oyu have many interesting proposals...however, there is one who is just an invitation to cheat. 

Imagine gaining points from winning battles. 

You flip through the pages of the opponents until you find a Clan member....Now you spent half your ressources to attack him 10-20 times with a single Warboy....

Imagine doing this with your 2 or 3 FTP accounts.....

good point. i'll make an addition to the matchmaking info that clan members cannot be matched with each other.

either that, or players can only lose offensive battles two or three times by the same opponent until they cannot engage with them anymore, unless they find them on another refresh.

of course, in the platinum tier there will have to be more strict measures, like if players lose an offense battle once, they can't re-engage that same opponent.

i'll think it over and then make the addition.

9 апр. 2021, 01:5609.04.21

all right. i added text to the matchmaking section addressing this.

19 апр. 2021, 15:5019.04.21

possible improvement idea to my platinum tier. would it be an improvement if on the final day before arena reset, players in platinum tier can only battle each other player in platinum once?

so if a player chooses to battle someone, they will only be able to battle them once regardless of whether they win or lose. this will make defensive battles about as important as offensive battles. over time, the amount of players can battle will dwindle.

on the other hand it can be exploited if the strongest players engage in hundreds of battles, they will reach the point where they are battling the weaker platinum tier defense teams unless there are restrictions implemented. maybe there can be a limit to how many offensive battles players can engage in on the last day of plat?

there is also a strong strategic element in this system because players will have to decide at one point, if they should keep engaging in offensive battles or if they should hold and rely on defensive battles.

19 апр. 2021, 16:3819.04.21

The  game  currently  has  13  Arena  Tiers.

I  don't understand why  you  want  to  reduce  it  to  5.

19 апр. 2021, 18:3019.04.21
19 апр. 2021, 18:31(отредактировано)

What i dont get is Why Players with 4 lvl 60s fully assended are in Bronze tier I or II or even into III 

I have yet to get a lvl 60 and I am faced with teams in bronze tier I  that have 1 or 2

 and Sometimes even 3 or 4 , How can those even be Bronze Tier I teams at all

I guess i am just way too used to PvP over the last 30 ywears that actually made some kind of Sense where as you got better you faced beter and bett3er opponents. As it is now players with one or two months of play time are facing opponents that have 6 months or 8 months in. There is no way in reality , unless you are spend $50 to $100 a Month that you can even hope to compete against those, a Newer player doesnt have the Energy to level up food to get those lvl 60s unless they already know exactly what they need to make an OP team of lvl 60s ,, and when you calculate the amount of Energy it takes to actually make 5 - 5 star food to make a lvl 60, then multiply that again by 4 , you are talking Months of playing 2 hours plus a day and What about 3000 energy per lvl 60? not to mention the Energy to Farm Gear in Dragon or the steps you need to climb to actually get to dragon 10 or 11 . Farming proper Speed boot alone is Brutal , never mind farming gear that has any type of decent sub stats,, that all takes Months,, a Few more then 1 or 2 for sure 

on top of that , we are penalized in Arena for Collecting heros in a ^Hero Collection Game^

Heros that we either dont know are safe to make into Food or if you actually decide to play one Area like Faction wars, you get Penalized in another area like Arena , People cry about Doom Tower , but I can understand after my first run at it that I would need some way better Heros , Heros that I might have made into food out of the Fact that i can not collect a good pool of heros or I get Penalized in Arena , I cant get a 1/2 Decent set of Faction war heros or I get penalized in Arena, The Heros i need to farm Pots in the Keeps Penalize me in arena

So, all i can say is the PVP Arena is the Worst system i have seen in over 30 years on Online Gaming and 100s of games 

19 апр. 2021, 18:3819.04.21
19 апр. 2021, 18:46(отредактировано)

The answer to why are so many lvl 60 en bronze i, ii. Is easy low population (in new players).

Here you steal points people whit 60 now are to many.

This happen to all old games. That is why most game change quest, arena, etc. 

Most time pass most unfriendly become to new people that is normal.

19 апр. 2021, 21:0819.04.21
19 апр. 2021, 21:10(отредактировано)

In all honesty some good ideas but just NOT resetting points would be a big help

I finished this week on 2250, bam down to 2000 at reset and i log on today for the first time to find im on 1930

Oh and i would love to put in a nice resist intimidating defence, but ...i havent got the roster.

At some point you just decide its too much effort to climb back up, the whole system is designed to push people down.

19 апр. 2021, 21:5019.04.21

In all honesty some good ideas but just NOT resetting points would be a big help

I finished this week on 2250, bam down to 2000 at reset and i log on today for the first time to find im on 1930

Oh and i would love to put in a nice resist intimidating defence, but ...i havent got the roster.

At some point you just decide its too much effort to climb back up, the whole system is designed to push people down.

I'm finally getting fatigued of arena myself. Went to sleep last night at 2285 and get up this morning back at 2000, won a went back and forth between 2010-2030 and went to work. Come home and I'm at 1930 points, and facing the same teams I did in gold 1 and gold 2. Almost every team I face is 30-100k power over mine lol?

After this fusion is over I'm done caring about arena, only going to complete the next arena torunement for the frags then it's just going to be jump in and win or lose 5 games for the daily.

Sorry to everyone even lower struggling my team is going to drop down hard because I can't give a single fuck about keeping rank anymore so at some point my team will be there screwing over people in worse positions than I am.

19 апр. 2021, 22:0019.04.21

I thought this new "system", for lack of a better term, is supposed to be fair.  But why am I being attacked by someone from a higher tier?  Hardly fair at all.

19 апр. 2021, 22:0219.04.21

I'm finally getting fatigued of arena myself. Went to sleep last night at 2285 and get up this morning back at 2000, won a went back and forth between 2010-2030 and went to work. Come home and I'm at 1930 points, and facing the same teams I did in gold 1 and gold 2. Almost every team I face is 30-100k power over mine lol?

After this fusion is over I'm done caring about arena, only going to complete the next arena torunement for the frags then it's just going to be jump in and win or lose 5 games for the daily.

Sorry to everyone even lower struggling my team is going to drop down hard because I can't give a single fuck about keeping rank anymore so at some point my team will be there screwing over people in worse positions than I am.

Its deliberately set up as a deflationary system, presumeably so people will get frustrated and spend money to fix it

That is the thing it doesnt actually get easier as you drop ranks, i took a look at silver 4 champs, and...if anything they are worse than the gold ones, arbiter leads everywhere, krisk/hedgemon defences are common and everyone seems to have madame...i suspect it wont get easier all the way down to bronze, because... the really imaginitive matchmaking ensures that

Ive stayed in gold for a month or so by diligently refreshing and fighting, but ...its supposed to be fun? and it isnt so im just gonna drop down to bronze

If i find i can do dragon 20 without the arena bonus stats that will suck but hey ho

20 апр. 2021, 10:2220.04.21
Player J

The  game  currently  has  13  Arena  Tiers.

I  don't understand why  you  want  to  reduce  it  to  5.

The main purpose of arena tiers is for greater rewards and challenges. Yes, the game currently has 13 arena tiers, but only 2 of those tiers offer any meaningful rewards (Gold4 and Plat). They are also the only tiers that give decent medal rewards. What is the point of having 11 tiers that give useless rewards?

In my system, the first tier acts as a casual arena with 3 reward brackets. The third bracket gives essentially the same rewards as the current Gold4. Players in my system are more strongly incentivized to climb up the reward brackets for even better rewards.

My system has less tiers because everyone above the first tier will drop down to the first tier at weekly reset. Each tier can have a greater significance too.

21 апр. 2021, 23:0521.04.21
Player J

The  game  currently  has  13  Arena  Tiers.

I  don't understand why  you  want  to  reduce  it  to  5.

in my system everyone drops down to the first tier when the arena resets. the first tier acts like a casual arena for people who mainly care about farming medals, but the third reward bracket in tier 1 gives the same rewards as the current gold 4 because those are the only relevant rewards.

in my system there is stronger incentive for players to climb the ranks to get better rewards every week.

21 апр. 2021, 23:2721.04.21

Why would you limit platinum to 1k?  I feel like it should be something someone can enter at any point but has a bit of a grace period before you fall out.  Something like legends league in clash of clans.

22 апр. 2021, 09:3122.04.21

in my system everyone drops down to the first tier when the arena resets. the first tier acts like a casual arena for people who mainly care about farming medals, but the third reward bracket in tier 1 gives the same rewards as the current gold 4 because those are the only relevant rewards.

in my system there is stronger incentive for players to climb the ranks to get better rewards every week.

Everyone drops down when the arena resets? So at the beginning of every arena period, newbies where matched to Hegemon based on their arena points (0 for everybody at new start). And after the newbie lost the first 20 times he just meets the next Hegemon teams, because that players missed the arena start and do their first match at day x of the new ranking period. Why is that the best arena? I left games because of such a PvP-system. No drop down in PvP!

22 апр. 2021, 11:1122.04.21

I thought this new "system", for lack of a better term, is supposed to be fair.  But why am I being attacked by someone from a higher tier?  Hardly fair at all.

what do you mean? i didn't say anything about being attacked by players from higher tiers.

23 апр. 2021, 23:2023.04.21

Why would you limit platinum to 1k?  I feel like it should be something someone can enter at any point but has a bit of a grace period before you fall out.  Something like legends league in clash of clans.

well mostly for plarium's sake i guess. it looks like they are extremely hard for this kind of arena tier at the top, where only the very best players can participate. to be fair i'm sure it does make them a good amount of money.

it increases the competition aspect, especially in my arena system.