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am I the only one who thinks the process is so slow?

am I the only one who thinks the process is so slow?

24 март 2021, 16:5324.03.21

am I the only one who thinks the process is so slow?

Hi, am I the only one who thinks the process is so slow that it just gets really boring, and you think what am I actually doing?


There is a little energy, you are quickly out game. Because you have little energy, you cannot farm a lot. You also receive very little silver. 

The quests require you to complete things in the arena, but this is difficult for you, so you cannot or hardly complete it. And it is precisely in those quests that you have to achieve the energy.

you are watching with full xp without energy or you have full energy without xp


The bonuses in the great hall, I almost fail to complete, because the arena goes a lot too slow.


If you think I have to adjust the masteries anyway, then you have to pay for it. And you don't have that.


The gear that is dropped in campaine is useless. You don't get the gear pieces you need and want to get in the dungeons, just pieces that are usually useless. But once in a while you get something that is useful to you.


Then you also get that upgrading your gear will lose a lot of silver due to failure. Even then, after upgrading, it turns out that your champion stats are not good yet, and then you change gear again. But this also costs silver, which you almost don't have. 

The arena is not in ballance, so there is little you can do 


Is not in ballance, so there is little you can do.  


Finally have a glyph that you were waiting for you get a fail with places on your gear, you have lost your good  and silver 

am I the ONLY one who has these frustrations?  

24 март 2021, 17:0424.03.21

Depend on who you talk to.

- To new players: you are right!

- To 2 years old players: get used to/already complete most tasks. 

24 март 2021, 17:2224.03.21

Sounds like you need a different game

24 март 2021, 17:2424.03.21

this game was not designed to be beat in a week , or a month, or even 6 months 

all you have to do is look at the daily rewards to realize that

Just scroll through the next couple of months rewards 

I get Dark Athel tomorrow 

then another 30 days till I get  Dark Elhain which will help my Ice Golem team a bit 

then 60 days to a useless Epic

Then it is 90 day till I can get Scyl of Drakes a useful Lego

and 180 day  SIX MORE MONTHS 

till i get Visix the Unbowed another useful Lego for an F2P player

So no I am not going to Win next week , or next month , or ever

24 март 2021, 17:3724.03.21

That is the RNG of raid. I thought the same when I started playing, but since I'm endgame + I see the value of everything and make the competition more fun and rewarding. It just getting there and managing your resources for events and 

24 март 2021, 18:3524.03.21

That is the RNG of raid. I thought the same when I started playing, but since I'm endgame + I see the value of everything and make the competition more fun and rewarding. It just getting there and managing your resources for events and 

'That is the RNG of raid. '

I think that is the most used excuse for bad game design you hear in RAID. Updating an item cost 2-3 millions ilver? It is RNG...you get the third Astralith? It is RNG...there is no Dupesystem, unbeatable arena opponents, nearly no big potions in the highest lesvel ? It is RNG...Designing upsettingly stupid accessories like the reaction stuff? It is just more RNG...

Somehow I think this is the standard reply if no real answers are availble...and you hear It is RNG way too often in RAID.

24 март 2021, 22:3524.03.21
24 март 2021, 22:44(отредактировано)

Sounds like you need a different game

I think .. Game itself is fun. there are too many obstructions  in the game that'll ruin it for me.

when i want to go gaming, it is impossible because i am now without energy.  

then I am forced to play a different game. that cannot be the intention 

24 март 2021, 22:4824.03.21
24 март 2021, 22:48(отредактировано)

It is by design, that is why energy systems have been around in games for a while, to be honest i have seen harsher energy systems than this before now.

Its designed to get people to spend money, want speed boots with good stats?....hundreds of dragon runs unless you get lucky which requires lots of gems for energy.

Want to compete in a tournament? hundreds/thousands of gems to compete.

Want to upgrade your champ? 10 legendary books to upgrade the important cooldown.

All in the hope that people will bypass the grind by using their credit card and to be fair they are a business trying to make money! they are not a charity

Most (80% to 90% of people ) wont pay and will just treat the game as a bit of a time waster and not worry about lack of progress. But it is the 10%-20% who get their card out that the game is geared towards.

They are no different in most ways to most freemium games, except for one.

Price- i dont mind dropping ten pounds a month on a game, i used to play wow and its like a wow sub.

But i recently got a nice champ and checked the prices to buy legendary books in the store...they wanted £23.99 EACH- i was flabbergasted.

But people must be willing to pay it, or they wouldnt price at that price point,

24 март 2021, 22:5324.03.21
24 март 2021, 23:41(отредактировано)

an extension is normal, but the prices are not normal ... I cannot afford that. That said, the process is much slow for me, I have no patience for that..  I want to pay quite a bit, I also have a lot of games on steam. but if you look for small things you pay a hefty price for this, of which you can buy a new top game on steam 

 and that is not the worst, but that energy has been so consumed, and you have not yet achieved what you wanted.. and the collected silver is often thrown away because its
fails a lot  with upgrading of the gear.

Too much goes wrong, such as not getting the right gear, upgrading gear fail, you don't get good champions with pulling with chards , often switching gear because the stats are not satisfactory. but that is not possible because you do not have enough silver.

glyph that you were waiting for, you get a fail with places on your gear, you have lost your good  and silver.  

too heavy opponents in the arena, so you will not get through the quests for your extra energy 

either sit with full XP but no energy, or sit with energy but don't have XP 

 that really doesn't make you happy 

24 март 2021, 23:0124.03.21

an extension is normal, but the prices are not normal ... I cannot afford that. That said, the process is much slow for me, I have no patience for that..  I want to pay quite a bit, I also have a lot of games on steam. but if you look for small things you pay a hefty price for this, of which you can buy a new top game on steam 

 and that is not the worst, but that energy has been so consumed, and you have not yet achieved what you wanted.. and the collected silver is often thrown away because its
fails a lot  with upgrading of the gear.

Too much goes wrong, such as not getting the right gear, upgrading gear fail, you don't get good champions with pulling with chards , often switching gear because the stats are not satisfactory. but that is not possible because you do not have enough silver.

glyph that you were waiting for, you get a fail with places on your gear, you have lost your good  and silver.  

too heavy opponents in the arena, so you will not get through the quests for your extra energy 

either sit with full XP but no energy, or sit with energy but don't have XP 

 that really doesn't make you happy 

I could afford it, but on principle i am not going to pay hundreds of pounds for power ups on a game, when that money can go on meals out, holidays etc. 

But if people want to do that, then that is their decision and there is nothing wrong with doing so.

Or- they can stay ftp and accept it will take a very long time to progress, but yes if you are neither willing to pay or wait to progress then raid is prob not the game to play....i may well stop myself (i usually get bored within 6 months and i am approaching 6 months now)

24 март 2021, 23:0124.03.21

In a given day you get roughly seven full energy refills, between the passive amount from just waiting, and the active amount from quests. Honestly, I find more often than not, that I struggle to use all of the energy I'm given.

24 март 2021, 23:1424.03.21
24 март 2021, 23:14(отредактировано)

In a given day you get roughly seven full energy refills, between the passive amount from just waiting, and the active amount from quests. Honestly, I find more often than not, that I struggle to use all of the energy I'm given.

Over half of that goes on the 30 auto missions, but you are right there is enough energy to take up a fair bit of peoples time each day. The rng upon rng means that you quite often dont get much achieved in that time but you have a fair point :)

24 март 2021, 23:2224.03.21
24 март 2021, 23:32(отредактировано)

Over half of that goes on the 30 auto missions, but you are right there is enough energy to take up a fair bit of peoples time each day. The rng upon rng means that you quite often dont get much achieved in that time but you have a fair point :)

I have quite a few chamions without gear, because I don't get suitable gear for them, and the gear I have is not good enough for the stats either, because I am not getting any further than I am now.
I also need better champions 

too heavy opponents in the arena, so you will not get through the quests for your extra energy that you can earn in that,
what kramaswamy.kr is talking about .