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Looking for advice on who to upgrade first.

Looking for advice on who to upgrade first.

23 март 2021, 17:3723.03.21

Looking for advice on who to upgrade first.

Hi everyone.

A while back i put up a message on who to 6 star first. On advice of everyone i went with Kael who is my campaign farmer.

However i am now wondering which hero(es) i should make 6 stars after Kael.

I'm fairly new to the game and i like a lot of the heroes i have but I don't know which ones are priority and I would like to get some help with that. I've added my hero roster.

I'm not particularly focusing on any part of the game yet. So i'm pretty much looking for a good allrounder.

Thanks in advance, really appreciate your help.


23 март 2021, 17:5423.03.21

Awesome champs.  You need to live in 12.3 for a month.

23 март 2021, 18:2323.03.21
23 март 2021, 18:27(отредактировано)

my recommendation for your upgrade order

Miscreated Monster -> Angar -> either Dhukk or Tayrel, both are great but they fullfill the same roll and you only need 1 of them in your team at this stage > Deacon

23 март 2021, 18:4623.03.21

how many books do u have? who is booked already?

23 март 2021, 18:5623.03.21

Your entire top row of heroes need to be 6 star with the exception of Atur.

Atur is a good hero, but you might not need him.

People have used Atur in there Barbarian Faction Wars team, but your new to the game.

Most people don't focus on Faction Wars till they complete all the Arbiter Missions.


You should put your Atur in your vault and save him for later down the road.

As far as which hero to 6 star next, I would go with Tayrel.

Tayrel is a very powerful - All Round hero.

Tayrel is good everywhere - I can't even think of a place were he isn't good.


Last thing I will say is you need to fix your Kael.

Your Kael is built very badly.

It is one of the worst Kael builds I have ever seen.

A lvl 60 Kael should be able to Solo all of Brutal Campaign Mode by himself.

This means your bottom row gear pieces should be a minimum of 5 star gears.

Gloves - Chest - Shoes all 3 star = Garbage

Also, It is better to have your Kael in Lifesteal gear.

Kael in Lifesteal gear does better in Clan Boss + Dungeons.


C.RATE Gloves - HP% Chest - SPD Shoes

ATK Ring - C.DMG Amulet - ACC Banner

Don't try to copy my stats exactly because you will not be able too.

I am using 6 Star Epic & Rare Gear which comes from farming High Stages of Dungeons.

You are not farming High Stages of Dungeons because you are a beginner.

In Addition, you have 11 heroes which you need to get to level 60.

This means for the next few months all your energy should be used in Campaign.

You need to level food to make more 6 stars.

While you are Farming Food, You should farm Gear from Campaign.

Campaign Chapter 5 gives Accuracy Gear.

Campaign Chapter 8 gives Lifesteal Gear.

Brutal Mode gives Common & Uncommon 5 Star Gear.

Nightmare Mode gives Common & Uncommon 6 Star Gear.

Common & Uncommon gear are not the same as Rare & Epic gear.


Remember, you are not fighting the Dungeon Stages I am fighting.

I am fighting Stage 20 - I need 30k HP + 200 ACC for my Kael to survive Stage 20.

You are fighting Stage 10 - You need 15k HP + 100 ACC for your Kael to survive Stage 10.


You Grind to get your heroes from 3 star to 4 star to 5 star to 6 star.

You Grind to get your gear from 3 star to 4 star to 5 star to 6 star.

The End Goal is to have Legendary Heroes with Legendary Gear All 6 Star.

It takes a very long time to do all of this.

If you are an impatient person, this isn't the game for you.

If you get bored easy by doing the same thing over and over, this isn't the game for you. 

This game is pure repetition - Doing the same thing over and over for months.

24 март 2021, 06:2824.03.21

Thanks all for the replies. In particul player J for the detailed response. I appreciate it.

Thank you for all the tips and guides Player J, this will get me on my way nicely.

I'm aware that my Kael is built badly. But the gear he's using is pretty much all I have at this point, i've only recently started using him because I was unaware of how strong he was. I will focus on getting Lifesteal gear as of now as he can't carry 3 food heroes in brutal with his current build.

And yea the grindy part of this game is clear to me, I do not mind it though, I like the game a lot.

Could you perhaps tell me for example 3 heroes which I should focus on after Tayrel and in what order. I would really appreciate that.

Thanks again for the help.

24 март 2021, 06:4224.03.21

how many books do u have? who is booked already?

I don't have many books, only 3 legendary ones.

I put a lot of my books in Deacon since he was the first epic i got and i liked him.

Deacon is fully booked and Kael, the rest not so much.