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Classic Arena Team Suggestions

Classic Arena Team Suggestions

20 март 2021, 07:2120.03.21

Classic Arena Team Suggestions

I am trying to build a team for the Arena

Lead - High Khatun 19% speed boost

Apothecary - turn meter / speed

Kael , AOE, Poison, 

Mountain King, Shield set, HP based attack

Should I replace MK with SOulbond Boyer for Turn Meter Depletion of enemies. below is my roster

whtat if I use spirithost to remove all buffs before my AOE hits all enemy champs?

Does it make sense to have a second apothecary and then my AOE can hit at least thrice?

If I have Apothecary at 180 speed and Jigglehunter at 170 speed, when I start, all champs will get 24% boost, so if a champ has 160 speed, it should 40 speed boost on account on jinglehunter and when apothecary casts speedup, all champs will get another speed boost, but how much will the cpeed boost be overall keeping mind that Apo has 180 speed, and jingle has 170 speed and rest of the champs are at 150 and 140




20 март 2021, 15:4820.03.21

You should replace apothecary with tayrel.

What your team really lacks is a def down debuff and he's the strongest one you have. Apothecary is good, but you already have hk providing a boost to turn meter, so one or the other of them will be largely wasted unless your kael is extremely slow. You also should stop making rank 5 champs and focus on getting your best ones to 60.

As a brief aside, aura skills scale off of base stats, not total stats, so in the above scenario jinglehunter wouldn't be increasing their speed by nearly as much.

20 март 2021, 17:1020.03.21

Carpe_Piscis allready said the most important things.

Just some little addition: Souldbond Bowyer will not work as turnmeter maniuplator in Arena because that skill is only single target. 

21 март 2021, 04:0821.03.21

If it was my account, I would go Ham & Cheese on them Dupes.

I see 2 Yaga's - both level 40.

I would upgrade 1 Yaga to 5 star and use it as a 5 star chicken.

I see 2 Rearguards - 1 level 50 + 1 level 40.

I would upgrade the level 40 Rearguard to 5 star and use it as a 5 star chicken.

I see 3 Kaels - 2 level 60 + 1 level 50.

The level 50 Kael would be gone so fast another 5 star chicken.

I see 2 Shaman - 1 level 60 + 1 level 40.

I would upgrade the level 40 Shaman to 5 star and use it as a 5 star chicken.

I see Armiger level 50  - I hate Green heroes.

I would use Armiger as a 5 star chicken.

if you did those 5 things, You would have a new 6 star hero.

In Addition, Take a look at the Rare hero with the X on her face.

I see 3 of them staring at me.

Yep, 2 of them = Gone

It would be 2 more 3 star chickens


I'm so Sorry.

I have had a moment to calm down.

This thread is about Arena team.

I got carried away above.

I went to find an Arena team for you.

As I started looking through your pictures for a Team, I started seeing Dupes.

Dupe after Dupe after Dupe 

They just started Popping up at me.

The lack of Dupe system is a very emotional issue.

It causing some players to get emotional & rage.

Your account isn't even my account.

Yet, I started trying to delete there existant off the account.

Sacrificing them all as chickens.

I want to take this moment to apologize for trying to sacrifice all your dupe heros.

You can keep your dupe heroes.

Its totally fine - I don't know why I got worked up over nothing.


Arena team I was seeing for you is the following:

- High Khatun

- Spirithost

- Tayrel

- Kael