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Help make Madame and Bloodfeather deadlier

Help make Madame and Bloodfeather deadlier

19 март 2021, 06:0119.03.21

Help make Madame and Bloodfeather deadlier

I've got them up to lv.50. Ascended 4 times each. Bloodfeather seems to kick but, and is rather fast. Her kit is +42 SPD, +57% Crit Prob, +80% Crit DMG. She can make a dent on Lv. 60s without Shield buff, and even take it down, plus some paint with it. But she's still one-two breaths away from dying. 

Madame is same, lv.50, 4-stars ascended. But I made her into a debuffer with +41 SPD and +129 Aim. She's not the beater of the group, but she's sure to remove Shields and other annoying stuff. But again, two breaths away from dying against strong champs. 

19 март 2021, 07:3919.03.21

Post screenshots of your champs. They could be badly geared, or just extremely squishy, or any number of other things, but without seeing their full setup, it's hard to see what the exact issue is.

Aside from that though, get them up to 60. (Madame, at least. Bloodfeather is pretty mediocre so she's probably not worth the resources.)

19 март 2021, 07:5419.03.21

Best way of making Bloodfeather deadlier is fusing her into Rhazin. That is a good argument to stay at lvl 50, what is the level you need to do the fusion.

Maybe you should focus on another damagedealer in arena.

19 март 2021, 11:2319.03.21

12.3 brutal + rhazin

19 март 2021, 11:3719.03.21

12.3 brutal + rhazin

True. Bloodfeather would be much better used for fusing Rhazin. What other champs do you have?

19 март 2021, 19:3119.03.21

Post screenshots of your champs. They could be badly geared, or just extremely squishy, or any number of other things, but without seeing their full setup, it's hard to see what the exact issue is.

Aside from that though, get them up to 60. (Madame, at least. Bloodfeather is pretty mediocre so she's probably not worth the resources.)

Also, I've Sir Nicholas, Kael, Beardal Fellhamer, Visier Ovelis, Missionary, Bushi, Shaman, and Zargala. 


19 март 2021, 21:1619.03.21

Wait? What?

Why do you have Attack gear on your Serris?

19 март 2021, 21:1819.03.21
19 март 2021, 21:19(отредактировано)
Player J

Wait? What?

Why do you have Attack gear on your Serris?

Seemed logical at the moment. Or was it sarcasm?

19 март 2021, 21:4219.03.21

3 Ways Players Build Serris:

1st - Full Perception or Full Accuracy or Mixture

2nd - Shield + Immortal

3rd - Immunity + Speed

All 3 set ups can be used in PVP.

All 3 set ups can be used in Doom Tower.

Only 1 set up is used in Dungeons.

The Priority is ACC > SPD > DEF% or HP% or BOTH

Everything esle doesn't matter.

20 март 2021, 04:3720.03.21

Well, that clears things up.

The reason you're having so much trouble with your Serris is that her gear is flat-out awful. There are three main issues with it.

1) The set choice. Perception is a good set choice for her, but attack is fairly pointless snce she's not a damage dealer. Most serris builds use a mixture of speed and accuracy/perception gear since those are her two most important stats. (I would advise you take the other builds mentioned with a grain of salt. Immunity is wonderful in arena, but not so much in other areas and serris just doesn't have the hp to make a shield set worthwhile, unless you gut her main stats.) 

2) The rank. Having rank 5 gear on her will make a huge difference. If you don't have what you need in the right sets, it may be worth it to put her in mismatched gear as a stopgap. You'll lose the set bonus, but the higher gear increase should ideally make up for it. Particularly in her def stat, since going from rank 3 to rank 5 is a pretty significant step up.

3) The level. Your gear is level 8. This is certainly your biggest issue as to why she's not performing, since all her equpiment is providing less than half its stat boost. Obviously, getting all her equipment maxed will be pricey and may have to wait, but try and at least get everything to 12 (weapon can be left as is for now since her atk really doesn't matter), and get the most important ones to 16 asap.

20 март 2021, 05:4420.03.21

Sooooooo, I couldn't help myself to use the Immortal set. I haven't really checked what do I have in store. But I do have a lot of basic armors and was able to craft some more. 

She's lost a lot of kick, but now seems to last longer. I know, I should have used higher level, but I'll have to go grind a few more days before I can upgrade them up to Lv.12.

Thanks for the tips! I'll have them all in mind.
